Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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I just rewatched Lady Gaga's performance and I must say that performance was like a 1988 MJ Grammy performance.

she delivered hard, and was bold to climb into that cube over all that broken glass. Watch Gaga's performance and compare it to MJ's '88 guys. The audience looked stunned and she got a standing ovation at the end of it.

She might have left empty handed last night with no rewards, but I hope she gets a whole slew of them at the upcoming Grammys.
what kanye did to taylor was mean and some of you are sounding a little like kanye yourselves

good luck to her, i hope she enjoy's the moment this time
pretty much sums it up

"There can always be another Taylor Swift, but there will never be another Michael Jackson. "

I can't imagine how fans must of felt during the 88 grammys



With his four wins Sunday night, Jackson also became the most honored artist in the American Music Awards' history with a career total of 23. :clap:

4 awards...YIPPY!!! go mike!

:dancin: :clap:
Go MJ...the Greatest entertainer that ever lived.
Yo, I'm really happy for all the winners and all, but...


CNN has become so low, he won 4 awards...

Sadly the whole media have always been retarded when it comes to anything that has to do with the Jackson family. :/

LOL I remember the Janet interview they said that Jermaine Dupri produced "Make Me", which is incorrect - Rodney Jerkins produced it.
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Michael would have never forgot to thank his three kids. They brought him a lot more joy in these past 12 years than all the Jacksons combined.

Anyone noticed, he almost forgot MJ when he picked up the second award? he named all the brothers (except for Randy!!) and started blabbling ...and added MJ's name as an afterthought.

He named his kids, but did not even mention MJ's three little angels.

If Jermaine is the only one available to pick MJ's awards, I don't want him winning anything until Prince reaches 18.

I am sure the kids will ask questions as to why their buddies Jermajesty & Jerfar attend the award ceremony where their own father wins, but their names are not even mentioned.

ETA: when he was interviewed on the red carpet I got the vibe that he wants his kids in showbiz. He told the interviewer that his son is in a group...and during the ceremony he took his kids on stage and introduced them.
Maybe he wants to steal some of the attention the press has bestowed on MJ3. Because often in paparazzi pictures, Jermaine's kids are never named. It is always the MJ3.
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I am just stunned by Taylor Swift's win.

Honestly... I'd understand if Michael wasn't nominated at all for artist of the year. But once he's nominated, how could he possibly lose to an artist like Taylor Swift. Michael has touched more lives this year, than I think any artist ever has in any year.

How does the "Artist of the Millennium" get beaten by such a flash-in-the-pan artist like Taylor? I guess voters chose her. Allegedly, the votes were audited by Earnst & Young. We'll let history ultimately decide who deserves 2009's Artist of the Year.
Michael would have never forget to thank his three kids. They brought him lot more joy in these past 12 years than all the Jacksons combined.

He named his kids, but did not even mention MJ's three little angels.

If Jermaine is the only one available to pick MJ's awards, I don't want him winning anything until Prince reaches 18.

Good point, I mean Jermaine brought his own kids and Jermajesty (for real?) even became a trending topic on Twitter after that. :lol:
However I think it's hard to remember everything in a situation like that - but I mean, Michael's own kids, come on.
Yes, Michael actually won four awards.

How can an artist win best male TWICE (pop and R&B) and not get artist of the year!

I still think that the last one was fixed!...........
That or majority of voters were 14 or under!!!!!!!
Ok, here's my two cents worth:

This was one of the better AMA's I've seen in a very longtime. Our older kids stayed up with us to watch it.

When Janet performed, "Together Again", I felt emotional. When the song was recorded, she said it was for the friends she lost to Aids, I could imagine it bared a different meaning for her now.

Jennifer Lopez entrance was amazing! I thought she was going to have a kick a$$ song and give a slamming performance. I was wrong. (imo), she fell short, and I don't mean that to be funny( for those who didn't see it, she literally fell, but being the professional she is, she quickly got back up and didn't miss a beat). The song wasn't strong at all to me, my kids didn't like it either.

Jay-z and Alesha Keys were amazing! They rock! He is too cool. We love him!

Whiteny Houston looked amazing. I am so proud of her. She did a wonderful Job.

