2000 Watts- The Truth On MJ's voice

I bet he used two mikes because during the Superbowl in 93 he did the same thing. Then took off one mike and sang "Heal the World" in his regular pitch.

lol... what are you talking about? At the superbowl he used playback all the time, when he spoke it was his normal voice, he was just out of breath from the performance. Thats all. No two mikes...
Absolutely, it was no problem. I'm just happy I understood you, lol. It's pretty incredible that he can do that with his voice, I mean, the man has crazy talent. I'll try and find more examples. Have you seen the home movie I'm talking about?
naaww... i'm not big on videos lol but if you'd direct me to which one and which segments i'd appreciate it .. or just save us the trouble upload it
Here are some voice tracks that I consider pretty simular over the years..

Yes they are sang, so parts different registers, different expressions but simularites are there in a big way..

early 80's

mid 90's


Now his voice naturally over the years has changed (a little) if I would say 1%-100%.. I would give it maybe a 17%.

Now you take into consideration the tempo, the worlds, the expression and all that....

You wont hear THAT much difference.. the difference is very suttle.. It's all in that same range, same register.. (not all aspects) but over all.

I atribute most of his change we hear in the way he speaks from his comfort level.. He's more comfortable in his own, to speak with conviction at many times now.. Also overall mood has to do with vocal tones aswell. Before we would hear it, only in side convo's, etc..

Look at: 1:30 .. Mj's voice in the early 90's.. when he's around ppl he feels comfertable with.. then hear the 2003 MJ speak and how simular it is..

and IDK about u guys, but I think this is pretty deep.. primarily the speaking part
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Yeah KOPV, like you said, comfort level and mood has a lot to do with it. Every pitch level you hear in Michael's voice is real, and every register level you hear is real. It's really just dependent on the situation.
It is a great video. It shows what a great sense of humor Michael has. I always wonder how it got out, since it's so obviously a private recording meant for family use. But so is that unauthorized interview, etc... It also shows how talented Michael is too though. He dances, sings, beatboxes and completely changes his voice all in that five minute span, lol.
U all are right. And the Dangerous track is a GREAT example. And the Dangerous rap is about the same as the ITC live voice that was posted.

So u guys, stop with the whole HE'S FAKING HIS VOICE mess.

One thing that really sticks out in my mind...i think it was his HIGHEST pitch of voice talking....was Molly Meldrum. He seemed just really shy, reserved, and extra soft spoken during that interview for some reason.


But actually TRY imitating his voice. :lol:

I mean when I do MJ impersonations for fun (and I'm a girl btw)...I ALWAYS have to deepen my voice. ALWAYS. No matter what i'm trying to imitate. I mean it's not how comedians do it when they try to make MJ sound like a girl and make his voice 12 octaves higher than his original voice...:p :lol: I mean if u really wanna imitate his voice, u'd have to speak in a normal deep register (but not like barry white or anything lol)...and then once u hit that register u have to speak SOFT LOL

When he speaks LOUD and CLEAR and PRECISE (like the WMA's)...that deepness in his voice comes through. And yes....his voice has lowered a bit as he's gotten older.

OMG...his extra cutttteee in that video :lol: I love his sideways glance lol And his mannerisms are sooo much like Janet there...or maybe the other way around...:p
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Right J5, you've got it! Michael's just extremely soft spoken and people mistake that with being very high pitched. His voice isn't really deep, and it's not really high, it's in the middle. He's classified as high tenor, spinto, countertenor and baritone. He can go HIGH. And he can go very low. But the speaking voice is your lowest register, your chest register. And his voice is just very soft when he speaks, that's all. I've even heard people say that when Michael talks, you have to lean in to hear him. When someone whispers, their voice seems higher, even though it's not.
Have you ever thought that it may be one of the first versions Michael did record? We all know that each song is recorded in many ways, with different voice tonations, etc. and at the end the best sounding one is chosen.

But the person, who made the video admitted, he/she had altered the original, to make it sound like Michael's high pitched voice. The video posted was to see how 2000 Watts would sound in a higher frequency. Thats all. It was to show you how it would sound, if MJ wasnt singing in a deep voice.
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Look this video does speak the world of trash but it proves michael can speak deeper than his true voice.

What are you talking about?

also...listen to this version of WMA's speech at 2:57...


And the one posted already at :56...


Wonder why THAT is :p You can tell by the intonations of even the audience that one video has been changed.

Thanks for the insult on my video ("Michael Jackson's Real Voice"), guys. :) I got the video clip from bigdb, so blame it on him if the audio has been changed.

