2000 Watts- The Truth On MJ's voice

now what..? mmmm... you could either read the post i was responding to and explain yourself,,,, or go back and play in your little corner much like you've done in most of the thread. if you think he just sang into a microphone and went straight to CD, then you'd be wrong. there's intentional effects and processing to make it sound like MJ wanted it to.
now what..? mmmm... you could either read the post i was responding to and explain yourself,,,, or go back and play in your little corner much like you've done in most of the thread. if you think he just sang into a microphone and went straight to CD, then you'd be wrong. there's intentional effects and processing to make it sound like MJ wanted it to.

well, I'm not playing.... that's how I think..... honestly

this is my opinion.... I'm entitled to have one, or am I wrong?
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you're not wrong but you're not explaining your opinions and expecting people to reply back. quite frustrating, as sad as that sounds on an internet forum.
you're not wrong but you're not explaining your opinions and expecting people to reply back. quite frustrating, as sad as that sounds on an internet forum.
what should I explain?.... I believe that Michael's real timbre of voice is much lower than people think....

actually, it is not that I'd been aware of it
since the very beginning.... to tell you the truth this thought was kind of shocking to me a long time ago (it's not anymore).... as I said before I've read even a q. by Seth Riggs about it , unfortunately it was in a Polish fanzine and I couldn't find the orginal version of it ( but I hope I'll find it one day and post it here)...
and there have been some ocassions that made me believe that it is true...
anyway, more or less... there you have it....

is it enough for you?
just asking
well then you misquoted (and apparently misunderstood) me above ("and now what") because that's not what i was disputing and in fact been supporting your notion throughout this thread if you had read my posts.
well then you misquoted (and apparently misunderstood) me above ("and now what") because that's not what i was disputing and in fact been supporting your notion throughout this thread if you had read my posts.

really? OK... so I have to check them again:yes:
regards, cinderella

OK, I have

yes, true.. you've been supporting my opinion....
sorry for misunderstanding you
regards, Kate
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Actually no, that really is Michael's voice, he's just altering it. He did the exact same voice in a 1975 home movie which is floating around youtube. He actually can change his voice like that, which is crazy.

he can change his voice to a soft pitch....
I want ppl to hear an acapella version of it..

his voice is not that deep.. REALLY it's not..

It's just the next register after the voice he uses in 'who is it'..

Not that different at all.
All Im saying that Mj's voice is a NORMAL deep. Always have been, always will be. It's soft because thats how he talks...that's how most of his FAMILY talks...listen to Jermaine, jackie, janet, Katherine...they are not LOUD, they talk SOFT, even when people like Jermaine have normal deep voices. Same goes for MJ.

But he ain't gonna bust out one day sounding like Barry White, Mufasa, or Jeremy Irons :lol: Seriously!
All Im saying that Mj's voice is a NORMAL deep. Always have been, always will be. It's soft because thats how he talks...that's how most of his FAMILY talks...listen to Jermaine, jackie, janet, Katherine...they are not LOUD, they talk SOFT, even when people like Jermaine have normal deep voices. Same goes for MJ.

But he ain't gonna bust out one day sounding like Barry White, Mufasa, or Jeremy Irons :lol: Seriously!

what about Tito...

no, he is not.....it has gone too far.... it's kind of a trap right now for him.....and it's not funny.....

ps. I love him..... the whole of him in his nature.... no matter what...
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Of course not EVERYONE in the family has so much of Katherine's genes :rolleyes: :lol: But a good majority of the family talk in the same way. Even Tito's kids lol

