Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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Doesn't Jennifer know you don't go jumping from heights in your Louboutins................
Haha-HAAAH *dead* @ this tweet:

YEAHHH right!!!
Please someone brings Bubbles!!! Or Muscles.....
You can't honestly tell me that more people voted for Taylor over Michael Jackson.

I was watching on and it had a chat room next to the video. Everyone was saying WTF when it was announced (and this is a neutral chat room not with fans of all artists).

I think that they fixed that last one! There's no other explanation!
You can't honestly tell me that more people voted for Taylor over Michael Jackson.

I was watching on and it had a chat room next to the video. Everyone was saying WTF when it was announced (and this is a neutral chat room not with fans of all artists).

I think that they fixed that last one! There's no other explanation!

I agree....
Michael won fav male R&B, fav male pop/rock, r&b album & pop/rock album. Just not artist of the year. So he got 4 out of his 5.

They seemingly handed out the awards for fav albums during the incessant commercial breaks, off the air. Crazy, huh? So MJ won two others that we didn't witness.

No, it wasnt your imagination. lol

lol reading your reply made me laugh! haha :)
It wasn't your imagination mjbunny! bahahahaha what a funny thing to be talking about. ahahaha
or maybe I'm just tired!
At least Michael won 4 of the 5 awards. Taylor was very classy in her acceptance speech. The fact that she mentioned Michael and his family in the beginning of her speech shows me that she has integrity and class.

Peace and love,

"though we're far apart, you're always in my heart..." :angel:
I just wanted to say good night to all! I followed this whole thread in real time and it was really fun watching with all of you, who know Michael is and will always be #1! :huggy: :heart:
Anyone who didn't see JLo fall


:lmao: :fear:

thank u Naad ..LOL i can't stop laughing ,
but i love JLO she's been so fond of MJ. but this was funny hahahahaha
I just wanted to say good night to all! I followed this whole thread in real time and it was really fun watching with all of you, who know Michael is and will always be #1! :huggy: :heart:

Goodnight my lovely! :huggy:
Can MJ win next year and be the Artist of the year?

He won't, though. This was his chance. After the phenomenal sales and sales jump and chart success, number one album, number one movie, etc, etc, etc., he should have won. Oh well. He is DEFINITELY the artist of the year in my book. And the artist of every year in my heart.
Too many performances. Why did Alicia Keys perform twice? Too many commecials. I actually want to see more awards given out. I bet there were a lot that were given out not shown either.

I am so happy for Michael but I feel so sad right now. It's still so hard.
LMAO...seriously...where was Kanye now?! Sorry Taylor you're cute and all but musically...Michael kicks your ass.
we all know, they know too, but i mean they need to promote her i guess, and Michael passed away... she's sweet and everything, but i mean, this may be the las t time MJ could won this...:(

Taylor Swift might be the artist of this year but Michael is the artist of this century.... =p
Of course, i dont get it...

I'm disappointed.
1. Where was the Michael tribute? Isn't this the American Music Awards? Michael is one of the biggest American performers of all time. Where is the respect for this American man, without whom many of the artists mentioned and shown on this awards show wouldn't even be in showbusiness?
2. They didn't show Michael's other wins.

i dont understand it, i thought the tribute would be the artist of the year award, anyway...

as an endidng, the show in a whole BORING and that taylor swift who i consider no wonder at all, even though she's "sweet" has won over a super talent like Michael, well dessapointing, but this is cause his not alive.

It would have been different if he was alive, I used to watch these shows earlier in the hope MJ would appear as a surprise guest, now is like so boring im waiting for nobody...

We still have like hundreds of unrealised songs from Michael, thats the most important, wonder when will they realize them, hope they dont take so long, music nowadays is CRAP.
murray is gonna talk about "what mj failed to do " so it's not about going back to work?????/??
rewatching the show now. Here's what I noticed about Janet and her dancers outfits, they have the pointed shoulder pad armors, similar to like what MJ had on in This is It. I noticed a few other artist sport pointed shoulder pad armor in tonight's performances. Did MJ start a trend?
im glad mj won the awards that he did and i agree that with how sickening it is how tweens are having such a huge impact on pop culture. BUT Taylor Swift is really talented and she's a sweetheart. Im touched she took the time to even mention Michael and his family. That was enough for me. i think that should be enough for everyone eles to. im sad he didnt win the last award but he still broke a record that no one eles will break for years to come. lets just be glad he won what he did.
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