2000 Watts- The Truth On MJ's voice

Can't even remember where I got this clip from, think from WBSS21 actually, and it's from a documentary where Michael is doing voice rehearsals over the phone and sings bass and a low F. Have a listen.

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I don't think 2000 Watts was altered, I honestly believe that Michael can sing that deep.
You probably did TSCM, lol. I don't know how many times I've posted that clip. Anyway, you can be certain Michael can sing that low shipoffools. It's a fact that he can.
Hey arXter, can you explain this thing called formant a little more? I've never heard of it and I'd like to know more and how it applies to Michael.
it's quite a scientific concept and you can read about it on the net but basically where it applies here is that even if one talks or sings in a lower or higher pitch, there'll always be a certain recognizable range of frequencies that distinguishes one's voice in any situation. Mike has shown that he can naturally alter that range (irregardless of pitch) to give that "doesn't-quite-sound-like-MJ" voice. this is how one voice can harmonize into a group of backing vocals so perfectly - pitch and register changes wouldn't be enough to do this alone. it's the skill that ventriloquists dream of perfecting.

i got my info from an acoustics book i have but i found this site quite interesting just now searching for sources:

Science for Singers: http://www.ncvs.org/ncvs/info/singers/
i think MJ can sing deep (as the original song) EASILY. Why would MJ sing this song in this KEY? WHY? LOL Makes no sense when he can sing it like it is. Listen to MJ's background vocals for any song of his, and listen real carefully to his harmonizing. MJ can sing DEEP lol
yeah, besides he can speak deep as well
It's Mikes voice. I never thought otherwise..

His voice has gotten deeper over the years.. 2000 watts is very simular to MJ's talking voice.. Listen to his speech at James Browns funeral, the deepness of that voice.. Is ALMOST 2000 deepness.. now if he just purpously deepens it just a bit, it would reach 2000 watts
yes, MJ can sing low...and his "real" voice can be low too...

but in 2000 Watts any trained ear can clearly hear that
his voice or the whole song was also pitched down aditionally.
its this effekt you can not create in reality ....well maybe
if your stuck in a time-warp or something... :D
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^ Nice vid but I have a question..

What do you mean. "michael can speak deeper than his true voice."

Are you implying that the way MJ is speeking in those clips are deeper than his REAL speaking voice? As if he's just making the voice on perpose?
His SOFT voice and his LOUD voice are BOTH his TRUE voices.

When he's comfortable, he speaks louder. Check ANY concert where he talks to the audience.

When he's tense, he speaks softer. Even when he may not be tense, he speaks SOFT. He's SOFT SPOKEN. But his voice has always had a deep tone.
his soft voice is just a role he plays in public. When he's at home he speaks with his normal voice. Didn't he speak in the past in this middle voice, that vocalists have to learn? Don't know what it's called :ninja:
also...listen to this version of WMA's speech at 2:57...


And the one posted already at :56...


Wonder why THAT is :p You can tell by the intonations of even the audience that one video has been changed.
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his soft voice is just a role he plays in public. When he's at home he speaks with his normal voice. Didn't he speak in the past in this middle voice, that vocalists have to learn? Don't know what it's called :ninja:

That's no ROLE...if it was a role then u wouldn't EVER heard it during the Dangerous tours...he would have never had SPEAKING parts during tours if he knew he couldnt keep the "act" up.

U heard it in the private home movies..."Not just red but big red" LOL...and then the next think he says in another scene is high pitched..."Wheres my carrttt...some one stole my cartttt"

What's that called? VOICE IN FLUCTUATIONS :lol: Its called not havinig a monotone voice with one pitch all the time. llol
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it's quite a scientific concept and you can read about it on the net but basically where it applies here is that even if one talks or sings in a lower or higher pitch, there'll always be a certain recognizable range of frequencies that distinguishes one's voice in any situation. Mike has shown that he can naturally alter that range (irregardless of pitch) to give that "doesn't-quite-sound-like-MJ" voice. this is how one voice can harmonize into a group of backing vocals so perfectly - pitch and register changes wouldn't be enough to do this alone. it's the skill that ventriloquists dream of perfecting.

i got my info from an acoustics book i have but i found this site quite interesting just now searching for sources:

Science for Singers: http://www.ncvs.org/ncvs/info/singers/

Thanks arXter, I appreciate the explination. I'll check out the link you provided too. So basically what it means is that Michael has the innate ability to control the range of frequinces in his voice to actually give it a different timbre? Is that correct? I might be totally wrong, but I hope I'm understanding you correctly. That voice you're talking about that he did on that prank call, he also did in a home movie from 1975, and there's another video that a member here sent me of Michael on The Rich Little Show in the late 70s where he speaks in a voice completely different from the actual tone of his voice. I didn't even realize it was him at first. If I can upload it here, I will.

