Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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Don't like TS at all!

Give it 5 years and noone will remember her. She will be forgotten as fast as she became famous!
just posted at ABC News:

'...Jackson was named favorite male artist in the pop/rock and soul/R&B categories. His brother Jermaine accepted on his behalf, thanking Allah "for blessing my entire family."

The singer, who died of an overdose in June, also won two awards that were announced off the air. His hits collection "Number Ones" was named favorite album in the soul/R&B and pop/rock categories, beating out Swift in the latter...'

read full article at:
yes Adam took a bad fall. he hit the ground and rolled 3 times to make it seem like he was ok. Poor guy :cry:
goodnight yall. Over all we had a good night. We know who's really the greatest.

Love you Michael, you are the best and I am so proud.

Goodnight. Yes, we sure do know who's the greatest. Everyone does, even Taylor! No one will ever be even as good as Michael, let alone better.
Originally Posted by babykinsilk05
If she didn't win, all of the media would have been calling it BS because like it or not she IS the biggest selling artist THIS YEAR and this awards show is based on SALES.
MJ sold over 10million copies of album this year. What are you on?
Sold out shows, HIGHEST GROSSING DOC!!

It's really weird that she won MTV best music video and then this. Probably her record company buy the award. It happens in some Asian award shows.
... well this is for beeing sweet... I think Mike is MUCH SWEETER than Taylor.....

any doubts on that??
wow it was all going so good until the end... I have to go cry in my bed... Sorry Michael and Adam :cry:
Guys, I've had such a good time commenting with you all in here. Thank you for your company! L.O.V.E.
Sending love and prayers to Prince, Paris and Blanket, and to all the Jackson family. xoxo :cry:
This all feels so unreal..

Goodnight everyone. With L.O.V.E. :huggy: :heart:
i dont wanna sound bad, but is Janet using Michaels dead to resurrect her career??? God i cant believe it, she dint even went to accept Michael's awards...
I was a bit disappointed with the final result but am glad MJ won 4 awards. He now has the record for the most AMA's won EVER! That is a huge accomplishment. I am proud of that.
He fell? I musta missed that one

agree! (except the part about loving her music)

Geeezz you are right.

I like her music. That's it.

Aggggggggggg!! WHY, WHY, WHY????????

(don't go telling me "It's human nature", please....
I think so. even michael jackson's new fans(after his death) are much more than Taylor's. Number ones are 03 album and sold crazy this year, that means all new fans bought them. I can't believe his votes are less than taylor's. no way!

It was probably a sympathy vote because of the Kanye fiasco, but that's ok she seems like a nice person. As long as Feminem didn't win it was ok.
My thinking tonight was this:

When Michael beat Taylor in the 1st award that he was up for tonight, she would win the country music one she was up for.....she won. Same when Eminem faced off against MJ and lost...welll Eminem lost to Jay Z.

When my wife and I saw Artist Of The Year, before they announced the winner, I said If MJ doesn't get it, Taylor will......sure enough Taylor got it.

If I could change things around and leave it at MJ winning 4, Taylor would have beaten him earlier, but MJ would have won Artist Of The Year.

I"m not dissapointed like some fans are. MJ won 4 awards...4 of 5. I personally thought he'd win at least 2. 4 is VERY GOOD.

What we all should be pissed off about isn't the fact he lost to Taylor for Artist Of The Year, but the fact they didn't do any sort of tribute to honor his life/career.
I want to remind everyone how many times while MJ was here with us that he lost out on awards like this and we were like, "WTF????! He lost to him/her/them??! What's this world coming to?!" But most of those winners are probably barely known these days and MJ is still the KING OF POP and will be FOREVER. And he did win 4 awards tonight :) And broke another record... most AMAs ever won by one artist. I don't think we have to feel soooo bad about the one. It's crazy, but hey.
Michael won four awards - He broke the record for the most award won by any artist -total of 23

Michael Jackson won four American Music Awards on Sunday

"He also won two awards that were announced off the air. His hits collection "Number Ones" was named favourite album in the soul/R&B and pop/rock categories,
beating out Taylor Swift in the latter."

Michael You Are The Greatest

Jermaine accepting Favorite Soul/R&B Male Artist


Janet performing




It was probably a sympathy vote because of the Kanye fiasco, but that's ok she seems like a nice person. As long as Feminem didn't win it was ok.

Ey, yes, but ... c'mon! Let's not mix things here. This is an award for MUSIC, not for beeing sweet, or nice, or good mannered or nice looking. And it's the people's votes... so.... if a 03 albut got the prize for albumn of the year... how didn't he make to artist of the year?

No way!!!
Im only upset because Michael wasnt there.... and the only reason I said I didnt care for TS is because I really havent since she started singing.
My thinking tonight was this:

When Michael beat Taylor in the 1st award that he was up for tonight, she would win the country music one she was up for.....she won. Same when Eminem faced off against MJ and lost...welll Eminem lost to Jay Z.

When my wife and I saw Artist Of The Year, before they announced the winner, I said If MJ doesn't get it, Taylor will......sure enough Taylor got it.

If I could change things around and leave it at MJ winning 4, Taylor would have beaten him earlier, but MJ would have won Artist Of The Year.

I"m not dissapointed like some fans are. MJ won 4 awards...4 of 5. I personally thought he'd win at least 2. 4 is VERY GOOD.

What we all should be pissed off about isn't the fact he lost to Taylor for Artist Of The Year, but the fact they didn't do any sort of tribute to honor his life/career.

I know, I was really hoping they wpuld do a re-cap of Michael's history with AMA! I mean, Michael has participated in this show since he was a teenager... He even hosted the awards in 75, right? So disappointed...
This is why Michael left the US, and to think Taylor is in London right now, instead of Micahel makes me sooo sad!!!
Taylor is sweet, but c'mon, Michael should be in a category of his own without any competition, hands down. He had a new album, he had the movie, he had phenomenal sales. It was his last chance, they honored Ledger at the Oscars, why couldn't they give this last one to him??? Taylor has her whole life ahead to win awards. Its not right.

I agree. But, at least Taylor Swift had the class to imply that she shouldn't even be in the same category as Michael. And I think they said he broke the record for the most AMAs won. I am also glad that Jermaine mentioned Michael's message.

I have really mixed emotions though, I am glad that Michael recieved these awards. But, it is bittersweet for me that he is getting them posthumously and not when he was here to appreciate it. And I kept thinking, with some exceptions, how Michael was just on a whole different level than a lot of the performers on the show tonight.
I want to remind everyone how many times while MJ was here with us that he lost out on awards like this and we were like, "WTF????! He lost to him/her/them??! What's this world coming to?!" But most of those winners are probably barely known these days and MJ is still the KING OF POP and will be FOREVER. And he did win 4 awards tonight :) And broke another record... most AMAs ever won by one artist. I don't think we have to feel soooo bad about the one. It's crazy, but hey.

Thanks for reminding us this.
Ok, who said the world is fair? And fair to MJ? NEVER!


That's all that matters!!!!!
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