But cinderella, he HAS. He has talked in a deep tone, with no problem. And when he does he's not like "OH SH#T! I blew my cover!" :lol: Cuz he's been talking that way all along, just not LOUD enough :lol: I mean if u wanna take the WMA's as an example (not a very good one)...WHY would MJ talk in his REAL voice, and then at the NRJ awards talk in his FAKE voice...if this is supposed to be this big diabolical pr conspiracy of his? That makes no sense...cuz he ain't hiding anything lol. His tone changes, like every normal person's voice should lol
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According to Seth Riggs, from what I've read, Michael has a range spanning four octaves. He has a very, very wide range. It shouldn't be any sort of surprise to anyone that he can both bring his voice in to the base ranges and then all the way up to the soprano range. And it's all connected, each note. He is supremely gifted as a vocalist. Everyone's voice flucuates (I didn't spell that right, lol) in register depending on who they are speaking with, the situation they are in, how they are feeling, etc... I promise you, if you ever pay attention to your own voice, you will notice it changes in pitch frequently, from minute to minute. As arXter pointed out as well, Michael has this ability to control the actual tone of his voice, to make it sound completely unlike his natural timbre. arXter explained it a lot better then me, lol.

But the truth is, Michael's speaking voice isn't incredibly deep, in fact not much deeper then what it is often percieved to be. He talks slightly lower then when he's giving an acceptance speech, etc... If anyone here has heard those phone conversations of Michael's, and that is Michael, those are privately recorded, his voice is more relaxed and slightly deeper then usual, but nothing signifgant.

And also as J5 pointed out, he's merely very soft spoken, which gives the sound of a higher pitch then actually it is. He just talks very quietly. If you ever whisper, you'll notice your voice seems to become higher? That's all that is. Seriously folks.
Dude I thought that was an entirely different person singing that part...I didn't even think it was Michael at all, just some person singing with him lol.

But yeah...underrated album, I'll say it till I die! :D

All Im saying that Mj's voice is a NORMAL deep. Always have been, always will be. It's soft because thats how he talks...that's how most of his FAMILY talks...listen to Jermaine, jackie, janet, Katherine...they are not LOUD, they talk SOFT, even when people like Jermaine have normal deep voices. Same goes for MJ.

But he ain't gonna bust out one day sounding like Barry White, Mufasa, or Jeremy Irons :lol: Seriously!

lol I noticed that--that's so funny his whole family has the same voice :p
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The effects on 2000 watts are not about michael having a DEEP VOICE
The vocals are OBVIOUSLY altered digitally to make it extra deep and computery sounding.
No one is saying Michael cant sing low, we've known that since the jacksons days... but 2000 watts is not his real voice, unless he swallowed a boom box and is a living robot with a computer logged in his chest... go figure darlings
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^ it's not 'obvious'.. I say that because I don't hear it at all.
no one is disputing digital alterations.. i can bet my house (dorm room) that all the tracks on Invincible have massive vocal processing.

what i'm disputing is the assurance that the vocals (or even worse, the whole track) has been pitched down.

I'm not really talking about the normal digital processing though, to simply make the songs/vocals sound better. I'm saying his voice has been purposely distorted and altered to give the song a digital feel. At least that's what I hear, and quite clearly.
It's really not even a big deal whether it was altered or not. Because Michael is capable of singing much lower registers then in that song. If it was altered, it isn't because Michael wasn't able to reach those notes, it's because they wanted the song to have a certain sound.
Of course not EVERYONE in the family has so much of Katherine's genes :rolleyes: :lol: But a good majority of the family talk in the same way. Even Tito's kids lol

But cinderella, he HAS. He has talked in a deep tone, with no problem. And when he does he's not like "OH SH#T! I blew my cover!" :lol: Cuz he's been talking that way all along, just not LOUD enough :lol: I mean if u wanna take the WMA's as an example (not a very good one)...WHY would MJ talk in his REAL voice, and then at the NRJ awards talk in his FAKE voice...if this is supposed to be this big diabolical pr conspiracy of his? That makes no sense...cuz he ain't hiding anything lol. His tone changes, like every normal person's voice should lol

it's not like a conspiracy.... it is not.... it's his striving for doing what he was meant to do since the very start namely to sing and perform even after the puberty's voice change....

still it seems to be a kind of ' a burden' to him as he's been hinting it from time to time imo....

listen to the Mayor's voice in "making Of Ghosts'
or a phrase at the end of "The Simpsons episode'....

