American Idol Top 13: Michael Jackson Week!

WOW....that was bad, whoever that guy was, who sung beat it, was realllllllllly bad, o_O I think he did a terrible job, Michael must be very dissapointed and may God have mercy on his soul!!!!!!!!!

Simon was really rough on him, but he really shouldn't have attempted to sing "Beat It". I haven't heard one person do that song justice. The original by Mike just can't be beat.
I am actually surprised here tonight... most of the versions have been very well done.
My ears continue to bleed lord have mercy these kids take no chances why not try something from OTW and Invincible for crying out loud :mad:
Black or White...
Lovely :rolleyes:


Omg did he just try to do a hiccup thing ?

:no: well that failed.
And he has murdered BOW
These people are picking some um shall I say unlikely songs....
Michael has so many melodic songs I'm confused why people would pick something like rockin robin
Adam's performance was by FAR the best of the night that guy was good, the rest of the night whatever! He did justice to BOW :flowers:
And when Kara said "I hope Michael Jackson is watching this." Adam grinned and mouthed "Love Him" I think...

And Ryan just went "Hey Michael...if you're watching..."

Hmmmm.... Maybe a live phonecall??

All of them going "this just in, we have the King Of Pop on the line...!"
Matt..."Human Nature" the high notes were ok...i guess!

Is it me or are all singers nowadays have the same kinda voice...I dont know what is...


And the MAtt guy really sucked at Human Nature, but then again > Michael sounded like an angel on that record, who can beat that? :rolleyes:
Matt did ok... quite honestly after some of these perfomances, it was one of the better ones...