It's facsinating stuff and it just goes to show how amazingly gifted Michael is as a vocalist.

And J5Master, right. I don't understand why people think Michael has completely faked his soft-spoken voice. If that's the case, then he's somehow managed to keep that up for 35 years, for long periodes and in private, in situations not meant for the publics ears.
Or like when MJ says "She is bangin" on YRMW compared to "I Love You" in Speechless. Guys his deep voice aint no conspiracy. its always been that way.
exactly right, wbss21. the first thing that i actually thought of posting was asking you for more examples of his voice-alterations and forgot completely after typing it all up LOL so thanks for reading my mind :lol: and thanks to you too Alma. that clip is awesome, i'd love it if someone can upload more examples. he makes it seem so natural :wacko:
his soft voice is just a role he plays in public.
I agree with you on that... imagine people's reaction if they heard his real deep ( I mean really deep and harsh)voice?
They would be shocked.
I mean Michael is Peter Pan in his heart but his image is somehow a trap for him....
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its nooot an image ploy lol.

I can show u many instances IN PUBLIC where he has switched from that deep tone u hear at the WMA's to the soft tone u hear else where.

Like even the video someone posted of MJ climbing trees. His voice is about the same tone of WMAs when he says "This is a secret, I've never shown anyone my giving tree" its deeper than "Don't u like to climb treeeess?" :lol:
some great posts here..

U know, many people even my (which I cannot sing worth a damn) voice ulters a lot at times without trying depending on who I am around, and the comfort level I am in..

It's nothing I try to do, it just happens.. It's almost as sudden as a smile.. U don't TRY to smile, your body just reacts to it..

The same with Michael.. If you notice MOST deeper register portions of his speaking is usually found when he gets comfortable.. Either behind the scene footage when he is just around people he knows.. Defending himself... and/or as he gets older.. Just in general, Michael has gained a lot more self confidence over time.. His voice reflects that..
^ Nice vid but I have a question..

What do you mean. "michael can speak deeper than his true voice."

Are you implying that the way MJ is speeking in those clips are deeper than his REAL speaking voice? As if he's just making the voice on perpose?

He's speaking deeper so he can be heard clearer, or that is my opinion.
some great posts here..

U know, many people even my (which I cannot sing worth a damn) voice ulters a lot at times without trying depending on who I am around, and the comfort level I am in..

It's nothing I try to do, it just happens.. It's almost as sudden as a smile.. U don't TRY to smile, your body just reacts to it..

The same with Michael.. If you notice MOST deeper register portions of his speaking is usually found when he gets comfortable.. Either behind the scene footage when he is just around people he knows.. Defending himself... and/or as he gets older.. Just in general, Michael has gained a lot more self confidence over time.. His voice reflects that..

it's true...
exactly right, wbss21. the first thing that i actually thought of posting was asking you for more examples of his voice-alterations and forgot completely after typing it all up LOL so thanks for reading my mind :lol: and thanks to you too Alma. that clip is awesome, i'd love it if someone can upload more examples. he makes it seem so natural :wacko:

Absolutely, it was no problem. I'm just happy I understood you, lol. It's pretty incredible that he can do that with his voice, I mean, the man has crazy talent. I'll try and find more examples. Have you seen the home movie I'm talking about?

KOPV and J5, you guys are right. Michael's voice isn't much deeper then he makes it out to be. People have really taken this whole accusation to another level. It's slightly deeper, but as is the case with everyone, and you will notice if you pay attention to your own voice, the pitch level raises and lowers depending on the situation. Michael's never hidden his voice. Sometimes when he speaks in public, it is deeper, sometimes it is higher. It fluctuates, just like everybodies. Like in "Moonwalker", for example, when he's looking for Skipper with the girl, when they go in to that cave, and Michael says "Look at this." His voice is deeper, and then again, in the next line, his voice is slightly higher again. His voice isn't even that high, it's just soft. If any of you have listened to those phone conversations, that's a private deal, not meant for the public, talking with a personal friend, his voice is exactly the same as it is in public. Kept up for hours and hours on the phone with this woman. It's not something he fakes. Like I said, if that were the case, then he's been doing it since he was about 15 years old. That's a long, LONG time to keep something like that up.