Will you buy Michael Jackson's new album Michael

Will you buy Michael

  • Yes

    Votes: 386 78.5%
  • No

    Votes: 106 21.5%

  • Total voters
My views havent changed, I will not be buying this or ANY other posthumous release. I wont be going to Cirque De Soleil, I wont be buying VISION.

I agree Sophie, it is very sad that this question has to be asked and that fans like myself are making this descisson. My heart just breaks when I think back to 2001 and the smilarities between the buildup to INVINCIBLE and what we are going through now. Never did I think that I would have to make the desicion to NOT buy a Michael Jackson album. 2001 was "my" Michael year, the first time I experieced an album release with the online and real life fan community.

I just cant anymore, its too painful, too raw, to have experienced all that and to have all that happening again but WITHOUT Michael, knowing discissions are being made which he has not approved or given consent for.....

Theres no motivation for me, no reason for me to be excited, no joy or happyness hearing Michaels voice. All it does is make this blackness worse, this cold ache inside me, like a knife ripping me apart.

Maybe me and others like me are at a different stage of grief. While those of you excited and who enjoy listening to Michael are at the end of the grief process, able to find comfort in his voice and happyness with the memories, people like me are not at that stage yet......
LTD and other fans thinking of boycotting the album: Just don't want to give up on this one. I love Michael too much. Pls. bear with me:

Look at the bolded words you have written. So you feel you
have been treated wrongly and you have been disrespected. Why don't you turn this around and forget about you, and think about MICHAEL. How do you think MICHAEL would feel if this record flops and is forgotten? How do you think MICHAELwould feel if the media (the media that crucified him most of his life) pounce on him and ridicule him. How do you thinkMICHAEL would feel? As fans we know how important sales were to MICHAEL and how he wanted to prove to everyone he was back and he was still a force to be reckoned with. Well, what if this album is forgotten and not relevant? How do you think MICHAEL would feel? Think about MICHAEL not you.

Who cares about Sony at this point. Do you think you are hurting them by not buying this album. They have hundreds other artists out there, they will make up the money they lose from this album in a second. Will they feel bad, will their legacy be torn apart, will the media fault them? No! it will all be the fault of MICHAEL JACKSON and how the world has forgotten him. Don't you think MICHAEL has endured enough in the hands of the media and the public?

A friendly reminder - Michael (estate) will also be profiting from this venture. His children, his charities, his mother will make money from this. He needs to retire his huge debt. If there is not enough money to do so, then the estate is going to be forced to sell his Sony catalog. All this projects help his estate make money.

So please think about MICHAEL JACKSON . :)

What a brilliant post! I totally agree, and therefore YES I will be buying the album! :yes:
I look at it this way: Michael's gained more fans than he's lost since his death. Therefore, all the sales from folks claiming that they won't be buying the album will be replaced by folks who will.
Basically, it's a win/win for Sony and MJ's estate. Some fans here need to get over the fact that EVERY single Michael Jackson related project from here until the end of time will not have his stamp of approval or his perfectionist touch on it ever again.
He couldn't live forever.
Once you lose someone you love, you never stop grieving, but people deal with grief in different ways. if people don't want to buy the new album for various reasons, fine, but some of us, including myself will find comfort in the new music. :)

THANK YOU :clapping: THATS exactly what Im saying, just cos there are MANY fans are excited and find comfort in the music, there are still some of us who find it too painful and raw. Just cos we dont share this excitement DOES NOT MEAN WE SHOULD STOP BEING FANS. Grief is a personal experience, and I just follow my heart and do what is right for me.
THANK YOU :clapping: THATS exactly what Im saying, just cos there are MANY fans are excited and find comfort in the music, there are still some of us who find it too painful and raw. Just cos we dont share this excitement DOES NOT MEAN WE SHOULD STOP BEING FANS. Grief is a personal experience, and I just follow my heart and do what is right for me.

i so agree!:punk:

(that is a joke, stop being fans? when we have been fans 10x years and supported him all the time...)
To all those who will not be buying the album...I hope you don't think illegally downloading it is an alternative. Even when MJ was at war with Sony/Mottola he continued supporting the project.

