Would You Mind If Michael Took The Hip-Hop Direction????

but they not tellin girls 2 lick a lollipop or shake they money makers...n wens the last time u heard of them?
The Beasties had an album out last year called The Mix Up. I have it and it's good. They're recording a new album now. On some of their albums they play their own instruments.
MCA - bass
Mike D. - drums
King Ad Rock - guitar
I wouldn't mind if his music had hip hop influence...like great beats and bass and a little rap integrated and stuff...As long as it would fit in the song and the song was a good one.

What comes to the lyrics....MJ singing lyrics like 50 Cent's "Candyshop"....?:doh: Uhm...NO thanks! :doh: I don't mind a "sexual" song....as long as it is done within good taste. You know, Break Of Dawn was sexy and romantic...nothing wrong with that. That's perfectly fine. But songs like "Candyshop", etc....they are just too graphic. And I just can't see Michael singing stuff like that. I mean, okay...parts of Superfly Sister are sort of...uhm..."wow"..:wild: :lmao: But to me that song has a good point...which makes it okay. Mainly I just can't see how well MJ singing all these really graphic lyrics would go with his image. I mean, nothing wrong in being sexual and all that, but there is a time and a place for everything and you don't necessarily have to sing about it all in public...:lol: Anyways...I just can't really see MJ singing about all this (pardon my French) "a** shaking" in his songs....Michael is an extremely talented songwriter so I think he can do much better than these "Yo baby, shake yo' a**" type of songs. :lol: And if you're gonna do it...why not be "subtle" about it. Leave something to the imagination. I mean...."Lovely is the feeling now...fever temperatures rising now..."...:kickass: :lmao: Or what about 2000 Watts...:wild: :lol:The song could mean ANYTHING...it's up to your own imagination...which is what makes it such a greats song!!! :kickass: :lol:

And what comes to music videos...If I saw MJ wearing all this bling and trying to be all pimp or "gangsta" and if he had all these half-naked girls shaking their butts to the cameras, I think I'd just be like "Oooooooh-kkkaaayyyyyyyyyyyy......." :doh::puke::no:. I'd probably be really disappointed. Because I think he can do much better than that and has way more class than that.
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i wouldn't mind..not that it matters what i think, anyway...he can do what he wants. i think MJ's uniqueness allows for him to defy stereotypes and predictions.
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well at first I was going to say NO! Because All I had was a very bad image of what hip hop is (bad lyrics, booty shaking, bling, etc). timmy thanks for that youtube clip.

However I'm getting confused cuz one song is being consider r&b and somebody else is like no it has a hip hop feel to it. So I don't know. A LOT of times I can't specifically classify michael music as just ONE genre. So I guess it a mixture of music, which i'm all for:yes:. Shucks michael could be a "rock stone cowboy" and do a country number for all I care :hysterical:. As long as it's catchy and sounds good I'm all for it.
Also the hip-hop that emerged from the time period I mention were so similar to what groups like the Jacksons/MJ and Earth, Wind & Fire, they were talking to the beat in a melodic way. In many ways, I think MJ was connected to the hip-hop scene in that sense. It was only when Run DMC arrived that the whole concept of hip-hop changed into what it is now and it's unfortunate that people have neglected the EARLY years of hip-hop pre-Run DMC.
No, I would not want Michael to go hip hop at all. I want him to stay just like he is. That is why I like him.
Why is everyone so like "I don't want MJ to go hip-hop?" when his '80s essence captures the best of CLASSIC hip-hop? Sure MJ ain't from the streets but the way he carried himself professionally between 1979 and 1987 had a hip-hopish feel to it. He didn't begin to gear away from that part of his image until the "Dangerous" thing. That's when he became "THE KING OF POP". He had no need to act gangsta so he began to experiment outside what he'd normally do. Hip-hop is more than rap verses and deejay scratching records on the turntable and people doing the b-boy stance. MJ had the essence in the late seventies and early eighties of using a percussive vocal style with a funk appeal to it. Plus his dancing had elements of b-boying too. That's why people comment that when MJ walk in the room, tough dudes into hip-hop be screaming "MICHAEL" like crazies. Hip-hop was partially influenced by MJ as well as James Brown, as well as the streets, as well as all of the '70s funk joints that were sampled during and after this time. To be honest I don't know if I can call today's hip-hop "hip-hop".
I wouldn't mind because he's done it before and the tracks were pretty sweet.
if there is a God, then Dilla is it.

this is J Dilla's take on Mike.
^^Dude, that's so awesome.

