Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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It looked liked Adam tripped on the dancers foot and rolled three times. After that he got up embarrassed. He was so nervous and his vocals were off because of that. I do feel bad bc his album comes out tommorow and this is not good press for him. Hopefully he will recover ok from this.
It was good I'll enjoy wacthing it with my mom Taylor wins so big on that night. Michael my idol won! aka the king of pop..... Alicia Keys did a nice job perfoming "Try Sleeping With A Borken Heart" & with Jay-Z yep it was good
I didn't particularly care for Adam. I thought his performance was very boring, his vocals not solid.
Adam didnt pick the right song

now if he would have sang something slow
like we just love you

And they say Michael grabs his Croch?:smilerolleyes:

Michael doesnt look lude or crude grabbing his crotch ...
plus he never shoved some guys face in his crotch either :scratch::mello:
he had to much class ..

Adam can sing but he is certainly not a dancer
he looked kind of clumsy all the way through
he needed a different song and better coreography
to fit his dancing ability ..

Whitney had nothing but a spotlight an out shined them all
becuase she has (IT)

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Michael doesnt look lude or crude grabbing his crotch ...
plus he never shoved some guys face in his crotch either :scratch::mello:
he had to much class ..

He can sing but he is certainly not a dancer

True.. I just feel bad for him.. Adam is not a dancer but he is a singer, he should focus on his singing more
At least Michael won 4 of the 5 awards. Taylor was very classy in her acceptance speech. The fact that she mentioned Michael and his family in the beginning of her speech shows me that she has integrity and class.

Well yeah, she is not that stupid...

Too many performances. Why did Alicia Keys perform twice? Too many commecials. I actually want to see more awards given out. I bet there were a lot that were given out not shown either.
the most disgusting part is that did NOT honored Michael Jackson, you know, its Michael Jackson, im not talking about DJ AM(no mean to disrespect dj AM) but this was Michael Jackson, he died only four months ago and NO TRIBUTE???? WTF is wrong????

Taylor is sweet, but c'mon, Michael should be in a category of his own without any competition, hands down. He had a new album, he had the movie, he had phenomenal sales. It was his last chance, they honored Ledger at the Oscars, why couldn't they give this last one to him??? Taylor has her whole life ahead to win awards. Its not right.
yeah, i dont GET IT

My thinking tonight was this:

When Michael beat Taylor in the 1st award that he was up for tonight, she would win the country music one she was up for.....she won. Same when Eminem faced off against MJ and lost...welll Eminem lost to Jay Z.

When my wife and I saw Artist Of The Year, before they announced the winner, I said If MJ doesn't get it, Taylor will......sure enough Taylor got it.

If I could change things around and leave it at MJ winning 4, Taylor would have beaten him earlier, but MJ would have won Artist Of The Year.

I"m not dissapointed like some fans are. MJ won 4 awards...4 of 5. I personally thought he'd win at least 2. 4 is VERY GOOD.

What we all should be pissed off about isn't the fact he lost to Taylor for Artist Of The Year, but the fact they didn't do any sort of tribute to honor his life/career.
that what upsets me, is like ok, they even make Alicia keys perform TWICE:bugeyed, instead of putting her twice, they SHOULD have done a PROPER TRIBUTE, this was MICHAEL JACKSON for Gods sake...

It's okay... bb...

I dont like her that much too....

Her Cinderella fairy tale teen agnst songs may seem cute at first but it drives me nuts...

People always praise her song-writing skills but it's really not that hard to write about teenage heartbreak and love....
Oh God, i always said it, anyway the most disturbing part was the no TRIBUTE, no tribute whatsoever!, the only one who paid him tribute was actually Taylor Swift with her speech

I agree. But it IS hard to write a hit song about a woman accusing you of having her child, cause they "danced on the floor in the round" together.

Now that's songwriting.

just posted at ABC News:

'...Jackson was named favorite male artist in the pop/rock and soul/R&B categories. His brother Jermaine accepted on his behalf, thanking Allah "for blessing my entire family."

