Would You Mind If Michael Took The Hip-Hop Direction????

i think the problem is these muppets are tragically defining what hip-hop is for the mainstream. i'm not surprised by the mass hate on the music and culture, or what is portrayed of it anyway.

That is very scary. O/T: Did you hear about the beef that Ice T had/has with Souja Boy? I am on Ice T's side.
i think the problem is these muppets are tragically defining what hip-hop is for the mainstream. i'm not surprised by the mass hate on the music and culture, or what is portrayed of it anyway.

Yeah. I mean IMO, hip hop used to be an art form, with rappers like Common(who has an album out this year but its being downplayed buy those other suckers), Nas, Run DMC, Keith Murray, and some others. I don't know what's wrong with most "hip-hop" nowadays. And the fact that it's being defined that is mind boggling to me.

But back to the topic, Michael can have that urban influence, if used properly. Lol Mike is no rapper, and shouldn't try to.
I think that Will Smith's style of Hip Hop would suit MJ the best. Just fun and positive music
Contains profanity. Ice T disses Soulja Boi.

THanks for posting this. I think Ice -T was on point as usual. I do not care what he says about Souja Boy regarding the name calling because he is in an adult world and he has to learn how to handle harsh criticism.

Ok, back to MJ - I do not want to him to do anything remotely like Souja Boy trash. I remember that Big Boy situation when he met MJ and he stated that Michael did not know who Souja Boy was. Man, if I only I had that luxury. LOL.
What is Michael's new song was called 'I'm Bring SexyBack'.


I bringing sexyback
Goldpants make those f**kers wanna laugh
Don't let me get your baby cause I'm fast
I'll bring sequins back and that's a fact
Take it to the chorus!
I do not care what he says about Souja Boy regarding the name calling because he is in an adult world and he has to learn how to handle harsh criticism.

Christ, he sounded like such a girl when he whined about being told to "eat a dick" even though he's *gasp* 17 years old. And of course the majority of his rebuttal consisted of him trying to be funny, while his friends pretended he had a decent sense of humor. Though to be honest his comedic talent is on the same level as his musical talent.
It would be totally ok, I trust MJ and I know he makes perfect music, no matter if it´s hip hop or even rock, he can turn everything to gold.
He can have some hip hop influenced tracks but it shouldn't be full out, I think. I mean, when has Michael ever gone all out hip hop on us anywayz?

And I'm a big fan of hip hop, except for the lil's and soulja boi's (which I don't see as hip hop, bleck).

I thinkn This TIme around is really close lol
wouldnt care one way or the other but it would look pretty stupid for a 50 year old to start acting like some sort of gangsta when hes nothing like that

I think this too... and Michael is a true artist, he should not collaborate with hip pop's rappers in this way.. ok like he did in other album, he add to one or two songs a little rap... but to have an album produced and collaborate with all these hip pop's singers make me feel that he thinks fans would never appreciate him if he don't collaborate with these individuals...

This is wrong.. .because I think that all fans prefer him sings and write his songs alone... we wants listen his style, his music, not collaborations.. this is sad for me... when I listened his recents remix or duets with akon, I don't feel the magic anymore in his music... when I listen his music today is the same when I listen singers at the radio... there's no magic anymore... because he collaborate too much...

Stop to vote and approve all duets... in this way Michael will not understand what's the best thing.. the best things we wants it's his music... or we will listen on his album too much songs wrote by others and too much duets...
I'll do something, I will not buy his duets or remix anymore... in this way Michael will understand that we want him. And we are happy about his music, he don't needs collaborate with other to be accepted. Michael we love you, don't need to put akon or william in your songs. We want your style, honey... please , return to yourself! :angel:
If Michael Jackson fully returns to himself, he will go back to singing Soul music. R&B music. That is what he was singing before he started singing pop.

Can you handle him returning to himself?
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I know some are afraid of Mike taking a hip-hop feel, but there is no need to worry..