I respect your decision not to invest your money to buy the album, but keep your word and stay away from the project altogether.

Don't be a hypocrite & turn around and steal MJ's art.
To all those who will not be buying the album...I hope you don't think illegally downloading it is an alternative. Even when MJ was at war with Sony/Mottola he continued supporting the project.

I respect your decision not to invest your money to buy the album, but keep your word and stay away from the project altogether.

Don't be a hypocrite & turn around and steal MJ's art.

Well I wont be doing that either. I dont download songs either legally or illegally, I dont have an itunes account, I dont even download stuff from MJJC or other forums.
This has just come to my attention. No one will ever accuse people of not being fans just because they won't support the album. That is not fair and not on. We all feel and grieve differently. If people want to buy it now then great. If not then great. If they want to buy it later then great. It is up to each individual and they should not be judged.
To all those who will not be buying the album...I hope you don't think illegally downloading it is an alternative. Even when MJ was at war with Sony/Mottola he continued supporting the project.

I respect your decision not to invest your money to buy the album, but keep your word and stay away from the project altogether.

Don't be a hypocrite & turn around and steal MJ's art.

why would someone steal something that is not MJ's art?
why would someone steal something they don't even want to listen to?

i don't understand the concept of downloading, illegally..and certainly not downloading something i'm not interested in. i never understood that concept. if i can't listen to something for free, surely, i won't download it for free.

i'm still waiting for the answer to the question i asked as to why somebody would download something(in any fashion) that they don't like.
144 said:
why would someone steal something that is not MJ's art?
why would someone steal something they don't even want to listen to?

i don't understand the concept of downloading, illegally..and certainly not downloading something i'm not interested in. i never understood that concept. if i can't listen to something for free, surely, i won't download it for free.

i'm still waiting for the answer to the question i asked as to why somebody would download something(in any fashion) that they don't like.

I suppose there are fans who thinks they don´t want to give any money to sony and download the songs illegally .I don´t know anything about downloading, if there are links where you have to download the songs before you hear all of it.Maybe people say they don´t like it but they listen to the songs anyway if they can do it for free.
why would someone steal something that is not MJ's art?
why would someone steal something they don't even want to listen to?

i don't understand the concept of downloading, illegally..and certainly not downloading something i'm not interested in. i never understood that concept. if i can't listen to something for free, surely, i won't download it for free.

i'm still waiting for the answer to the question i asked as to why somebody would download something(in any fashion) that they don't like.

whether you want to believe or not, MJ's music is MJ's art.

If he sang the songs...they are his.


I am not gone waste time, this is all semantics...

Folks, Just don't buy the damn album if you don't want to & don't illegally download it.

Oh yes ofcourse I will. More than one too. Thank you to all that are as well.
I am going to buy it, and I have decided to buy extra copies to try and make up for those not buying.

This year everybody, and I mean everybody, will be getting a copy of the album as a Christmas present. As I am, fortunately, 'well-off' when it comes to money, I can afford to do this. I normally spend about £300-£400 on presents at christmas, so I have decided to spend most of that on MJ products - at least £300 on albums.
Fortunately most of my friends and family like/love MJ. If they don't, then it's tough. ;-)

I will, of course, buy the albums from multiple scourses, in small qty's - so that they all count towards the charts.
whether you want to believe or not, MJ's music is MJ's art.

If he sang the songs...they are his.


I am not gone waste time, this is all semantics...

Folks, Just don't buy the damn album if you don't want to & don't illegally download it.

i never said anything he's involved with, isn't his art. everything i have bought by him, i already know is his art, from abc to invincible to this is it.
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Michael Jackson is back for good.

Get used to it people!


deano;3091037 said:
I am going to buy it, and I have decided to buy extra copies to try and make up for those not buying.

