2000 Watts- The Truth On MJ's voice

Even if he did, he can sing lower registers then that anyway, so who cares, lol. And J5, cinderella thinks Michael's got like a James Earl Jones voice in real life, lol. That's what she means.

LMAO I wish MJ WOULD come out one day talking like Mufasa :lol: Kinda reminds me of the simpsons episode when dude bust out with that ridiculously deep voice :lol:

well I believe that is MJ's voice. it's alllll a conspiracccyyyy that he's been keeping up since he hit puberty............

yep. lol
It's not MJ, it's an alien that came to earth, possest Michaels body and sang 2000 watts.. It's about the lighting system inside the UFO..

That's there ritual before they possest the body..

U would not want them to go inside of you and create a song would u?
I...think...it's too late.....I'm being... possessed....(twitch twitch)...


(busts out singing Barry White)
You've got that right J5. Everyone's voice fluctuates in register depending on the situation and mood. My voice goes from deeper to higher all the time. Everyone's does. The voice is a complex instrument with varying tones, registers, etc... Anyway, Michael's "deep" end of his voice isn't much deeper then what is percieved as his "high" end, lol. It's all a part of his voice, higher and lower register, either way.

Yes, that's Seth. I think the clip is from sometime in the late 90s or something, though I'm not sure.

Thank you for answering my question. :flowers: It so doesn't sound like MJ in all honesty (but I know it is him of course!), but being a singer myself, I can tell you that anyone reaching a lower than normal-for-them note ends up accessing a "voice" or part of their range that sounds and is totally different.

For example, I am naturally a soprano with a 2.3 octave range. When I try to reach lower than normal notes for me, I don't sound like myself. I sound more like a frog or something, so I prefer to sing those lower notes in a breathy / talking kind of whisper rather than singing them in full voice. :lol:

I hope that made sense in some way!

But, yes Michael's range is more extensive than people think. he is one of those rare singers that can make his voice do exactly what he wants it to do. :wub:
Yeah. According to Seth, Michael has a range of 4 octaves, which is extremely expansive and which very few people posses. So I imagine Michael's lowest and highest notes sound different from his regular singing range. Seth has also said that Michael can sing so high that people often mistake it for falsetto when in reality he is using full voice. He's a scary talented singer, but like you said, most people just don't realize it. A lot of people don't even know what makes a good singer these days, it seems.
Yeah. According to Seth, Michael has a range of 4 octaves, which is extremely expansive and which very few people posses. So I imagine Michael's lowest and highest notes sound different from his regular singing range. Seth has also said that Michael can sing so high that people often mistake it for falsetto when in reality he is using full voice. He's a scary talented singer, but like you said, most people just don't realize it. A lot of people don't even know what makes a good singer these days, it seems.

I thought he said 3.6 :unsure: There's a direct quote in "The Magic And The Madness" That says he's a "high tenor with a 3 and a half octave range."
(still quite expansive- the average vocalist has something like a 2 octave range)
I agree about the high notes- that's in the book too- and I have always insisted much of "Butterflies" is full voice, rather than falsetto- not all but a lot of it..
Yes, I agree, he's a scary talented singer indeed! :yes: being a singer myself, I can tell you it is almost essential to study MJ- the way he accesses different parts of his range and uses it is really quite remarkable!
I tend to not take anything in the Magic and Madness book to heart. Randy T has serious issues lol
I tend to not take anything in the Magic and Madness book to heart. Randy T has serious issues lol

what are you talking about....

I have never, ever read a book...and I am not going to....
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He talks deep sometimes when he is accepting awards. I think the high pitched voice was used alot in up until the Dangerous era.
what are you talking about....

I have never, ever read a book...and I am not going to....

I wasn't referring to you lol

And Sharon, MJ's "high pitched" (which it isn't really) voice has always been there, always will be there. Listen to the Oxford speech, any of the LWMJ documentaries lol The Ebony interview...etc
yea i think the album version was altered ...pitch was lowered..but its still MJs voice...but the adlibs and everything else is exactly the same
DUDE seriously....

The voice in 2000 watts is not THAT low..

It sounds deeper than it actually is because of the instramentals.. It's a darker tone, which makes everything sounds deeper than it really is..

It's an overall tone that your mind hears..

Your mind creates a feeling, a sound also.. That's why music is so powerfull.. The reason why they play sertain music at sporting events, elections, ancient compititions, movies..

Every instramental has a mental reaction.. U hear a very high and long string. Ur mind prepares for something bad happening..

It's all a mental trick..

His voice is not THAT low.. It is just a LITTLE lower than 'who is it'..

And knowing Mikes voice did get A LITTLE deeper since then, it is fully understandable how he can get to that tone..
I tend to not take anything in the Magic and Madness book to heart. Randy T has serious issues lol

I knew i'd get a comment for that source. :lol: It is a direct quote from the book- as you know, there are very few. WBSS21 also said something that was in M&M about Michael's higher voice- I am pretty sure it's a correct and direct quote. :yes:

I agree, the book is trash, but some parts of it are correct. :)
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I thought he said 3.6 :unsure: There's a direct quote in "The Magic And The Madness" That says he's a "high tenor with a 3 and a half octave range."
(still quite expansive- the average vocalist has something like a 2 octave range)
I agree about the high notes- that's in the book too- and I have always insisted much of "Butterflies" is full voice, rather than falsetto- not all but a lot of it..
Yes, I agree, he's a scary talented singer indeed! :yes: being a singer myself, I can tell you it is almost essential to study MJ- the way he accesses different parts of his range and uses it is really quite remarkable!

He did say it was 3.8, I think, 44 notes I think. But he said that, in the 90s, Michael's range expanded, due to age, to 4 octaves. He retained his highest notes while gaining lower notes at the same time.

I think on "Earth Song", certain parts near the climax, when Michael sings very high, before the "what about us" refrrain, those are in full voice, I think. Though I'm not an expert, so I don't know for sure. But it sounds like it's in full voice to me, when he sings "Haheeahah". And the parts when he sings "Ahahahaheeah", etc... And also, on "Cheater", when the chorus comes up and he sings "Cheater" underneith the layered vocals, that's very high and in full voice too, I'm sure. But yeah, like you said, the way Michael controls his voice while changing registers is astounding. It's so smooth and unditectable. He's a consumate professional.
no, I'm 90% sure of it....:yes:

take it or leave it, guys

regards, cinderella

Well but it's not, lol. Of that I'm 100% sure.
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He did say it was 3.8, I think, 44 notes I think. But he said that, in the 90s, Michael's range expanded, due to age, to 4 octaves. He retained his highest notes while gaining lower notes at the same time.

I think on "Earth Song", certain parts near the climax, when Michael sings very high, before the "what about us" refrrain, those are in full voice, I think. Though I'm not an expert, so I don't know for sure. But it sounds like it's in full voice to me, when he sings "Haheeahah". And the parts when he sings "Ahahahaheeah", etc... And also, on "Cheater", when the chorus comes up and he sings "Cheater" underneith the layered vocals, that's very high and in full voice too, I'm sure. But yeah, like you said, the way Michael controls his voice while changing registers is astounding. It's so smooth and unditectable. He's a consumate professional.

Thank you WBSS21! :D On the demo "What About Us", he sings a lot of it in falsetto. The final song is sung mostly in full voice I think- it's quite amazing! :yes: