Very disappointing that the AMA's didn't do a tribute to Michael, its actually very disgusting considering MJ is the greatest entertainer/artist who ever lived!
SO true, it really hurts me, this was Michael Jackson, he was an American, and the Greatest Entertainer, the greatest Artist of all time, and he didnt got any tribute, how could they do such a thing???
About the artist of the year, i dont care, as we all say and know Michael was THE artist he was destined to be the greatest artist of all time, but how could they just not deliver a big truly deserved tribute to such an artist???, i cannot understand it, i really cant, i mean why??? why??? he deserved that and much much more, Michael created a new way of showing music, he was the greatest innovator, its a shame what the American Music Awards did, in terms of artistry is an unforgivable thing.
I hope and i have great hopes that the
Grammy Awards will do the right thing, with a very deserved tribute, a deserved dedicated long tribute, nothing like a little pic or a show of only the Thriller/Bad videos, that would be shameful, Michael did not only did Thriller or Bad, they need to praise and remember and RESPECT a talent of his extreme great magnitude the way he deserves it,
and they need to advise it, or i refuse to watch it, i wont watch it, if no proper tribute to MJ is delivered, i wont, i cant, that is against my principles of betraying talent and craft and abillities and hard working to become the best and give the best to the public, and i just cannot do it, i wont, they better pay the tribute that the GREATEST ENTERTAINER OF ALL TIME has won, cause Michael won this honor by becomeing the greatest entertainer /artist of all time. And that all i have to say