Why Are You Still A Michael Fan In 2008?


Cause 7 years after I have rediscovered Invincible and realized that it IS NOT a bad album.
ill always be a fan...been a fan since 1982(a huge fan that is) i may have my times when im not as huge of a fan as i was (due to mj not being around) but once he comes back my fandom will rise again!!! i will always be a fan because hes a unique man one of a kind no one can touch his talent,,, his humanitarian efforts and chartatable gifts toward people the world!!! i knew he was innocent ,,,, he may have had a big down time but wouldnt u being dragged into court for something u didnt do?? i think had that not happened he would have his album out sooner....that kind of stalled him in that department!!! but he will be back we as fans just have to be patient but plz mj no more re releases bring on the new music!!!!:yes:
I'm still a fan today b/c i have been a fan since 1987 and i am not going to give it up, b/c he's not singing at this mo or has'nt got a song out, but now he has a song ft Akon, Michael will always be in my life if hes singing or retires he stil a icon in my opintion, if he did retires. No one will do a better job then mike hes the Untimte singer,dancer,songwritter etc.. and the one and only KING OF POP!!.
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cuz most of the muzak out there is caca
haha, you just have to put some effort into digging for good music, cos it's there.

well i reckoned it was apropos for the moment....since i got a youn'un and all now....*sighs* okay how does 'doody' sound?
well i mean, save for mos def, talib kweli, angie stone, jill scott, common, john legend, alicia keys, kimya dawson, and a few others...i find that music is a bit bland.....nothing like lady saw in the mornin' tho! under the sycamore tree, jah'live!
well i mean, save for mos def, talib kweli, angie stone, jill scott, common, john legend, alicia keys, kimya dawson, and a few others...
nice - thing is, there's a lot more where those soulful cats came from and especially from much lesser known artists. just browse MySpace or some other medium and follow the connections lol
Why are people still fans of James Brown, Elvis, Chuck Berry, and other artists no longer living??? Because they are fans of there WORK..

Michael is a LIVING artist, with great work, and is STILL working.. What is there NOT to be a fan about?
Chuck Berry is still alive.
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yes but he has some nasty bathroom habits! lol

im down w/ da roots and i love me some ?estlove and digable planets.....all this new hippity hoppity stuff is too much for my ears...too damn annoying
Are you just satisfied with his older recordings and don't care if he never sings another note or do you truly believe that Michael can make a comeback and that's why you're sticking around? I'm just curious to know why some remain fans after all the years of bad publicity, more allegations, endless lawsuits and waiting for what seems like an eternity for the new album to come out, what is it that keeps you supporting Michael?
The way I see it is that it's not really a choice for me anymore whether I'm a fan or not. I just am. I've been for so long (ok since 1991) that I don't know how not to be, without being a fan of Michael's.
I love his old records that I don't really care if he makes a new album ever. I'm gonna be thrilled if he does though, but I wouldn't demand it. And so far anything better than Michael has not come up.
People still are huge fans of The Beatles and they haven't put out a record in years or toured (Macca alone doesn't count). Same thing goes to a lot of other bands and artists.
I know Michael can make a huge comeback and I hope he does and I hope it is successfull.
I Love and Care For Him and Want him to be happy no matter what he decides to do!! He's earned it and deserves it!! You don't give up on someone just because they aren't in the spotlight for awhile!! I've been a fan since 1975,(I'm 38 now)I will never stop believing in Michael!! He's a Good Person not just an Entertainer!!
becuz he finally put out some new material!! i was on my last straw!! :p :p LOL! j/k :D Becuz he is MJ and that's that.
Don't have time to read other comments right now because I gotta run in a sec...So I'm just gonna write a quick response now and then come back later if I feel like I need to add something. :)

Basically, why I am still a Michael Jackson fan today (and why I have remained a fan through the years)...is simply because I absolutely LOVE his music. I can't get ENOUGH of it. I listen to his songs DAILY...and I just don't get tired of his songs. I don't get tired watching the videos, etc. That is pretty much the number one reason.

And then let's not forget that the man is just incrediably goodlooking too in my opinion, so seeing new pics of him, etc. always makes my heart "bounce" a bit. It's like this little "rush" you get..if that makes any sense. :lol: It always remids me of when ever I saw Michael live on stage or waving at the hotel window, etc.....it was an incrediable feeling each time. There's just something about him that no other person has...and when he is smiling...AAAAH...it just makes you MELT! :wub: People can say what they want about him, but I just think he looks incrediably attractive...Even with two glasses on top of each other and bandaids all over his face an all. :wub: Maybe I'm "weird", but I just think he (STILL) looks incrediably cute. :wub:

Also, one thing that "keeps" me a fan is MJ's personality. He is just incrediably strong, confident, humble and resilient (sp?). That's very inspiring and VERY admirable. And I don't know him personally, but he just seems to be a down to earth, fun, sweet person...and I just find that so endearing. He seems to be a good person.

So I guess those are the main reasons why I am still a fan today. It's Michael's art, personality and looks that I can't help but to admire and love. With faults and all (because NO ONE is perfect...).

As for my hopes of Michael still making music and performing...Well, I'd be lying if I said I woudln't want him to make music anymore or woudln't want to see him on stage anymore. OF COURSE I WOULD!! More than anything. If I could just see him on stage one more time....I'd DIE!! And even if he woudln't perform...I do wish he'd at least continue to make music and videos because there just isn't anyone else who can do what he does. HOWEVER...I also understand that Michael now has three children and was also put through HELL...so if he feels he doesn't wanna do much in the public anymore...I also understand and accept that decision. I'd be sad, yes...but I'd also totally understand it.