Keep in mind that many people even IN the hip-hop industry feel like hip-hop has taken a bad turn.. So don't take what is out TODAY as the sound of hip-hop.. Even NAS rapped about hip hop being DEAD..

The whole musi genre is hurting right now, and needs someone to revive it in a good way.. Michael has showed his disapointment in hip-hop music, saying that they don't take enough risks, and they went down a different path as he thought they would..

This shows Mike understands the mistakes people had made in hip-hop, so if he goes down that route, he'll do it the RIGHT way. How HE feels like it should go down.

Also keep in mind that hip-hop is derived from the motown sound.. From the same place as Michael came from.. In my opinion Michael IS hip-hop.. Todays artists just took it in a bad direction.
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MJ has always been himself so he can't 'return' to it.

MJ sung (and still sings) R&B and soul, but MJ has grown as an artist...he doesn't like limiting himself artistically. so MJ will continue to expand and reach...he's not going BACK, he's moving forward.
First and foremost, Michael Jackson fully understands the power of music. He also knows that music can sometimes be volatile. This is why he handles music with care.

During his interview with Ebony he said he always thought there would be more melody in Hip-Hop. It seems as though he's been waiting for someone to do it. Therefore, if he were to venture out in that direction, what do you think he's going to do? He will probably be the one to bring the melody into it and take it to another level.

Ain't nothin' wrong with that.
R&B is very versatile. You can go in many directions with it.

I didn't say it wasn't. But MJ has also ventured out of just r&B (while still doing R&B), and i think that's a good thing. And honestly, for that reason, he's never 'left' himself, cuz even his most "out there" creations still has the rhythm and blues and soul in it. MJ's always himself...but he likes to take risks and experiment (with different genres, sounds, techniques)...it's why he's such a good artist.
I didn't say it wasn't. But MJ has also ventured out of just r&B (while still doing R&B), and i think that's a good thing. And honestly, for that reason, he's never 'left' himself, cuz even his most "out there" creations still has the rhythm and blues and soul in it. MJ's always himself...but he likes to take risks and experiment (with different genres, sounds, techniques)...it's why he's such a good artist.
There's one thing that I definitely agree with you on and that is that MJ likes to travel through music.

Therefore, if he decides to go into Hip-Hop, that's what he is going to do. Since when has anyone been able to dictate to Michael J. Jackson where he can and cannot go with music? Never.

We don't know what direction he's headed in musically. He hasn't released his album yet. But I know one thing...Whatever HE decides to do, it is going to be GOOD.

No need to sign petitions and stuff. That's doin' too much anyway.
I think some just don't know what HIP HOP really is.. If someone tried to explaine it, most people would be very wrong..

Michael is very HIP HOP, and has always been.. He keeps a pop (popular) sound to reach a wide range of people, but his music has always came from the same part of the soul as TRUE hip-hop does.
I would say NO! I like Michael for what he does because it is DIFFERENT than everybody else. His music is WAY better than hip hop and it would be a regression if he went there. I say no, Mike, don't go there! :no:

See, this is how we can tell that MJ is good at what he does. He's so good that no one can figure out what he's getting ready to do next.

That's called having SKILLS!! LOL
See, this is how we can tell that MJ is good at what he does. He's so good that no one can figure out what he's getting ready to do next.

That's called having SKILLS!! LOL

:LOL: Yeah your're right. We never know what is to come, we just know it'll come earlier than we think! :clapping:
i would hate it! Hip hop is dead... has no longevity. Hiphop was good from 1995 - 2001 is gone downhill now.
^ the hip hop industry is dead.. not hip hop music..

Hip Hop is what the artist make it..

Michael himself has talked bad about what people have done with hip-hop.. That shows us enough that he KNOWS what's wrong with it, and he'll do what it takes to fix the problem.. WATCH!!
The only way we're gonna solve the problem with Hip Hop right now is if kids today stop buying music from these crappy pop rappers. Cause the more albums of these pop rappers kids buy the more crappy pop rappers we're gonna see