oh, well I'm pretty sure I'm right...
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According to Seth Riggs, from what I've read, Michael has a range spanning four octaves. He has a very, very wide range. It shouldn't be any sort of surprise to anyone that he can both bring his voice in to the base ranges and then all the way up to the soprano range. And it's all connected, each note. He is supremely gifted as a vocalist. Everyone's voice flucuates (I didn't spell that right, lol) in register depending on who they are speaking with, the situation they are in, how they are feeling, etc... I promise you, if you ever pay attention to your own voice, you will notice it changes in pitch frequently, from minute to minute. As arXter pointed out as well, Michael has this ability to control the actual tone of his voice, to make it sound completely unlike his natural timbre. arXter explained it a lot better then me, lol.

But the truth is, Michael's speaking voice isn't incredibly deep, in fact not much deeper then what it is often percieved to be. He talks slightly lower then when he's giving an acceptance speech, etc... If anyone here has heard those phone conversations of Michael's, and that is Michael, those are privately recorded, his voice is more relaxed and slightly deeper then usual, but nothing signifgant.

And also as J5 pointed out, he's merely very soft spoken, which gives the sound of a higher pitch then actually it is. He just talks very quietly. If you ever whisper, you'll notice your voice seems to become higher? That's all that is. Seriously folks.

OK, I wiil find this q., I promise...
anyway I remember some of it in that Polish version... let me roughly translate it to you... anyway I will find it and post it here...

' this is not his real voice..... Michael in reality has a deep, very masculine and harsh voice which he dosn't like.... I taught him how to maintain a high pitch... simply,it's a matter of technique...'

as I said it's not an original version still it's somewhere to be found, right?
I know that wannabe, you know that too.. Some other understand, but SOME just don't want to listen... lol!

they think it's too low for MJ..

wutever.. wut can we say?
I know that wannabe, you know that too.. Some other understand, but SOME just don't want to listen... lol!

they think it's too low for MJ..

wutever.. wut can we say?

I do not get it.... if he can hit such low notes with his singing voice.... why he is not able to speak in such a low way?????
I mean there are miracles in the world but still a voice is an instrument of nature, right?

listen to Michael's 'tombyish' speaking voice in for instance" Ain't No Sunshine' and then to his voice in '2000 Watts' (for example).... it's the same voice but after the voice's change.... it's obvious for me...
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well he can speak lower.. It's just not his natural voice to go that low..

U can speak lower than u naturally speak right?? well it's the same thing..

He perpously deepened it, to bring that base out..

Listen to some of MJ's songs like 'Who Is It' and compare it to Michaels speaking voice in the early 90's.. It's MUCH deeper..

MJ's speaking voice 1993..

MJ sings deeper

U can even spot out some different breathing styles with the song because he's deepening the voice.

I know it's not the best example but...........


I mean his vocal ability is very wide.. Even watching Ghosts, and listening to the Mayors voice at times.. Like when he screams. "STOP" when he wants MJ to get out of him.. that does not sound like MJ at all.. but it is
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right. Like i said, everyonnnneee can deepen their voice and that not be their natural voice lol And at any give time people's voices fluctuate. No one's saying he's uncapable of singing or speaking in a deep voice. Any one can do that. Mariah can sing in an EXTRA HIGH dog-whistle voice, but does she talk that high? No. LOL same for mike, he can sing bass, but that doesn't mean he has a natural bass voice.

KOPV those are GREAT examples. Although might wanna take out the phone convo before a mod does it for u. We're not supposed to be spreading that around apparently.
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^ I forgott.. It did not have any of the 'bad' stuff so..

well I took it out just in case..
IDK maybe it's me and I just have obsessed with his voice a bit much..

I did not think Jason Malachi's songs were MJ for a second, and I can tell this is Michaels voice 100%...

It's just like how u know a family members voice.. even if they try to prank call you with a fake voice.. u still KNOW it's them...
^ That's what Kirk Franklin basically does..

He produces a hole album and is like the guest appearance artist on it.. :)

He's maybe 50% IN it and 50% out..

He's a producer, I don't think he thinks he can really sing so he just produces others and puts it on an album