It's a shame he had to go away so soon. He had those beats that took you to anotha planet. RIP Dilla.

All hip hop is not like it is now (and again lil's and soulja boi's dun count).
It's a shame he had to go away so soon. He had those beats that took you to anotha planet. RIP Dilla.
yeah he changed the face of it.

here's an alternate cut of HIStory from him:

talk about melodic Hip-Hop - this is possibly my favourite piece of music especially with Mike on the vocals. beautifully solemn.
yeah he changed the face of it.

here's an alternate cut of HIStory from him:

talk about melodic Hip-Hop - this is possibly my favourite piece of music especially with Mike on the vocals. beautifully solemn.

Man I have to find that track one day. That just touched my heart.
Why is everyone so like "I don't want MJ to go hip-hop?" when his '80s essence captures the best of CLASSIC hip-hop? Sure MJ ain't from the streets but the way he carried himself professionally between 1979 and 1987 had a hip-hopish feel to it. He didn't begin to gear away from that part of his image until the "Dangerous" thing. That's when he became "THE KING OF POP". He had no need to act gangsta so he began to experiment outside what he'd normally do. Hip-hop is more than rap verses and deejay scratching records on the turntable and people doing the b-boy stance. MJ had the essence in the late seventies and early eighties of using a percussive vocal style with a funk appeal to it. Plus his dancing had elements of b-boying too. That's why people comment that when MJ walk in the room, tough dudes into hip-hop be screaming "MICHAEL" like crazies. Hip-hop was partially influenced by MJ as well as James Brown, as well as the streets, as well as all of the '70s funk joints that were sampled during and after this time. To be honest I don't know if I can call today's hip-hop "hip-hop".

^5 thanks for the post :) love reading about his style and influences and how he affected things.

don't know the nuances between old hip hop and today's hip hop, but James asked him to make positive music and bring things back to positive for family, some of the stuff in hip hop as i know it, goes against that, and i think even James hadn't made this request, that positive music is what Michael's about anyway, so i don't see him incorporating a lot of the negatives from hip hop into his music
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Why is everyone so like "I don't want MJ to go hip-hop?" when his '80s essence captures the best of CLASSIC hip-hop? Sure MJ ain't from the streets but the way he carried himself professionally between 1979 and 1987 had a hip-hopish feel to it. He didn't begin to gear away from that part of his image until the "Dangerous" thing. That's when he became "THE KING OF POP". He had no need to act gangsta so he began to experiment outside what he'd normally do. Hip-hop is more than rap verses and deejay scratching records on the turntable and people doing the b-boy stance. MJ had the essence in the late seventies and early eighties of using a percussive vocal style with a funk appeal to it. Plus his dancing had elements of b-boying too. That's why people comment that when MJ walk in the room, tough dudes into hip-hop be screaming "MICHAEL" like crazies. Hip-hop was partially influenced by MJ as well as James Brown, as well as the streets, as well as all of the '70s funk joints that were sampled during and after this time. To be honest I don't know if I can call today's hip-hop "hip-hop".

in a way..i concurr with you in a different way...

MJ IS from the streets...

just..not in a conventional way. his father is from the streets...his upbringing is 'hood' in nature.. i remember the stories i read where MJ went to beverly hills with a brick in case anybody tried to take his rolls royce...

so..he's used to tough times...

it's just that his personality is different..

and, from that, we should all learn a lesson, that hip hop should not be stereotyped....

it is more vast than anyone can imagine..
No, I guess I wouldn't really mind. It would depend on the song, I guess. I'm not too worried about it. Hip-hop is not my fav genre, but I like a few tunes here and there.

I have to say that I am a big fan of harmony and melody. Although I can fully appreciate rhythm, lyrics, timbre, those two are the elements of music that I enjoy the most. I think. Generally. lol So I hope there's some of that.

It really would depend on the song; I'll keep an open mind.
No, I guess I wouldn't really mind. It would depend on the song, I guess. I'm not too worried about it. Hip-hop is not my fav genre, but I like a few tunes here and there.

