Why Are You Still A Michael Fan In 2008?

I'm an MJ fan still because there is no one better. Been a fan since the Bad album. His albums are an event when they are released. Artists today take no time with their albums that's why music is where it's at today. Look at the success of Thriller 25. It shows that it was an event.
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^ I love seeing new fans.. It puts a big smile on my face, and gives me more confirmation on even NEWER fans once the album comes out..

Fans like you keep me thinking positive on the future for MJ's career.
it aamzes me the amount of new fans that are coming/have come on the scene especially concsidering what its been like this decade. a total new generation when u are at hotels from the last 10 years or so.but then theres so much material that new fans will always come across because of them finding mj through his older material that i guess u shouldnt be to surprised
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Just wondering because i've been on several MJ fan sites and have noticed that many fans are not happy about the state of MJ's career (which is understandable) and there just seems to be a lot of complaining and negativity coming from people about Michael's career. Some fans don't even think Michael will be coming out with a new album so my question is why are you still a fan? Are you just satisfied with his older recordings and don't care if he never sings another note or do you truly believe that Michael can make a comeback and that's why you're sticking around? I'm just curious to know why some remain fans after all the years of bad publicity, more allegations, endless lawsuits and waiting for what seems like an eternity for the new album to come out, what is it that keeps you supporting Michael?
Still a fan because putting my energy into someone positive like MJ is more rewarding than putting my energy into someone like those negative people that you just described.

They can keep that mess. Don't want none. Don't need it. Have no use for it.

When life comes along and knocks them on their butt, they will find out that negativity is not going to help them get up.
well i will never ever be disipointed on michael, we need to remeber what michael have done for us, ALL OF US, his music liberates us in levels we dont even understand, and wheter people like it or not i accutly belive michaels muisc saves lifes, i am still an mj fan, allways was and allways will be nothing is gonna change that no matter what he does, wheter he does an new album or not.. an as far as the allgetions and stuff goes a true fan does not bail on his IDOL as soon as the fog comes, cause if they do that that they cant be enttitled the prevlige to be called an fan.. i belive michael is in a point now in hes life were he is really trying his best to satifie everyone.. for everything he has done for me the least i can do is stand along beside him and show him my graditued, and be rottin for him to do what needs to be done, and i really belive he will
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i have loved him for such a LOOONG time and will always be here for him

why, hmmmmm. i just know that he was a big part of my life since i was a child , given me so much joy with his music , cried for him in his difficult years and felt so happy hearing him again on a new record
after all these years.

i'm afraid i will always be a fan till the end LOL
I'm an MJ fan still because there is no one better. Been a fan since the Bad album. His albums are an event when they are released. Artists today take no time with their albums that's why music is where it's at today. Look at the success of Thriller 25. It shows that it was an event.
True that!

Very few artists these days work by the standards that were maintained during the early years. Although I've spotted some new talents, Michael to this very day remains one of the best artists to be walking this planet imo.

And to the one who started this thread: yes, there is a lot of negativity among Michael's fans, but then again negativity will always go hand in hand with the positive. Let it be and focus on where you stand, what you think and hope for! That's all that matters isn't it.
Because he's Michael Jackson!! Because I Love Him Dearly!! Because God Blessed the earth 50 years ago on August 29th 1958 when a lil boy was born to Katherine and Joseph Jackson!! Because Love,Magic and Gifts from God Never Die!!Because Love and Music are what truly makes the world go around and its these gifts Michael Jackson was blessed with 50 years ago and he Still Has Today!!
Because I Grow Up With Him Since I Was Six ...he Is My Man My Idol My Magic..i Will Always Love Him...
4 words:

Never a dull moment. lol

I agree with that statement! He is the only artist and entertainer with unbelievable longevity and relevance after 42 plus years in the industry. His popularity and success is unparalleled. That to me is enough to keep me a devoted fan. And also because of his good nature and philanthropic efforts over the years. He's truly inspiring.
all i can say is ive been a MJ fan since 1993 when i saw him on tv at the superbowl halftime show when i was 7 years old and i am never ever gonna stop loving that man im a fan cause he is so brilliant god wanted me to love this man for a reason i think him and i very much alike because he cares for people and hes damn sweet im a fan for life
I've been a fan since 1987 and you are asking why am I still a fan? Man, you should have seen him moving to that PEPSI commercial with the song BAD.

