Will you buy Michael Jackson's new album Michael

Will you buy Michael

  • Yes

    Votes: 386 78.5%
  • No

    Votes: 106 21.5%

  • Total voters
I have yet to encounter anyone outside the internet who believes the three songs in question to be real.

While that doesn't neccesarily have to be representative for the public opinion, it shows that the argument of only "fanatics" believing the songs to be fake, are simpley not true.

Actually, I think it uncalled for to label approximately half of the MJ fanbase as "fanatics" who "bitch about every little thing".

It's unnecessary, and it's rude.
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Would like to see some statistics backing up the claim that 99% of people will believe MJ is singing those tracks. I played Breaking News for a couple of people, who aren't really fans but are familiar with his work, without any mention of the tracks being fake. One thought it was him and the other said it sounded like a boy band, but not Michael Jackson.

Remember, many people truly and honestly believed Mamacita was an MJ song, and if it wasn't for websites strung about and lots of proof that it wasn't, I'm sure some would still think that. To this day people post on Youtube about how awesome MJ sounds on soundalike songs.

Play 2000Watts for them...
Play 2000Watts for them...

That was on a Michael Jackson album, released when he was alive, where he signed copies of the album in a store, where the video of him doing it is on Youtube. He promoted the album on MTV. They promoted the album at the 30th Anniversary concert. He actually worked on the track - in person - with other people who can verify it. Here, he worked on Breaking News and supposedly others with some people - few actually - and not one of them can fans all agree "Yep, that's MJ."
Would like to see some statistics backing up the claim that 99% of people will believe MJ is singing those tracks. I played Breaking News for a couple of people, who aren't really fans but are familiar with his work, without any mention of the tracks being fake. One thought it was him and the other said it sounded like a boy band, but not Michael Jackson.

Remember, many people truly and honestly believed Mamacita was an MJ song, and if it wasn't for websites strung about and lots of proof that it wasn't, I'm sure some would still think that. To this day people post on Youtube about how awesome MJ sounds on soundalike songs.

But haven't you just defeated your argument? Unless you suggest to people it's not him, they often don't know and/or don't care.

Sony needs to forget the 1% of people that are fanatical, and release songs that they know the 'general public' will like. The 'general public' won't care if it's been mixed or finished - and that's my point.

On another topic, one poster has suggested that Sony should spend millions on a producing an album full of untouched, half-baked, half finished, demo tracks, for a few thousand 'hardcore' fans to buy and appreciate! Where is the sense in that? They might as well poor the money down the drain!

A few thousand MJ fanatics might like half finished 'demo' songs - 99% of the world does not. Who do you think Sony and the Estate should try and cater for?
Superstition You completely did not get what deano said!
The 1 percent he is talking about is the whole online-fan-community.
99% of the people buying music aren't as obessed, aren't logging on to forums
to demand & argue about FUTURE albums!
The great great majority waits till the music is in the stores, buys if it likes, does not buy if it don't likes!
That's the point he made & he's very right with it!
In my honest opinion, the online community is a bunch of little crybabies.
Never satisfied, always complaining, always demanding, always respectless to all kinds of people, companys and so on!
Look @ what we're getting @ the end of 2010
& explain by SOLID (and i mean SOLID) argumentation, the mess which is going on in between our lines!
That was on a Michael Jackson album, released when he was alive, where he signed copies of the album in a store, where the video of him doing it is on Youtube. He promoted the album on MTV. They promoted the album at the 30th Anniversary concert. He actually worked on the track - in person - with other people who can verify it. Here, he worked on Breaking News and supposedly others with some people - few actually - and not one of them can fans all agree "Yep, that's MJ."

Don't tell them. Most of them would never of heard of the song, and then play it without saying anything, preferably after a bunch of non-MJ songs. I bet they go "who the f*** is that!?"

Your missing the OP's point I think. If it came out now, a lot of people would be saying "that is not MJ!!" - and you probably know it.
I already pre-ordered it. Regardless of Breaking News, I'm supporting MJ's name on that album.
Don't tell them. Most of them would never of heard of the song, and then play it without saying anything, preferably after a bunch of non-MJ songs. I bet they go "who the f*** is that!?"

Your missing the OP's point I think. If it came out now, a lot of people would be saying "that is not MJ!!" - and you probably know it.

Who do you think Sony and the Estate should try and cater for?

They shouldn't cater to any one group. They should try to release a good product, but one that doesn't literally split his fanbase in two.