The singer, who died of an overdose in June, also won two awards that were announced off the air. His hits collection "Number Ones" was named favorite album in the soul/R&B and pop/rock categories, beating out Swift in the latter...'

read full article at: [URL][/URL]

I wonder why in that family they always let Jermaine go and take MICHAELS AWARDS, have you noticed he thanked all his family first(they have nothing to do with Michae's solo work) and then at the end and only at the end he thanks Michael, this was an AWARD GIVING TO MICHAEL, not to that freaking family, the only ones i save are Michael's children,

so i got to this conclusion, if his own family does not credit Michael properly, why would the American Music Awards do it?? its like his own sick family discredit him ALL THE TIME, they have been puting Michael in shame since his death no more than 5 months ago

So all the awards he is winning are really not his, but for the entirely family??? this is all Joe, Jermaine, and last Michael???, what the FUCK is wrong with that family??? im guessing they are tremendoulsy angry that Michael didnt let them any MONEY, NO MONEY AT ALL TO THOSE BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND THAT FATHER, poor Michael, with all this family trying to get on the spotlight, wonder how much jelousy he had to suffer...

I had fun commenting with your guys. See y'all at the Grammy's ;)

Why, so they would not make any proper tribute, and if they do, the one getting on the spotlight is that bastard Jermaine?

TO THE GRAMMYS dont invite JERMAINE OR JOE OR LATOYA, only the Jackson children, Prince Paris and Prince Michael II, this is a message to Katherine TOO, dont let them do it again, your son has died, at least protect his image... you have failed him in his life, sorry but someone has to say it, and im not disrespecting NOONE, just saying the TRUE, thats how it is. and you know it

Just saw Janet's performance, she did briliant!

The last song she sang, is that really a Janet Jackson song??

What are your predictions for the Grammys....

Will there be a tribute or no tribute???

I'm not expecting much to be honest...
WTF!! I missed it!! Oh and FU to taylor swift kanye was right!! No talentless bitch so have won over Michael Jackson let's protest
Someone should make a thread of adam lambert, cause i really dont care about him AT ALL... sorry im angry with the Jackson family, (saving Michaels kids only of course, and may be Janet..)
Janet was great :)


aawww... "everywhere I go, every smile I see, I know YOU are there, smiling back at me. Dancing at MOONLIGHT, I know you are FREE...."

My dear MJ... how I miss you tonight :-(

(thanks for the excellent video, I couldn't see this before)
Your link doesn't work :(

I don't know what the song is called, but the last song Janet sang, is that one of her own?
yes its her own song its called "together again" go to utube u'll find the video right away.

What are your predictions for the Grammys....

Will there be a tribute or no tribute???

I'm not expecting much to be honest...
IT SHOULD, but seeing all that ishappening, who knows??? is that family, they are the ones that are... well you all know
Michael doesnt look lude or crude grabbing his crotch ...
plus he never shoved some guys face in his crotch either :scratch::mello:
he had to much class ..

that's true. but that also reminds me of that fangirl getting down to her knees and her face right in front of MJ's (you know what) with the gold pants. he took that like a gentlemen and acted like it never happened. so like him.
aawww... "everywhere I go, every smile I see, I know YOU are there, smiling back at me. Dancing at MOONLIGHT, I know you are FREE...."

My dear MJ... how I miss you tonight :-(

(thanks for the excellent video, I couldn't see this before)

Oh that part had me in tears :(
I had fun watching the show and commenting on here tonight. You guys made me laugh with some of your comments.:)

The show seemed awkward with J. Lo and Adam Lambert stumbling and everything in between. It just looked like most everyone was tired. Maybe they all need some time off for Thanksgiving.

Turned out to be a pretty good night. Michael won 4 out of 5 awards in his category and broke yet another record. I am so sorry he isn't here...
Oh that part had me in tears :(

No doubt.... this song always used to put a smile on my face, for it makes me dance like crazy, I really love it and I hope, I really hope there will come a day when I can sing and dance to this again thinking of Mike dear. but so far... impossible :(
Your link doesn't work :(

I don't know what the song is called, but the last song Janet sang, is that one of her own?

Sorry I was trying to embed it


is it this one?
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