AP: Jackson was healthy

whats chopra and all the others gonna say now. place your bets for the excuses they come up with

:smilerolleyes: I wish the media would mention that these people haven't seen Michael in years.

She was the one who claimed the 108 lb weight on her FB time and time again.

And people on her facebbook are now challenging the Autopsy Report. Making it sound like it was fake and made up. One poster even made it sound like AEG paid the pathologist to lie....isn't that illegal? BTW *This is not a direct quote from karen but one of her fans on her FB* but Karen is very pissed right now as she posted on her FB. Why? Isn't the truth important? I don't know why she's so defensive. Perhaps because she was caught lying about his weight at the time of his death. Bye Bye book sales....

For the record, I believe the autopsy report over anyone. It's illegal what people are saying about an autopsy coverup. The man was a healthy 50 year old man. His main ailment was Lupus and vitiligo and normal arthiritus(sp?) which happens when you age. There was no reason for this brilliant talent to have died.

Its strange that KF is pissed about the autopsy report contradicting her. Perhaps she should have never shared that "information" in the first place.

they announced from the get go they were going to make a dvd documentry of the whole process so its not something they just came up with

I didn't know this. Was this posted in the TII subforum? (Perhaps in the article about AEG saying the film would vindicate them?)
Im so sick and tired, MEDIA will never stop, only a miracle would do it, i just dont believe in miracles anymore, Michael was just FINE, FINE, insomnia came cause he was tortured by the media, i really have to go, this really affected me, God! Michael should be alive! unjustice every where.
Michael Jackson was 100% drug-free!No painkillers, no addictive drugs, just doctor injected stuff.
Was this posted in the TII subforum
i dont know, it was reported on alot at the time and in the weeks after when they started releasing the odd clip to the media.they were gonna make a docu of the whole process from the dancers auditions all the way through
Michael alvays says, that tabloids are trush, and he told us not to read those ....
That`s true...
Oh god...

"Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathon"- Michael Jackson

And some never believed he had vitiligo. The coroner's findings make me wanna cry.

Any MJ fan would know. Any fan that wasnt a "bandwagon" fan that jumped on board as MJ died. Simple research on the internet shows proof. Same with the cases in 93 n 05 for example.

Michael Jackson was 100% drug-free!No painkillers, no addictive drugs, just doctor injected stuff.

How can you say that... no pain killers? Don't lie to yourself.
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Can anyone please please make a video in youtube about all this just to educate the masses? We have to fight them! They will never respect Michael.

Our voices can be heard...
Well this now proves, he was affected by all the media taunts, subjected by all the crap, anyone in his situation couldn't of coped, he was killed by the evil, scum of the media, and the only way he could sleep was by a lethal injection by his doctor.

So sad news tonight, the media have blood on their hands, what a horrible society we live in, a good man was killed, just because he brought a lot of love to the world.
That doctor will pay for this! I knew this whole time he killed Michael! And why did Michael have tattooed eyebrows and lips? :( I don't get that part and they sure did use a poor choice of words chronic insomniac grr i am so upset. I just hope Michael didn't feel any pain while he was dying I heard that he fell down and collapsed :cry:
That doctor will pay for this! I knew this whole time he killed Michael! And why did Michael have tattooed eyebrows and lips? :( I don't get that part and they sure did use a poor choice of words chronic insomniac grr i am so upset. I just hope Michael didn't feel any pain while he was dying I heard that he fell down and collapsed :cry:

Hay there hun
Most artist have tattoo make up of some kind there is nothing wrong with having it at all big hugs x
Well this now proves, he was affected by all the media taunts, subjected by all the crap, anyone in his situation couldn't of coped, he was killed by the evil, scum of the media, and the only way he could sleep was by a lethal injection by his doctor.

So sad news tonight, the media have blood on their hands, what a horrible society we live in, a good man was killed, just because he brought a lot of love to the world.

Dark days indeed. I'm losing all faith, I really am.
cosmetic tattoos are common.hell! i'd have them if i could afford them. look at the time and make-up it would save.
yeah I'd do my eyebrows if it didn't hurt that much! I'm a baby about pain. I think I have nice eyebrows and I wanna keep 'em that way 'cos I know that eyebrows usually lose their cohesion as we age.
cosmetic tattoos are common.hell! i'd have them if i could afford them. look at the time and make-up it would save.

of course Michael had a really big skin pigmentation problem, its like he had no color, he needed to do that, why so much hype??? its so ignorant to even ask why...
****Michael Jackson's Death Ruled 'Homicide'*****
Video from CNN:
Video link
CBS News

Latest Update (10/1/09)

(CBS) More details about what happened in the final hours of Michael Jackson's life are surfacing, especially what occurred during the critical 81 minute gap between when Los Angeles police say his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, found Jackson not breathing to when he finally called 911.
Police say that, after Murray found Jackson unconscious, he called his office and stayed on the phone for a full half-hour, "Early Show" national correspondent Hattie Kauffman reported on the broadcast Wednesday.
A police affidavit says Murray found Jackson not breathing at 11 a.m. the day the singer died. But the 911 call wasn't made until 12:21 p.m. And now, cell phone records show Murray made 47 minutes worth of other calls.
At 11:18 a.m., Murray made a 32-minute call to his office in Las Vegas. At 11:49 a.m., he called another Las Vegas phone number for three minutes. And at 11:51 a.m., he called Houston for 11 minutes. Then at 12:12 p.m., he called a Jackson associate for one minute.
Kauffman reported the police affidavit shows these calls happened while Jackson was unconscious in his bed and Murray was performing CPR.
I believe Michael Jackson was already dead before Murray called his office workers around 9:20am and asked them to
remove "something" from his warehouse storage.
I also believe Michael Jackson's body was removed, and placed in another room with the temperature raised very high, and i.v. fluids given
so it would be difficult to determine the time of death.
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your not alone hun, This report brings mixed feelings for me. I honestly don't know what to think.

