Amercian Music Awards 2009 (Live TV Stream)

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This is a man who performed on the ED SULLIVAN SHOW!!!

This is a man who has performed in sold out stadiums and arenas AROUND THE GLOBE!!!


This is a man who had number one records before the age of 12!!!

This is a man who managed to garner incredible record sales after his death.

And so on and so forth.

Oh man, I am worked up now. :wild:

And very right you are!
Michael would have never forgot to thank his three kids. They brought him a lot more joy in these past 12 years than all the Jacksons combined.

Anyone noticed, he almost forgot MJ when he picked up the second award?

He named his kids, but did not even mention MJ's three little angels.

If Jermaine is the only one available to pick MJ's awards, I don't want him winning anything until Prince reaches 18.

I am sure the kids will ask questions as to why their buddies Jermajesty & Jerfar attend the award ceremony where their own father wins, but their names are not even mentioned.

Maybe he wants to steal some of the attention the press has bestowed on MJ3. Because often in paparazzi pictures, Jermaine's kids are never named. It is always the MJ3.
So true all i bolded, i CANNOT STAND JERMAINE! i cant see him no more or i will throw up, why do i have to keep on writing his name??? , its more about him than Michael, 8jermaine congrats, you finally DID IT!!)
Yes! I couldn't agree with you more.

I am baffled as to why AMA didn't have a proper tribute for Michael.

I think fans should be upset about this more than TSwift winning the EotY.

While Michael should have and deserved the EotY award, a 19 year old artist did pay the best speech honoring Michael.

I really hope the Grammy's will be different. I hope there will be a proper tribute.
Me too, i agree

I also think that this is not the last "hurrah" for our Michael.

I suspect we will have a "new" album with unreleased materials in the upcoming years, and I look for to a new album that will take the WORLD by a storm when it is released.

I am sure he will be in the running for the EotY award then, and quite possibly would win it if we remember to vote like crazy.

btw~ losing to TS in the EotY category doesn't do anything for me. If she were to take 8 grammy's in one night... that would be different.

I dont know, he will no longer perform, now its all about performing, how can he get the camera when he is, you know, dead, Thanks Murray...

Jermaine Jackson, wearing a glittery white glove in tribute to Michael, accepted two of his brother‘s awards, thanking "Allah for blessing my entire family" and naming each of his brothers and sisters.

probably he means the ones of the family who are alive
thats what i thought, horrible speech, Michael's dead, i cant take this awadrs shows, i used to look at them, and i said this before, only to see if Michael would appeared as a surprise guest, now, i have noone to wait for, how stupid is, but thats how i feel, how come i dont like other artists??? i just dont like them... i wish i would, i feel stupid, Michael probably didnt even care about beeing on those shows, cause he didnt wanted to be on them that much... with Michael gone, i dont like the music bussiness nd show business and that stuff, i find it boring...

I hate Jermaine...what a lowlife...he should get a job or something...trying to be Michael..
dont say it twice, cause he will, congrats jermaine, now with Michaels death, you finally did it!!!, cant stand him...

Janet has been black balled since 2004 for nipplegate and this Adam guy is praised.....Ummm???

as for Janet's performance last night...she is hardly mentioned anywhere and Extra has a vote for favorite performance of the show and Janet is not on the list...

when I watched her last night...I thought this would be her time to shine ...especially after her "back-stabbing" interview (this is my view)...but she was flat...lacked energy...

even in death MJ upstaged her once again.....(karma)
I guess they hate women, and love men more, i thought the same, i dont care these shows anymore, i dont and im glad, i love nature, im dedicating tiem to that now, and even though i am an artist i feel so desapointed about Michaels dead, i just dont like the busness anymore, i never did, they always treated michael bad, but he was alive, now, how can he prove them wrong??? THANKS so unfair...really i should get out of this board, people forgets what real talent is about, now a few light can make a talentless person the greatest star... how stupid and sad,

anyone can be called talented, they should mesure the talent, and say he/she is pretty talented or he/she is very talented, or he/she is super talented, cause now is like everydody is supertalented, see i have nothing against madonna, but she's not supertalented at all, she is an ok singer, sonwriter or wahtever but they called her supertalented and put her at the same talent level than Michael... and of course how can Michael win anything else now, he's gone forever...