I have to say that I am a big fan of harmony and melody. Although I can fully appreciate rhythm, lyrics, timbre, those two are the elements of music that I enjoy the most. I think. Generally. lol So I hope there's some of that.

It really would depend on the song; I'll keep an open mind.

Go here:


It'll tell you all you need to know for the "lost" era of hip-hop that was forgotten about shortly after the arrival of Run DMC, LL Cool J, the Beastie Boys and 'em.
What is a hip hop sound??? If you really dig it out from the root you'll see Michael has been doing hip hop before hip hop was around.. MOTOWN is hip hop..

the sound of hip hop derives from the same place motown did.. so Michael fallowing a hip hop direction is only natural.

Someone define a hip hop sound.. You will see that it's derived from the same instramentals and style as Motown.. Motown got there sound was derived from Blues, Jazz.. Blues and Jazz was derived from ragtime and field hollars.. Field music was derived from music they made in africa and surrounding areas..

HIP HOP has just evolved.. But the TRUE hip hop core goes back FAR beyond any of us living today..

The sound of hip hop is based on a driving base sound, extremely driven by rhythem.. As it evolved, recenly they have been leaving out the CORE of music which is melody... Michael is PURE melody.. So you take what Michael does and put it with what Hip hop has been lacking.. You get a sound that is beyond genre.. It's just MUSIC..

Even with some guest rap appearances etc.. The album if in that direction will be simply put.. Music that has everything.. From where todays hip hop derived from, pieces which it evolved.. Michaels sound IS the sound of the evolution of music in ONE..
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What is a hip hop sound??? If you really dig it out from the root you'll see Michael has been doing hip hop before hip hop was around.. MOTOWN is hip hop..

the sound of hip hop derives from the same place motown did.. so Michael fallowing a hip hop direction is only natural.

Someone define a hip hop sound.. You will see that it's derived from the same instramentals and style as Motown.. Motown got there sound was derived from Blues, Jazz.. Blues and Jazz was derived from ragtime and field hollars.. Field music was derived from music they made in africa and surrounding areas..

HIP HOP has just evolved.. But the TRUE hip hop core goes back FAR beyond any of us living today..

The sound of hip hop is based on a driving base sound, extremely driven by rhythem.. As it evolved, recenly they have been leaving out the CORE of music which is melody... Michael is PURE melody.. So you take what Michael does and put it with what Hip hop has been lacking.. You get a sound that is beyond genre.. It's just MUSIC..

Even with some guest rap appearances etc.. The album if in that direction will be simply put.. Music that has everything.. From where todays hip hop derived from, pieces which it evolved.. Michaels sound IS the sound of the evolution of music in ONE..

In other words, everything (including hip hop music) comes out of something before. Guess that's what some off y'all have been sayin'. So smart :lol:
^ well I'm not trying to bring out the point that everything comes from something, but what I'm trying to say is that Hip Hop and Michaels music that he's done over the years come from the SAME place..

So in conclusion, creating a bit more of a modern hip hop sound is not really going into a different direction.. He's always done it.. It's just digging under a specific rock..

Also keep in mind Michael always dug into different directions in music, keeping the MJ sound in tact.. Michael has dived into ROCK, HIP HOP, POP, and combinations of them..

Mikes sound is versitle..
Matter of fact, here's the first recorded hip-hop song recorded by a FUNK group:

I'd say the stuff the Last Poets made is way older than this track and The Sugarhill Gang. Some country songs were basically "rapping" like 'Convoy' and 'The Devil Went Down To Georgia' and they predate 'King Tim' also. Even the J5 with Bill Cosby song 'The Day Basketball Was Saved' could be called rapping as well as plenty of other older songs.
I agree no matter what style of music Michael puts out you know you can expect the very best of that sound. I think he could very easily put together some HOT hip hop tracks, i mean he can practically do any style of music and make it a hit.
Michael Jackson has a good amount of songs that have quite a hip-hop vibe. I don't see what's so wrong with it. He does b-boy/hip hop dancing sometimes, so why the hell not throw in some of that type of music? lol

Seriously, everytime he does hip-hop, it's always just right. He always walks the line between pop and hip hop, and it never sounds too much of either. Anything he does will be golden, I just know it.