Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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Janet was AWESOME, I got so emotional when she sang Together Again :cry:

I won't start on Taylor Swift - Artist of the Year, 'cause I might be pulling a Kanye LOL.
I'm glad he broke ANOTHER record (us mj fans are so used to record breaking achievements LOL!)

I'm gonna update the Michael Jackson's Incredible Achievements thread.
I am so happy for Michael that he won 4 out of 5 awards. He definitely deserved Artist of the Year, though. But if anyone else had to win it, I'm glad that Taylor did. She is really like the IT girl right now in the US. She's in all these commercials also for Rock Band, so i'm kinda getting tired of seeing her all over the place.

I was very, very, very surprised that there was not some kind of tribute to Michael. Extremely surprised. They freaking gave him a 20 minute tribute in 1984 when they gave him the Award of Merit. I wonder if the awards were supposed to be his tribute or something. But I am very disappointed that there was no acknowledgment of Michael's history with the AMA's. I bet if Dick Clark had been the producer, then there would have been. But I don't think he has been producing since he had his stroke some years ago.

But it was nice to see the MJ influence here and there throughout the show. Michael is still very influential over these young artists. My mother was watching some performance and noticed that the dancing was 'like Michael's'. :)
People are twittering that janet is having a big after party after the amas.
Anyone else surprised that she is throwing a party already?
People are twittering that janet is having a big after party after the amas.
Anyone else surprised that she is throwing a party already?

oh no...pleaaase don't ask questions that could get people in trouble with their answers..
I would be surprised if Janet is host at an after party.
I am so happy for Michael that he won 4 out of 5 awards. He definitely deserved Artist of the Year, though. But if anyone else had to win it, I'm glad that Taylor did. She is really like the IT girl right now in the US. She's in all these commercials also for Rock Band, so i'm kinda getting tired of seeing her all over the place.

I was very, very, very surprised that there was not some kind of tribute to Michael. Extremely surprised. They freaking gave him a 20 minute tribute in 1984 when they gave him the Award of Merit. I wonder if the awards were supposed to be his tribute or something. But I am very disappointed that there was no acknowledgment of Michael's history with the AMA's. I bet if Dick Clark had been the producer, then there would have been. But I don't think he has been producing since he had his stroke some years ago.

But it was nice to see the MJ influence here and there throughout the show. Michael is still very influential over these young artists. My mother was watching some performance and noticed that the dancing was 'like Michael's'. :)

yeah, they all try to BE Michael Jackson... wonder if that is good, im sure is good for them, but umm, i dont know, its an honor for Michael of course, but who knows they may hurt themselves, i mean so much over production I( in clothes and all that)does not mean you are gonna become the greatest superstar... i mean you have to be born with that, but is good they are trying, whether they are men or women, they all try hahahaha...
Each and every entertainer, performer, artist, singer etc. out there these days are inspired by MJ. In sort sort of way. His influence is HUGE.

The mere fact that they sing and dance at the same time is thanks to Mike.
I was very, very, very surprised that there was not some kind of tribute to Michael. Extremely surprised. They freaking gave him a 20 minute tribute in 1984 when they gave him the Award of Merit. I wonder if the awards were supposed to be his tribute or something. But I am very disappointed that there was no acknowledgment of Michael's history with the AMA's.

Same here... they even used Mike in its promotion... whatever, these guys show no real respect, so I rather no tribute, than a fake tribute.

Michael was so honest, so real, so passionate... how can they just get over him so easily? I just don't get it. And I hope I will never get to understand them, for I don't care.

Michael Jackson.

Just read that name.

Michael Jackson.

... and try telling me there is anyone better. no way. I am so sure and possitive about that, that I really don't care about fake tributes. In time I hope we will see real tributes, celebrating his life, his genious, his legacy. We (*) forget too soon :-(

***NOTE: I didn't mean MJ fans by saying "we forget too soon"... None of us would be able to do so, I mean general people in regard to many important things that should always be remembered :(
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Like someone said earliar in their post. If Dick Clark was producing the show would be different... FOSURE
Same here... they even used Mike in its promotion... whatever, these guys show no real respect, so I rather no tribute, than a fake tribute.

Michael was so honest, so real, so passionate... how can they just get over him so easily? I just don't get it. And I hope I will never get to understand them, for I don't care.

Michael Jackson.

Just read that name.

Michael Jackson.