For those of you wondering how could Taylor Swift win all those awards? It's simple. Kanye West (with his arrogant self, imo), made her "America's little darling" when his a$$ went against the "Establishment" by publically embarrassing himself and her on that other show.
He should have known, what thay would do. Of course Industry executives who are in position of power was going to make sure to put him in his place and anybody elese who would agree with his tactics by making her the "it girl" in Hollywood. I am not sure if Lady GaGa and Kerri Hilson were up for the same awards as Taylor Swift but there is no way(according to my 2 teenagers), Lady GaGa and Kerri should not have won anything. They both had amazing songs and tremendous airplay. Taylor Swift seems like she is a nice girl but the best part of her win for me was when she spoke very elegantly about Michael Jackson! That was beautiful and that alone made me appreciate her more.

Adam Lambert reminds me of an old 70's artist named Adam Ant. I liked his song but some of the performance was a bit much.

Lady GaGa's performance blew me away. She is so dramatic, isn't she. Wow!
I am just stunned by Taylor Swift's win.

Honestly... I'd understand if Michael wasn't nominated at all for artist of the year. But once he's nominated, how could he possibly lose to an artist like Taylor Swift. Michael has touched more lives this year, than I think any artist ever has in any year.

How does the "Artist of the Millennium" get beaten by such a flash-in-the-pan artist like Taylor? I guess voters chose her. Allegedly, the votes were audited by Earnst & Young. We'll let history ultimately decide who deserves 2009's Artist of the Year.

And the media are just loving the fact that Taylor won and in their words "beat the Prince Of Pop Michael Jackson" So damm ridiculous Prince of pop? LOL!!!!!!!

This was a conspiracy.
I forgot to mention, Rihanna!

I love her style. Everything she touches is a hit these days.

I haven't seen many of her live performances but when I do, I always wish her stage presence would be stronger, sometimes she doesn't appear to command the stage but lastnight, I was impressed! That was much better than the last time I saw her( I think it was the performance with T.I., i last saw before lastnight).

In my opinion, if she worked on her stage performance more, she could be the biggest female solo artist out now! She is so talented and her look is all her own, she is original and that is very rare these days.

Just my opinion.
I dont think its fair to say that Michael should be the Artist of the year - its about the voting, and MJ fans werent able to vote enough for Michael, if he didnt die, he wouldnt be nominated for any award..., taylor has her latest album, she is making her gigs, she is the star of the year....

The whole world knows who Michael Jackson is, and I expect the World Music Awards will be HUGE, and all about Michael Jackson, that means more awards for Michael, he is the total best seller in the world....
Michael would have never forgot to thank his three kids. They brought him a lot more joy in these past 12 years than all the Jacksons combined.

Anyone noticed, he almost forgot MJ when he picked up the second award? he named all the brothers (except for Randy!!) and started blabbling ...and added MJ's name as an afterthought.

He named his kids, but did not even mention MJ's three little angels.

If Jermaine is the only one available to pick MJ's awards, I don't want him winning anything until Prince reaches 18.

I am sure the kids will ask questions as to why their buddies Jermajesty & Jerfar attend the award ceremony where their own father wins, but their names are not even mentioned.

ETA: when he was interviewed on the red carpet I got the vibe that he wants his kids in showbiz. He told the interviewer that his son is in a group...and during the ceremony he took his kids on stage and introduced them.
Maybe he wants to steal some of the attention the press has bestowed on MJ3. Because often in paparazzi pictures, Jermaine's kids are never named. It is always the MJ3.

I haven't seen it yet, but if it was like this, then that's sad. :(
Anyone noticed, he almost forgot MJ when he picked up the second award? he named all the brothers (except for Randy!!) and started blabbling ...and added MJ's name as an afterthought.

I thought he was saving Michael's name for last, since Michael was the most important.

I wanted to ask, how are the winnders of the Grammy's nominated and chosen?

Does anyone think Michael would recieve something for the Grammy's?
Ok so..

I just finished watching Jermaine being interviewed on Japanese tv.

He did his usual speech about the Jackson 5 being the starting point for Michael and them being Michael's inspiration for his work :)mello:).. then he specifically named every member EXCEPT Randy. Again.

Double :mello:
I thought he was saving Michael's name for last, since Michael was the most important.

I wanted to ask, how are the winnders of the Grammy's nominated and chosen?

Does anyone think Michael would recieve something for the Grammy's?

No chance!

In order to be nominated, the album had to be release between August 2008 & August 2009.
What we all should be pissed off about isn't the fact he lost to Taylor for Artist Of The Year, but the fact they didn't do any sort of tribute to honor his life/career.