This year everybody, and I mean everybody, will be getting a copy of the album as a Christmas present. As I am, fortunately, 'well-off' when it comes to money, I can afford to do this. I normally spend about £300-£400 on presents at christmas, so I have decided to spend most of that on MJ products - at least £300 on albums.
Fortunately most of my friends and family like/love MJ. If they don't, then it's tough. ;-)

I will, of course, buy the albums from multiple scourses, in small qty's - so that they all count towards the charts.

True fan!!!!!

Proud to read your messages!

Keep your head up!
LTD and other fans thinking of boycotting the album: Just don't want to give up on this one. I love Michael too much. Pls. bear with me:

Look at the bolded words you have written. So you feel you
have been treated wrongly and you have been disrespected. Why don't you turn this around and forget about you, and think about MICHAEL. How do you think MICHAEL would feel if this record flops and is forgotten? How do you think MICHAELwould feel if the media (the media that crucified him most of his life) pounce on him and ridicule him. How do you thinkMICHAEL would feel? As fans we know how important sales were to MICHAEL and how he wanted to prove to everyone he was back and he was still a force to be reckoned with. Well, what if this album is forgotten and not relevant? How do you think MICHAEL would feel? Think about MICHAEL not you.

Who cares about Sony at this point. Do you think you are hurting them by not buying this album. They have hundreds other artists out there, they will make up the money they lose from this album in a second. Will they feel bad, will their legacy be torn apart, will the media fault them? No! it will all be the fault of MICHAEL JACKSON and how the world has forgotten him. Don't you think MICHAEL has endured enough in the hands of the media and the public?

A friendly reminder - Michael (estate) will also be profiting from this venture. His children, his charities, his mother will make money from this. He needs to retire his huge debt. If there is not enough money to do so, then the estate is going to be forced to sell his Sony catalog. All this projects help his estate make money.

So please think about MICHAEL JACKSON . :)

Well you have to consider our reasoning for not wanting to buy the album, and why we feel disrespected. It's because we feel that certain songs on the album are fake.

So when considering that, I believe Michael would be outraged that fake songs are going to be included on an album. Michael wouldnt want any unfinished songs on his album full stop.

Believe me, thinking how Michael would feel has been a massive factor in my decision to not buy the album.
Well you have to consider our reasoning for not wanting to buy the album, and why we feel disrespected. It's because we feel that certain songs on the album are fake.

So when considering that, I believe Michael would be outraged that fake songs are going to be included on an album. Michael wouldnt want any unfinished songs on his album full stop.

Believe me, thinking how Michael would feel has been a massive factor in my decision to not buy the album.

at least, some of the members think like me !

Even "Much too soon" has been finished in 2010...

Nothing on this album has been aproved by mICHAEL, nothing !
Believe me, thinking how Michael would feel has been a massive factor in my decision to not buy the album.

I'm with you on that one.

I'm not buying the album, and it has nothing to do with me being selfish or anything along that line. It simply comes down to the fact that Sony and the estate has shown so much disrespect to the legacy of Michael Jackson by putting fake songs on his album, that I as a fan would have felt uncomfortable with buying it.

I believe that Michael would have been devastated if he knew what kind of songs the people in charge of this project is trying to pass off as "Michael Jackson". He was a perfectionist in all aspects, wanting each and every little detail to be just perfect. I do realise that perfection might not be possible with him being gone, but when I get a sence that the estate deliberatly is trying to fool the public, the fans and even Michael's own family, they have crossed a line. I rather wish the estate and Sony had stopped up, and thought about how Michael Jackson would feel about it.

I really can't see why they've went through with this, and I believe it's highly inlogical. But every time I listen to Breaking News, Keep Your Head Up, or even that little snippet of Monster, I know in my heart that I'm not listening to Michael Jackson. 3 out of 10 songs are in my opinion sung by an imposter, and that's something I believe that Michael would never have approved of.

The way I see it, I am not disrespecting his legacy by not buying this album. Actually, I believe I am contributing to preserve it.

We didn't ask for this to happen, but it did. The best way to make sure it will never be another farse like this, is to send a strong signal to those in charge. And I'm doing my part by not buying what I believe to be fake tracks, passed of as "Michael Jackson".