When, on a Michael Jackson board, its 50/50 when his own fans can't tell who they're listening to. I find that to be a legitimate problem.

2000 Watts had the man's blessing, so people were free to critique it as they see fit. I'm not one who thinks that every posthumous release needs his seal of approval - that's obviously impossible at this point. But I do think they should try to be a little more reasonable in what they're putting out.

I don't think its fair to compare a song released on an album Michael Jackson himself promoted to songs registered and finished after his death that the very people putting it on the album had doubts about.
To me, it's as easy as this;

2000 Watts sounds like Michael.

BN/KYHU does not.
I won't buy it, as hard as it will be for me, I can't support a project like this. Just because we're not sheeps getting every fake that Sony cares to throw at us
I'm beginning to change my mind. I don't want them to add vocals, strings or whatever. I can accept them to release the songs as they are. I'm not fond of them tamper with whats left. Do you think that if the'll find a unfinished Picasso painting (or even a sketch by Michael) that they would think. Hmm well, what would Picasso do. I'll add a cat and a square sun. Thats fine. No just release them as the are.
I feel bad that people would think that they are what Michael wanted to release and that they will be added to the legacy.
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this is might be off topic, i just bought Kanye West album, its AMAZING!!! i really hope MICHAEL will beat Kanye west's album
Yes! I've already purchased 'Hold My Hand' on iTunes...twice...lol - one for phone and one for computer...and yes I know that I could just sync...but I want his estate to get out of debt as fast as possible, so that his children can start receiving the benefits of all of his hard, lifes work. I'll buy extras too to give as gift! Plus, I want MJ's music to be #1 all over the world!

I miss him so much! :cry:

And "HEY" everyone! This is either my first post...or my first post in a super long time!
I would have said "Yes" if it was a Michael's new album. It isn't so I won't buy it. Songs are remixed, the thracklist is bad, I'm sure there are fakes, AND there will be fake featurings too (Shanice)... It's too much for me.

This album is a shame for Michael's legacy.
They shouldn't cater to any one group. They should try to release a good product, but one that doesn't literally split his fanbase in two.

When, on a Michael Jackson board, its 50/50 when his own fans can't tell who they're listening to. I find that to be a legitimate problem.

2000 Watts had the man's blessing, so people were free to critique it as they see fit. I'm not one who thinks that every posthumous release needs his seal of approval - that's obviously impossible at this point. But I do think they should try to be a little more reasonable in what they're putting out.

I don't think its fair to compare a song released on an album Michael Jackson himself promoted to songs registered and finished after his death that the very people putting it on the album had doubts about.

Again you seem to be missing my point, and I don't know if you are doing it on purpose, or I am not explaining myself properly. Let me try and be as clear as I can;

1. MJ fans on MJ forums probably equate to know more than 1% of the music buying population.

2. Of that 1% - on this forum at least - only 20% are saying they will not buy the new album. (We could say 0.20% of the music buying population)

3. Why should sony concern themselves with 0.20% of the music buying population - even if they bitch about, and refuse to buy, every Michael Jackson product from here until the end of time!?

4. 99% of the music buying population does not care about the sh** that goes on betwwen 1% of cyber 'hardcore' MJ 'fanatics'.

5. The album will succeed, or fall, based on the 99% not the 1%.

I really can't put it any clearer than this.

As a final point though, I have to reiterate how stupid the suggestion of an alternative album is - with only 'demos', half-finished, 'untouched' songs. It just doesn't make any financial or commercial sense at all, and Sony/The Estate are not in this to keep 1% of people happy whilst they lose millions.

If the 'hardcore' fans want 'untouched', half-finished songs, I suggest they continue to 'steal' them from the internet. I'm sure Michael would have been very proud of that!
I didn't ignore your point at all. You're talking about who Sony and The Estate should or shouldn't cater to... I gave you my opinion on that. Disagreeing with your point is not the same as ignoring it.

But none of that has anything to do with the quality. I already know the album will likely do well regardless of what is on it. (Though I'd argue that it could do better with stronger support from fans).

I would also say its stupid to irk half of the Michael Jackson fanbase just because a large percentage of others will still buy the album. No, you can't keep everyone happy, and yes, only 20% on this particular forum are saying they won't buy the album (though that percentage is higher on other forums), but 40% are saying they don't think MJ is singing on one or more of the tracks, and another large percentage are saying they can't tell or are undecided. These are his fans, and that's a problem.