I have a little hope a new album would get ut , just to hear real worked out songs, i just loved all MJ stuff, the way the were made unique pieces, i dont know, is my taste, i cant found i single one that i love as much as michael, i love all music most from the past, but nowadays it was about Michael, but he's gone, musically it feels so f empty, specially in the musical part...
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i just loved all MJ stuff, the way the were made unique pieces, i dont know, is my taste, i cant found i single one that i love as much as michael, i love all music most from the past, but nowadays it was about Michael, but he's gone, musically it feels so f empty, specially in the musical part...

Me too, I am enjoying nature even though there is so much damage done. And Janet's is the only music I can hope for today.

Who is Adam?
Ah, the good old days (yes, I sound like I'm 90). The 80's up until the very early 90's were for me the best period in music awards shows. Look how cute Barry Manilow was!

I never thought Barry Manilow was cute when I was small. Now, looking into this video, I think he was!!

Also, I am glad that the guys that present the award to MJ all looked like that they love him lots.
Me too, I am enjoying nature even though there is so much damage done. And Janet's is the only music I can hope for today.

Who is Adam?




He seems to be a big topic in news today because GMA cancelled his performance on Wednesday... I really feel bad for him. His album is not selling well and he is getting bashed so badly. I am happy that the Early show picked him up for a show though.
I disagree.. Adam Lambert will be a huge star I predict.
He gets people talking, he has edge and takes risks.
I love that in an entertainer.

If the controversy of the AMAs is too much to handle for some
he will get through this.. he always does


and he is a big MJ fan!! His audition was rock with you. Countless times Adam has defended Michael and stood up to him when nobody else did.

not to mention that tour!!! god it was amazing


He has a heart of Gold. He raised $130,000 this summer for children that needed supplies for schools. Im proud to be a friend and fan of Adams.
He is enchanting magical and I just love him. :)
I disagree.. Adam Lambert will be a huge star I predict.
He gets people talking, he has edge and takes risks.
I love that in an entertainer.

If the controversy of the AMAs is too much to handle for some
he will get through this.. he always does


and he is a big MJ fan!! His audition was rock with you. Countless times Adam has defended Michael and stood up to him when nobody else did.

not to mention that tour!!! god it was amazing


He has a heart of Gold. He raised $130,000 this summer for children that needed supplies for schools. Im proud to be a friend and fan of Adams.
He is enchanting magical and I just love him. :)

Are you Adam Lambert?
You are probably gonna laugh at me but....I actually tape recorded that performance and I would listen to it on my Walkman.....:lmao:.......That tape was so worn out ,,I played it so much the tape broke...ohh...what memories......:lmao:
Hehe, well you're not alone. My family didn't get a dang VCR until the end of 1988, so when MJ came to Denver for the Bad Tour I actually recorded the AUDIO of the television news report about the concert I attended. Agh! So that's all I have now: crappy audio from a little tape recorder that was held up to the TV speaker, lol. I did that for a Captain EO special as well. I used to be able to say, "Very beautiful within, your Highness, but without a key to unlock it. And that is my gift to you" so perfectly like Michael that I'd freak people out, lol. Audio sharpens the senses :lmao:
Hehe, well you're not alone. My family didn't get a dang VCR until the end of 1988, so when MJ came to Denver for the Bad Tour I actually recorded the AUDIO of the television news report about the concert I attended. Agh! So that's all I have now: crappy audio from a little tape recorder that was held up to the TV speaker, lol. I did that for a Captain EO special as well. I used to be able to say, "Very beautiful within, your Highness, but without a key to unlock it. And that is my gift to you" so perfectly like Michael that I'd freak people out, lol. Audio sharpens the senses :lmao:

That is so cute!
Can you guys seriously get the f*ck over Taylor Swift winning Artist of the Year and not MJ? The way some of you are carrying on about this, anyone would think MJ was left empty-handed at the AMAs. HE WON 4 AWARDS MAKING HIM THE MOST AWARDED ARTIST IN AMA HISTORY! Is that not good enough for you people? Seriously! :rolleyes2:
Michael! Michael! Michael!

I've never been one for award shows, but it's always nice to hear Michael won something.
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