I just love Michael too much to buy this thing.
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What if it is Michael? There's absolutely zero proof that proves if either side is correct, zilch, none. Saying things like, "Michael would want me to buy this album" or "I'm not doing this for Michael" is a moot point when no such proof of real or fake exist, period.
Originally Posted by deano
I am going to buy it, and I have decided to buy extra copies to try and make up for those not buying.

This year everybody, and I mean everybody, will be getting a copy of the album as a Christmas present. As I am, fortunately, 'well-off' when it comes to money, I can afford to do this. I normally spend about £300-£400 on presents at christmas, so I have decided to spend most of that on MJ products - at least £300 on albums.
Fortunately most of my friends and family like/love MJ. If they don't, then it's tough. ;-)

I will, of course, buy the albums from multiple scourses, in small qty's - so that they all count towards the charts.

nfj;3091863 said:
True fan!!!!!

Proud to read your messages!

Keep your head up!


I have just been told that we are going to receive a 'Christmas Bonus' at work this year - quite a sum actually!

I have decided that half will go to a childrens charity, and the other half will go towards buying more MJ albums. We have a childrens hospice nearby, so my wife and I will be taking presents on Christmas eve - they will all contain MJ albums and DVD's!!

Looking at the "Will you buy Michael Jackson's new album 'Michael'?", I see that, so far, 79 people have said "No". Therefor I will be buying at least 79 extra albums before Christmas to give out as presents.

Merry Christmas to all. ;-)
It is difficult to me. I am still not decided what should I do.

On the one hand I would like to buy it but first time when I heard “Breaking news” I thought “What the .... it is not MJ”.

I think, I will wait for reactions of all those who buy “Michael” immediately after premiere.
^ That's great. I'll be buying several albums myself. Remember to purchase them separately so they count as individual sales.

I FULLY support this album :)
I don't know. I'm torn! I need more time to think...it's not out yet anyway.
I have just been told that we are going to receive a 'Christmas Bonus' at work this year - quite a sum actually!

I have decided that half will go to a childrens charity, and the other half will go towards buying more MJ albums. We have a childrens hospice nearby, so my wife and I will be taking presents on Christmas eve - they will all contain MJ albums and DVD's!!

Looking at the "Will you buy Michael Jackson's new album 'Michael'?", I see that, so far, 79 people have said "No". Therefor I will be buying at least 79 extra albums before Christmas to give out as presents.

Merry Christmas to all. ;-)
WOW! That's really great! Respect! :bow:
the problem is, the fans that invent rules for themselves, like, every song that's not completely finished by Michael should not be included, and each fan has a different idea of what "completely finished" really means. Echoing earlier comments here: NOTHING is finished, that's the point. Every single song has been tinkered with for hours, if not weeks, in a studio, playing with sounds, mixing different voices, intruments, etc. There is no song on the album where this isn't true. Even Akon made a whole new song out of "Hold My Hand" after Michael's death. There was never any "Akon and MJ" in there, it used to say "Konvict Music". This is a trite example but you know where I'm going with this.

Yes, the Cascios used different techniques mixing voices and sounds, but EVERY SINGLE SONG on this album uses different techniques. The fact that most of you single out the Cascios for their techniques boggles my mind. Listen to Much Too Soon. This was manipulated as well in the studio well into 2010. Every songs is manipulated. This is not a bad thing in my opinion, this is the music making process. This is not "remixing" in the sense of taking an original completed song and then having a different producer completely changing it. This is "mixing" as in these are the original people in the creation process that worked along side Michael while he was alive. Do you think they would disrepect him after he dies by going into a 180 degree opposite direction? No. They are working the same way as when they were with him for DAYS and DAYS in the studio toiling over getting the exactly right sound. They are not going to "forget" Michael even existed and then create something 100% different from his vision. His presence is going to be felt by the collaborators long after he dies, so in effect, they are just "finishing", like Teddy Riley said.