If the estate is happy to release anything they want, do it however they want and collect a profit, fair enough. Yes, people will still buy it, I'm not disputing that with you. But we'll see what people think of the material shortly after and years down the road.
I didn't ignore your point at all. You're talking about who Sony and The Estate should or shouldn't cater to... I gave you my opinion on that. Disagreeing with your point is not the same as ignoring it.

But none of that has anything to do with the quality. I already know the album will likely do well regardless of what is on it. (Though I'd argue that it could do better with stronger support from fans).

I would also say its stupid to irk half of the Michael Jackson fanbase just because a large percentage of others will still buy the album. No, you can't keep everyone happy, and yes, only 20% on this particular forum are saying they won't buy the album (though that percentage is higher on other forums), but 40% are saying they don't think MJ is singing on one or more of the tracks, and another large percentage are saying they can't tell or are undecided. These are his fans, and that's a problem.

If the estate is happy to release anything they want, do it however they want and collect a profit, fair enough. Yes, people will still buy it, I'm not disputing that with you. But we'll see what people think of the material shortly after and years down the road.

This is where we differ slightly though. A lot of people think the only Michael Jackson fans are those that come on forums like this one - which is so not true. Sony has to cater for the 'majority' of MJ fans, like any business, and not get to wrapped up in 'crusades' being carried out by a small minority of 'hardcore' fanatics.

I have been a Michael Jackson fan for well over 30 years, but it is only over the last few years that I have really been aware of the 'extremist' fans. They shout the loudest, and the most often, but like any similar 'cult', they do not represent the vast majority of people. The vast majority of people are 'normal' and 'sensible', and these are the people that make an album sell; 1 million, 10 million, or 100 million.

Sony will make some of the 'right noises' in the direction of the 'extremists' - as this makes perfect sense in the age of the 'cyber warrior' - but they will still cater for the vast majority, which is only right and proper.

'Real' MJ fans do not only exist on forums, spending their lives debating and arguing over insignificant details such as "the album cover isn't as nice as I hoped", or, "Why isn't xxxx on the album - I'm not buying it now!". No, they are normal people going about their lives oblivious to all this crap. They hear a song on the radio and go "I like that new song by Michael Jackson. I think I will buy the album when it comes out."

People often make the mistake of thinking that these forums represent 'real life', when in fact they do nothing of the sort. But we have to tell ourselves that, as the alternative is all too painfull - we're probably just a little part of only 1% that really care THIS much.
the problem is, the fans that invent rules for themselves, like, every song that's not completely finished by Michael should not be included, and each fan has a different idea of what "completely finished" really means. Echoing earlier comments here: NOTHING is finished, that's the point. Every single song has been tinkered with for hours, if not weeks, in a studio, playing with sounds, mixing different voices, intruments, etc. There is no song on the album where this isn't true. Even Akon made a whole new song out of "Hold My Hand" after Michael's death. There was never any "Akon and MJ" in there, it used to say "Konvict Music". This is a trite example but you know where I'm going with this.

Yes, the Cascios used different techniques mixing voices and sounds, but EVERY SINGLE SONG on this album uses different techniques. The fact that most of you single out the Cascios for their techniques boggles my mind. Listen to Much Too Soon. This was manipulated as well in the studio well into 2010. Every songs is manipulated. This is not a bad thing in my opinion, this is the music making process. This is not "remixing" in the sense of taking an original completed song and then having a different producer completely changing it. This is "mixing" as in these are the original people in the creation process that worked along side Michael while he was alive. Do you think they would disrepect him after he dies by going into a 180 degree opposite direction? No. They are working the same way as when they were with him for DAYS and DAYS in the studio toiling over getting the exactly right sound. They are not going to "forget" Michael even existed and then create something 100% different from his vision. His presence is going to be felt by the collaborators long after he dies, so in effect, they are just "finishing", like Teddy Riley said.

Great and realistic post!
I'm also going to buy it, being realistic (and not too much idealistic).
I am going to support Michael's recent art that will see the daylight now, even when in an early stadium and needed to be worked on. There are such incredibly beautiful gems on the tracks. I'm so grateful for these! And I wish Michael so much succes with MICHAEL!
In case that I'm not willing to support a new Michael's release, I will only discuss it with my closest friends and I will never publish it on the internet.

I respect your opinion but please there is no need to fight against the artist you love and support for so many years.

Since Michael is absent, the only responsible to inform us about the originality of album's vocals is the Estate.