I guess that's it for now...And now all I wanna do is "Hooooooool maaaaaah (well, actually Mike's) hand"...:lol: :lol:
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I will answer the question myself and say that for me, Michael is the greatest entertainer I have ever seen. I love many artists and am just a big music fan in general, but no one does it for me like Mike does. Plus, he's been apart of my life for so long, I don't think I could ever stop being a fan. I sometimes wonder though if people like myself who have been fans of Michael since childhood are maybe a bit more loyal or feel that they've been effected more by him/his music? Because that's how I kind of look at it. I think that a lot of people reflect on their childhood as a happy time in their lives. You know everything was carefree back then and less stressful (well at least for me anyway) and I just always have good memories attached to Michael. Part of it has to do with nostalgia with me. I always think about to how I was absolutely fascinated with him from the very first moment I saw the cover of "Off The Wall". Then when I saw MJ in that leather outfit in the "Bad' video when I was around four or five, it was all over lol. Completely obsessed from that moment.

Funny thing is that people ALWAYS used to tell me when I was younger that I would OUTGROW Michael and that there would be a time I wouldn't like him anymore, especially when I got older, but I'm 21 now and that hasn't happened and don't think I will ever completely outgrow him. It's kinda like with your first true love, you always have a special place in your heart for that person no matter how much time goes by or what happens in your life.

That is a great question. Thank you for starting this thread. It made me think

I've been a fan for at least 23 years now. As a teenager, i would get teased SO much for being a fan, but I would defend Michael with everything I had. I remember, I used to cry because of how much people made fun of him. I think when you go through that as a teenager, you just become loyal.

There is no denying his magic- he is uber talented, and when he releases something..music, a tour, - it is done with perfection. He works hard to make us happy. I appreciate that.

He is a strong man. As many people in this thread have said, despite all the criticism, he keeps going, and gives us new music. it makes me SO happy that he looks happy and well right now. Seeing him smile, and hearing him laugh, is really the best reward that a fan can get.

He's SO talented (em, did i say that already?) - music writing and production,singing, dance, entertainment, shows..

And what makes me sad is that so many years were taken away from him with charges and trials. Who knows how much more music he woudl have made if it weren't for those.

Despite all i've said above, i have to say - I would be really disappointed if Mike was done, and there wasn't an album on its way. I'm really looking forward to the new album, music that is gonna rock our world, and really reveal that there is only one true King of Pop. I want Michael to have that moment one more time, to be center stage, and enjoy it. I think he deserves that.

I dont' think Michael will ever stop making music. I'm hoping that like Frank Sinatra, and Sammy Davis Jr., that Mike has some classic 'oldie' type songs that will never go out of style, ever.
I want to grow old and dance to his music.

waiting in anticipation, and always a fan

I think this is a really good thought provoking thread. Thanks for starting it. It's odd you know, I've actually been a really full on MJ fan at probably the worst point of his career, I became a fan AFTER invincible was released, so I have seen no new videos, no new singles (worth mentioning), no new performances (worth mentioning) and no tours! So this is a question I actually ask myself alot as well. But I'm gonna be really honest right now, theres two reasons why I am a fan right now. 1) I believe Michael is the most talented, influential and fan worthy performer that has ever lived and 2) His life is so interesting! I can't think of any other celebrity that's life is that exposed in the media, I am literally addicted to keeping up to date with all the little things that are happening from day to day in Michaels life! It's like a 24 hour reality show, truman show or something! I swear the exposure of Michaels life is a phenomenon in human history...maybe I should write an essay someday or something lol?

But seriously...when it comes down to it, no one excites me more in terms of music and entertainment, hes a living genious and I can't wait to hear what his next cd sounds like, being a fan at the level we are here on the forums, sticking with him during the trial/lwmj etc really will give us a sense of victory and triumph when we all listen to his next album, it will make us feel so worthy and a real part of his legacy!

Well I'm glad some people don't think it was an insulting question.
I was just curious as to why some people are still fans for a number of reasons but you both expressed yourselves very well and I agree w/what you said about Michael being a genius and a timeless artist. In fact, there are A LOT OF GOOD responses in this thread and I really enjoyed reading everyone's comments. I'm sure Michael would be touched if he read what some fans wrote in here :).

ahahahaha pleasure's all mine :D

no need to be rude, how about giving a reason why you think it's a ridiculous question rather than just dropping a remark like that ;)

Thank u! lol

I certainly wasn't trying to offend anyone though, so I don't understand some of the negative comments in here but oh well, whatcha gonna do? lol......
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ive been a fan my entire life and plan 2stay 1 until the dirt is thrown on my casket lol
"The wisdom, courage, support, guidence, understanding, sweet kindness, and most of all for being the only one in the world that seems to truly understand my thoughts, feelings, and desires without ever being judgemental or ridiculing me for having the courage to be completely honest...

"TRUTH OF JUSTICE Nothing Is Black or White" (c) 1994

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It's kinda like with your first true love, you always have a special place in your heart for that person no matter how much time goes by or what happens in your life.

I feel the exact same way about Michael. The love that I have for the man is unconditional. There are many times that I just wanted to scream at him for making the same mistakes. And then, there are many times that I just wanna hug him (you know, in my mind, lol) and just love him. I like how everything turned out in his life because life is unpredictable. One minute, things looks great and the next minute, things look terrible. However, you do not stop loving the person once things start to look bad. You start to love the person more, imo.
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Why am I a fan in 2008?

Well you know, life don't last forever! And when it comes to MJ, tell me, what we're waiting for? Better off being a fan than miserable, i say. ;)
it's an easy question
why the most difficult question for me is why the others are not fans. is it that difficult to feel and understand that he is the best? as a human being and an artist. i'm always wondering at people who are not able to feel and love him