Yes! I couldn't agree with you more.

I am baffled as to why AMA didn't have a proper tribute for Michael.

I think fans should be upset about this more than TSwift winning the EotY.

While Michael should have and deserved the EotY award, a 19 year old artist did pay the best speech honoring Michael.

I really hope the Grammy's will be different. I hope there will be a proper tribute.
According to Access Hollywood, Jermaine said in MJ's behalf,

"First of all, I would like to thank Allah, for blessing our entire family. It’s not just about the winnings, the awards – it’s really the message. The message that Michael had will live forever, and that’s there’s good in everyone. Start with love, and let’s love each other… We love you, Michael."
I think it was fair TS won that artist of the year. I think its fair someone who has worked hard through the year and releasing something really new, complete stuff, wins it. Maybe you know what I mean. So it doesnt really matter who's catalog sold the most. Its very much possible Michael would have won that if he hadnt died, had toured and released something really new. We have to remember Michael sold mainly so very much just because of his death. If TS's new album wouldnt have been even close and had sold like half of Michael's Number Ones, it would have been different, but TS's new sold even more. I think Michael won i.e. in the male category because he was just so much better than anyone else... And he won those album awards because of the single songs it contain. They are #1 songs that have sold millions already. Thats how I see it...
I am just stunned by Taylor Swift's win.

Honestly... I'd understand if Michael wasn't nominated at all for artist of the year. But once he's nominated, how could he possibly lose to an artist like Taylor Swift. Michael has touched more lives this year, than I think any artist ever has in any year.
I am stunned too, and agree with everything else you've said here.

How does the "Artist of the Millennium" get beaten by such a flash-in-the-pan artist like Taylor?
Good question! I didn't see the show but am amazed at the news that Taylor won over Michael.

Jermajesty (for real?)
:lol: Somebody was really full of himself when naming that kid! :doh:

Jennifer Lopez entrance was amazing! I thought she was going to have a kick a$$ song and give a slamming performance. I was wrong. (imo), she fell short, and I don't mean that to be funny( for those who didn't see it, she literally fell, but being the professional she is, she quickly got back up and didn't miss a beat). The song wasn't strong at all to me, my kids didn't like it either.
Wow. I can't believe she fell. She's an "old pro" so that comes as a shock. I can't wait to see it (and the rest of the show,) on YouTube.
I have nothing against TS winning 5 (I'm not a fan of her music, but I am not going to drell around about it), Mike is the still the winner, he has more AMA's in his lifetime than many other artist and that is good enough for me.. :yes: He won 4 and that is also enough for me.

Not reading the other pages either if I want a headache.
I also think that this is not the last "hurrah" for our Michael.

I suspect we will have a "new" album with unreleased materials in the upcoming years, and I look for to a new album that will take the WORLD by a storm when it is released.

I am sure he will be in the running for the EotY award then, and quite possibly would win it if we remember to vote like crazy.

btw~ losing to TS in the EotY category doesn't do anything for me. If she were to take 8 grammy's in one night... that would be different.
I am just stunned by Taylor Swift's win.

Honestly... I'd understand if Michael wasn't nominated at all for artist of the year. But once he's nominated, how could he possibly lose to an artist like Taylor Swift. Michael has touched more lives this year, than I think any artist ever has in any year.

How does the "Artist of the Millennium" get beaten by such a flash-in-the-pan artist like Taylor? I guess voters chose her. Allegedly, the votes were audited by Earnst & Young. We'll let history ultimately decide who deserves 2009's Artist of the Year.

This is me..and probably many others..but I don't care about any award shows today(I'm a 20 year old guy). Sure, winning an award is great but all the "award" shows today feel so fixed and phony.By the way... Look at this AMA's for example..look at all the so called "performances" , they were all horrible(IMO) and many of the "artists" today don't have that special musical fire in their soul. Music today has become very stagnant and more so of a machine type business.

The whole world knows that Taylor Swift is just another little generic pop/country singer who appeals mostly to teen girls. She won't last..she's nothing special.
Oh Jermaine Jermaine... lol.

Anyhow, I do not care for the awards, I never voted for Michael. Call me crazy but awards does not define who Michael is. Let the new kids win something.. Michael has had enough awards. He will still be the worlds most famous person to ever live without all these awards.
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