I'm just glad it show's HE WAS NOT A DRUG ADDICT!!!. Which so many people has been saying including folks on here.

I know this will probably get a lot of people against me, but I think AEG and Sony might be behind these reports to get themselves off the hook.

"Michael Bearden, musical director for Michael Jackson's "This Is It" tour, just told TMZ the Coroner's findings debunk naysayers who claimed Jackson was too weak to perform."


Even though I personally don't think Michael was a drug addict, I do believe he was not ready to do the shows and they are just trying to prove that Michael was healthy and ready to do the shows.
Well this now proves, he was affected by all the media taunts, subjected by all the crap, anyone in his situation couldn't of coped, he was killed by the evil, scum of the media, and the only way he could sleep was by a lethal injection by his doctor.

So sad news tonight, the media have blood on their hands, what a horrible society we live in, a good man was killed, just because he brought a lot of love to the world.
This is sooo true...
I hope in 100 years from now when historians talk about MJ, they will be more objective and mention the horrible treatment he received from the media.
I actually feel like making a time capsule, bury it on the ground with the tabloid trash in it and various essays from many fans to the future generation about MJ's suffering in the hands of media! Hey! That sounds like a nice idea actually! We could call it "Revenge from the Future" or something...!!! LOL :D
i dont know, it was reported on alot at the time and in the weeks after when they started releasing the odd clip to the media.they were gonna make a docu of the whole process from the dancers auditions all the way through

Ok, thank you.

yeah I'd do my eyebrows if it didn't hurt that much! I'm a baby about pain. I think I have nice eyebrows and I wanna keep 'em that way 'cos I know that eyebrows usually lose their cohesion as we age.

It's not fun to get your eyebrows frequently waxed or threaded, so I see why MJ didn't bother. Besides, I thought the eyebrows bit was old news.

What's important here is the report which says MJ had normal kidneys and that most other major organs were normal (the inflammation problem with his lungs some in this thread are saying was caused by lupus). Those who were screaming that Michael was a drug addict and that his death was his fault must be very quiet now.
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your not alone hun, This report brings mixed feelings for me. I honestly don't know what to think.

I'm just glad it show's HE WAS NOT A DRUG ADDICT!!!. Which so many people has been saying including folks on here.

AMEN, Meena!!!!!

That's why the investigation must continue - it's a SCAM the media and MJs killers are trying to project, yet the truth always comes out vindicating MJ.
Only thing this new finding does, is back up what some around him and Michael himself, had been saying prior to June 25th.

I agree with you on this so much.

THis report made me so angry. This is a medical thing. It shouldn't be here out for public.
Michael was a human being, beautiful and delicate human being. Not a thing. His body was not a thing either. All those information are so private. I don't think he would like them out.
I am so angry now. :angry:
i wasn't asking why and wasn't being ignorant.
its no big deal about the tattoos i'm only saying its very common now.
i only know what i have read about vitiligo like most pple and i read something about how pple with it lose lip colour, not so bad for a woman that can use lipstick. not so easy for a guy.
Hubby read this in the website of our major national newspaper and told me. Now I've read all 20 pages of comments here and I feel numb. :cry: I hope the autopsy findings are correct as a part of me is glad that now many unfounded claims and idle gossip can be laid to rest. The haters should be eating humble pie right about now. However, if the first one (TMZ) is already trying to get back on the druggie band wagon they just fell off of, too bad. Some people can't read.

The bottom line is, what everyone's been saying, Michael didn't need to die and would not have died if it weren't for Murray. Is his arrest finally imminent now? IT'S SO WRONG!!! :pray:
I agree with you on this so much.

THis report made me so angry. This is a medical thing. It shouldn't be here out for public.
Michael was a human being, beautiful and delicate human being. Not a thing. His body was not a thing either. All those information are so private. I don't think he would like them out.
I am so angry now. :angry:

I agree, this is so awful. :(
When someone has been murdered, the official investigators must determine if the victim had enemies or others who wished him harm. There were people in the music industry who deliberately
made Michael Jackson's professional and personal life difficult.Michael Jackson talks about such people in the
following videos:

Michael Jackson asks for Justice in the Music Industry...

In London speaks against Sony and Tommy Mottola

Michael Jackson: What The Fans Will Never Forget
of course he was healty, otherwise he would not have done 50 shows!

But did you "hope" he was sick, would that make his death more easier?.. I dont know. Im glad he was healty til the day he was murdered :( This is shit.