I don't trust Sony either, but I think the Estate is the extension of Michael.
This is where we differ slightly though. A lot of people think the only Michael Jackson fans are those that come on forums like this one - which is so not true. Sony has to cater for the 'majority' of MJ fans, like any business, and not get to wrapped up in 'crusades' being carried out by a small minority of 'hardcore' fanatics.

I have been a Michael Jackson fan for well over 30 years, but it is only over the last few years that I have really been aware of the 'extremist' fans. They shout the loudest, and the most often, but like any similar 'cult', they do not represent the vast majority of people. The vast majority of people are 'normal' and 'sensible', and these are the people that make an album sell; 1 million, 10 million, or 100 million.

Sony will make some of the 'right noises' in the direction of the 'extremists' - as this makes perfect sense in the age of the 'cyber warrior' - but they will still cater for the vast majority, which is only right and proper.

'Real' MJ fans do not only exist on forums, spending their lives debating and arguing over insignificant details such as "the album cover isn't as nice as I hoped", or, "Why isn't xxxx on the album - I'm not buying it now!". No, they are normal people going about their lives oblivious to all this crap. They hear a song on the radio and go "I like that new song by Michael Jackson. I think I will buy the album when it comes out."

People often make the mistake of thinking that these forums represent 'real life', when in fact they do nothing of the sort. But we have to tell ourselves that, as the alternative is all too painfull - we're probably just a little part of only 1% that really care THIS much.

Just to be clear here, not thinking Michael Jackson is on those tracks doesn't make you a "hardcore fanatic".

If you think that out of nearly 700 voters on this board, 340+ are hardcore fanatics and 340+ are not, I would argue that's incorrect. Because the only thing you could be basing those opinions on are whether or not someone believes Michael Jackson is on the tracks or not.

Again - something is wrong when half of someone's fanbase thinks they are not listening to the artist they enjoy, or can't tell if they are listening to the artist they enjoy.
Ok. I'll try one more time.

Again you are saying "half a fanbase", when you really only mean "half of the 1% of hardcore fans who use forums"

I am saying MJ's fanbase is huge, compared to the few people (hardcore) fans that go on forums.

99% of MJ's potential fanbase DON'T CARE about the little details we are arguing over.
I would have said "Yes" if it was a Michael's new album. It isn't so I won't buy it. Songs are remixed, the thracklist is bad, I'm sure there are fakes, AND there will be fake featurings too (Shanice)... It's too much for me.

This album is a shame for Michael's legacy.

l agree God bless you
99% of MJ's potential fanbase DON'T CARE about the little details we are arguing over.

Assuming this purely theoretical number is true, if there are soundalikes singing some or all of the lead vocals on the tracks, which I admit is neither proven or disproven, that would be what they would hope for. That casual fans or impulse buyers wouldn't know or care.

I don't think that makes it ok, but of course that's just my opinion.
I am aware this album will not increase MJ's legacy. He built his legacy during the years he worked tirelessly for us.

So far, I am not sure if I'll buy the album or not. I had preordered it, but I cancelled my order as soon as I heard BN. But I have already purchased HMH. I love the real MJ tracks (such as Much too soon) and of course I would having any tracks MJ ever worked on (as the cascios), but I just want them the way they are, I don't want they to try to sell them as "finished" when we all know they are not.

I mean... seriously!! I already paid good money to buy unfinished demos as "Scared of the moon". I have no problems with those and in fact, I love them and treasure those. But I don't like it when the add voices to try to "complete" the demos, while denying they added vocals. That's telling lies and no, I am not happy with that.

They really made a stupid mess with BN and the cascio tracks. I was soooo excited for this album and they ruined. Of course, my expectations were too high and that was silly from me, so that's my fault too.

But so far, I am just buying the tracks I trust.

I hate things are like this.

Assuming this purely theoretical number is true, if there are soundalikes singing some or all of the lead vocals on the tracks, which I admit is neither proven or disproven, that would be what they would hope for.

is that not proven?
didn't the Estate admit that in their statement when they mentioned Porter? :unsure:

I thought they had done so... did I miss something? :scratch:
is that not proven?
didn't the Estate admit that in their statement when they mentioned Porter? :unsure:

I thought they had done so... did I miss something? :scratch:

i don't know which statement you read..but nowhere did the estate said MJ's not singing the lead on all songs.

**scratches head**
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Why are people buying so many?! I might get just one when it comes out, Lord willing. Can'r wait to hear some new stuffs.