What about the Superbowl clip I provided too? It's under "more info" but obviously you all are too mindshocked at the fact that Michael may have a deeper voice than you think to actually look under there. :)
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Thanks for posting!

The other songs worth looking at are Rock With You, If You Don't Love Me, and You Can't Win" for lower notes. :)

Just in regards to that low F note voice lesson clip- where is it from exactly? Is that Seth riggs? :) Thanks for sharing.
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That wasn't an insult it was an observation.

And i think people have already addressed the Superbowl one. Obviously MJ can change the tone of his voice like EVERYONE does given the situation. That has already been discussed here. MJ doesn't have some secret voice that's deeper. You hear it all the time in concerts when he's more relaxed and/or breathing hard. Take any given concert where MJ is talking right after a song. It's deep. Now take that same concert and listen to him talk after resting for a few seconds and he's able to catch his breath...it's higher.

MJ doesn't talk like a robot. Yes his voice has different tones. But it doesnt mean he's hiding some deeper voice.
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*MELTS @ accapella Who Is IT

OMG he sounds sooooooo paassiionnaate and seeexxxyyyyy :lol:
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That wasn't an insult it was an observation.

And i think people have already addressed the Superbowl one. Obviously MJ can change the tone of his voice like EVERYONE does given the situation. That has already been discussed here. MJ doesn't have some secret voice that's deeper. You hear it all the time in concerts when he's more relaxed and/or breathing hard. Take any given concert where MJ is talking right after a song. It's deep. Now take that same concert and listen to him talk after resting for a few seconds and he's able to catch his breath...it's higher.

MJ doesn't talk like a robot. Yes his voice has different tones. But it doesnt mean he's hiding some deeper voice.

Sorry, I was just really pissed off about the other person who I quoted saying my video "spoke a world of trash." :)

I know we change our tone depending on our mood, feelings, security in the environment, et cetera, but hasn't it been quoted by Liza Minelli and I think Lisa Marie Presley that he has a deeper voice around people he trusts?
They transposed the song by one. Instead of him starting the melody on a G. This doesn't say anything. Michael can hit the low F as confirmed by Seth Riggs which is much much lower than what he usually does on record. There are SO many ways you can sing a note.
Sorry, I was just really pissed off about the other person who I quoted saying my video "spoke a world of trash." :)

I know we change our tone depending on our mood, feelings, security in the environment, et cetera, but hasn't it been quoted by Liza Minelli and I think Lisa Marie Presley that he has a deeper voice around people he trusts?

yeah and i think THOSE QUOTES are a load of crap. If that, meaning the voice he uses in concerts and stuff, is his "real' voice and the "other" voice is what he uses to fake people out, then he hasn't done a good job keeping up the act. We've heard his "real" voice countless times. (YRMW intro for example?)

Anyways that doesn't even make sense cuz there have been many invasions on MJ's privacy in which u can hear him in PRIVATE, and he speaks like he does in public. So MJ's soft (not high, but SOFT) voice is no act, and he doesn't keep the deepness of his voice secret, it's always there.
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You've got that right J5. Everyone's voice fluctuates in register depending on the situation and mood. My voice goes from deeper to higher all the time. Everyone's does. The voice is a complex instrument with varying tones, registers, etc... Anyway, Michael's "deep" end of his voice isn't much deeper then what is percieved as his "high" end, lol. It's all a part of his voice, higher and lower register, either way.

ust in regards to that low F note voice lesson clip- where is it from exactly? Is that Seth riggs? :smile: Thanks for sharing.

Yes, that's Seth. I think the clip is from sometime in the late 90s or something, though I'm not sure.
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yeah and i think THOSE QUOTES are a load of crap. If that, meaning the voice he uses in concerts and stuff, is his "real' voice and the "other" voice is what he uses to fake people out, then he hasn't done a good job keeping up the act. We've heard his "real" voice countless times. (YRMW intro for example?)

Anyways that doesn't even make sense cuz there have been many invasions on MJ's privacy in which u can hear him in PRIVATE, and he speaks like he does in public. So MJ's soft (not high, but SOFT) voice is no act, and he doesn't keep the deepness of his voice secret, it's always there.

believe in what you want, dear J5

I'm telling you

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Cinderella......what???? :lol:

It's not belief...the proof is right there in MJ talking in public and private over the span of several years. lol
I simply created this topic to see if people think Michael really altered his voice. I don't think he did.
Even if he did, he can sing lower registers then that anyway, so who cares, lol. And J5, cinderella thinks Michael's got like a James Earl Jones voice in real life, lol. That's what she means.