He created such an aura of magic that every his dance move, song, melody and video was always something unseen and new. He innovated music industry. All the pop, rnb and even rock and house or techno artists you see today are in his shadow. They take MJ's samples or entire songs and try to recreate the magic. It works, but until a certain extent, because they don't innovate, but simply copy him.

Only fans from the 80s can understand this. Just imagine that you see a complete and full artist: video maker (completely new concept) with THRILLER, excellent dancer with BILLIE JEAN and the famous MOONWALK (people went crazy, they had never seen anything like that before), singer - 7 singles (out of 10 songs only) from THRILLER reached the top 10 (never seen before)! 8 Grammy awards! Invitation by the president of the US Ronald Reagan to express his thanks and support. PEPSI commercials to the BILLIE JEAN tune.

All this followed by a 3-D movie in Disneyland - CAPTAIN EO and BAD album with excellent short movies, including SMOOTH CRIMINAL in which MJ again innovates dance moves by LEANING. Who has that seen before? Especially on stage!?

This is only a brief summary of all the magic created by MJ. In the 90s and 2000's tabloids tried to bring him to his knees and I think that this MJ bashing exhausted MJ.

He still loves what he does, but is simply disgusted how the press treat him and feels that they (not to mention big music companies and labels) are preventing him to (re)create that magic. Why is ti so? Maybe some people are pervert and take pleasure in seeing someone successful going down to their knees until the complete destruction. And of course you have some vaultures trying to get a piece of him.

All in all I am optimistic and am hoping to see MJ emerge, maybe not as before, but at least far more original than any other artist in today industry.
...why are you still a fan?

I know why I became a fan. I’m too young to remember the Thriller erz, but the BAD era was great. The videos, the concerts, the awards shows, the merchandise – it was all great. I felt this continued through the Dangerous era too until the allegations broke and it was never quite the same again. HIStory was a great album IMO, but Mike never seemed to on form again. I have been waiting since HIStory to be excited again and to really feel that success is coming but I just don’t feel it at the moment.
I believe that Mike has wasted the past 10 years and hasn’t really achieved anything except to further perpetuate his crazy, sometimes disturbing public persona. The most recent photos of him in a wheel chair wearing the mask and dark glasses are a fine example of that. If he’s truly got something wrong with him then he should say so because people will be more understanding. To do that without explaining is just setting himself up for public ridicule, especially if it’s seen as only a publicity stunt.

Why am I still a fan? I really can’t answer that. I think I cling on to the old Michael Jackson. The one I remember from BAD thru HIStory. I can’t really say I’ve been a fan of anything he’s done in the past 10 years, and that’s really hard for me to say.

I want Mike to be recognised as the huge talent he is and for the massive achievements he had during his career. Most of all though, I want him to HELP HIMSELF regain some of that glory. He doesn’t need to have the best selling album of the year, or even an album in the top 10. IF he can release a few albums of really quality work over the next 10 years, forget the gimmicks and take good care of his public image then I think he could regain some recognition and maybe people will take him seriously. Unfortunately I have been waiting for that to happen for 10 years already…
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I do not consider myself a "fan" of Michael. I guess I am a "fan" of other musicians like Elton John, Olivia Newton-John, the Carpenters. I like their music but have little or no interest in their personal lives.

On the other hand, I love Michael Jackson. It is a love that is unconditional. I care about his happiness, his health. I enjoy his art and treasure his inspiration.
well after today i wish i wasn't, he freaks me out with all his mind games, and his pr stunts.

He scares the hell out of me because i know when he does things like this it means he is seriously about to come back.
He's produced some great work, and performances that I enjoy. I just can't stop being a fan because he's not doing anything currently. He seems to be happy doing his own thing and that's cool with me.
I love Michael Jackson, always have and always will. His a great performer, artist, singer,songwriter etc. I admire his craft and I feel thats the most important thing period. His extremely talented and he seems like a nice guy. I wish people would focus more on his music than on his personal life.
Because he's not an artist, he's a genious. That's why you forgive him, even when he doesn't play music. I know he can do it again.
Why am I still an MJ fan in 2008?

People are talking like he suddenly stopped, he hasnt stopped at all, he is still the King of Pop! Sure, we have had our fair share of imitator's and pretender's...but we all know they are nothing compared to the magic and talent of Michael Joseph Jackson

Also, he love's his fan's, we love him back. Why would I turn my back on MJ? No way!
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Because he has shared his talent and his work is an inspiration for eternity.
He has created entertainment history.
It will stay forever with us.

Being a fan for me is just an expression of my very own greatfulness for what he has done with his creations for my life.