... and try telling me there is anyone better. no way. I am so sure and possitive about that, that I really don't care about fake tributes. In time I hope we will see real tributes, celebrating his life, his genious, his legacy. We forget too soon :-(
I totally agree with all you say until the "we forget too soon", umm thats not me, im sure is not you either and many arround the world:)
Michael Jackson was and is the greatest ever!

They should have given him a tribute. After seeing the commercial for AMA I was sure they would do something.
I totally agree with all you say until the "we forget too soon", umm thats not me, im sure is not you either and many arround the world:)

Oh, sorry, I dindn't write that the right way.
I mean we, human beings, forget so soon the good things. We, as fans, of course, will not forget him. How could we? But many will. Many fail to recognize his legacy and genious, even now. Many think MJ was all about "Cause it's the thriller, thiller" and "Beat it, beat it". We know he was that and much, much more.

But many don't want to accept this, many deny it and many feel any "new-commer" can be better than him. And I don't mean Taylor by that. She's fine. But MJ gave his whole life to music and you see.... people thought he was "over".

How sad :-(
Oh, sorry, I dindn't write that the right way.
I mean we, human beings, forget so soon the good things. We, as fans, of course, will not forget him. How could we? But many will. Many fail to recognize his legacy and genious, even now. Many think MJ was all about "Cause it's the thriller, thiller" and "Beat it, beat it". We know he was that and much, much more.

But many don't want to accept this, many deny it and many feel any "new-commer" can be better than him. And I don't mean Taylor by that. She's fine. But MJ gave his whole life to music and you see.... people thought he was "over".

How sad :-(

the true is that some people only know Thriller, its their choice, i must admit the Thriller song is NOT my favorite, i discoverd Michael cause i felt i see myself in him, see when in your heart you are an artist you instanly start to discover him, is like nature taking its course, who cares about those who dont know him, certainly i dont :)
Many tried to deny his talent for a long long time, some still try, but see noone can deny it, may be someone who does not have education in music and dance and songwriting, producing etc, or has bad taste or is simply jelous, but now, i mean the ones who love the art of music are discovering him, happy about that, those who try to deny his talent everyone knows is jelousy(sorry for them) or they simply have other tastes, now denying his talent thats a big demostration of jelousy, is os easy to see, sorry for them, ignore them... you know you are the one winning... so why care for them??
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OK...AMAs just finished (Los Angeles broadcast). Overall... "meh". And I'm not saying that to be mean or anything. It truly was "meh".

And omg.. Taylor Swift won Artist Of The Year. This is why I just don't bother or take these awards seriously anymore. I mean she's nice and talented but come on...
Oh well.. congrats to her and everyone else in the ceremony.

Not what I had high hopes about. And I will NEVER watch another AMA show again. This was the first in years since Ive seen it again. And it just brought back memories which explain why I stopped following them in the first place.

Rock on Janet Jackson. I wish you all the best.
Hello guys

I just got back from my work. Any video clips of Mj winning those awards? I see many of you are upset at Taylor winning the award "Arist of the year" but see it this way.... these people have an award show to run. I think they have struck a fair balance between MJ fans and the rest. Honestly, I am very happy that MJ won 4 and is in the news again in terms of record breaking stuff.

Can you imagine how many people are pissed that MJ won those 4 awards? believe me many! Anyways f@ck em! but I am for one not complaning.

Just last night I saw MJ auction beat the crap out of any other artist whose stuff was auctioned (including Beatles and Elvis) :)

but back to my question again.... any clips for those awards that Jermanin accepted?
Well Jermaine also made a good point. Its not about winning awards or making music. Its about the message. And Michael had it.

You can find all your clips on youtube now. Including the JLO fall. :)
RockWithYou28 - What is the record that MJ broke tonight?

With his four wins Sunday night, Jackson also became the most honored artist in the American Music Awards' history with a career total of 23. :clap:

With his four wins Sunday night, Jackson also became the most honored artist in the American Music Awards' history with a career total of 23. :clap:

Didn't he already hold the record for most awards received from AMA's prior to tonight??
Didn't he already hold the record for most awards received from AMA's prior to tonight??

Yeah probably, but i think all they did was just add more to that number. They kept saying it after each time he received an award. "Most honored blah blah".

I was actually hoping he'd take the Artist of the Year award . But that's probably just my wishful thinking.

Here, follow this link.

here's the first line copied and pasted...
"Michael Jackson made history
by posthumously winning four American Music Awards"

heres another line from that article..

"With his four wins Sunday night, Jackson also became the most honored artist in the American Music Awards' history with a career total of 23."
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