Would You Mind If Michael Took The Hip-Hop Direction????

Mike would never just do a HIP HOP album..

He will incorperate hip hop into the MICHAEL JACKSON style.. the same way he has done it with Rock, Pop, R&B, and hip hop..

He takes ASPECTS of a genre and puts it into to the 'MJ POT OF MUSIC'..

hip hop DIRECTION is where he's going.. I highly doubt he would be working with the people he has been if he was NOT.. But it's nothing to fear... U know back before Thriller came out, if ppl heard that MJ was going to do a Rock themed song people were like wha??? But no1 argues with the outcome..
If you mean find a beat, loop a sample of an old track (because nobody can write a melody themselves these days!) and talk for 4 mins for 16 tracks then no thanx. Theres enough filler CDs out there in the world. Why do you think Mj was stressing the point about melodies to Will?