Why Are You Still A Michael Fan In 2008?

Why not...I have always loved his music and i still do.
Its that simple.
I think the question is wrong....why NOT be a Michael Jackson fan after all this time?? What kind of fair-weather fans do you think we are?? This is like a marriage - "For better, for worse"....I personally think that MJ has so much more to give to us pertaining to entertainment. I will ALWAYS be a fan!
Some fans don't even think Michael will be coming out with a new album so my question is why are you still a fan? Are you just satisfied with his older recordings and don't care if he never sings another note or do you truly believe that Michael can make a comeback and that's why you're sticking around? I'm just curious to know why some remain fans after all the years of bad publicity, more allegations, endless lawsuits and waiting for what seems like an eternity for the new album to come out, what is it that keeps you supporting Michael?

If fans still feel that way about him then why are they still fans? It is a choice to be a fan of anyone and those negative so called "fans" still complain about MJ need to move on to other people and save the true fans the misery and negativity.

I am still a fan because I love the man. I love what he is about. I do not care about the false allegations, lawsuits, the never ending hatred that he gets. That does not bother me. I do not want to be a fan of a celebrity that is phony, loved too much or "popular". There is something wrong with that celebrity. I am still a fan because I am a fan of his awesome talent. I feel that MJ is an International treasure that should be preserved. I think that MJ is a misunderstood individual and is unfairly trashed because he dared to be himself. I find a lot of myself in MJ. I am satisfied with his old recordings, his life and how things turned out for him. He made some mistakes, which I will explain later. I am satisfied that he did what he had to and wanted to do whether I agreed to it or not. Also, I truly believe that he will make another comeback and I am sticking around because of that. I think MJ still have one more CD and one more major tour inside of him and then maybe he might semi-retire because he did it all.

Regarding the endless lawsuits parts - MJ gets that because he has a lot of money. He cannot help that. He cannot help the fact that there are a lot of people who hate his guts. If his so called fans that are always negative about him and continue to dwell in what they cannot change, then they need to make a personal decision and stop supporting MJ. MJ has moved on after the nonsense that he has been through. He does not care what these hating ass media say about his rich ass. He has money out from under his bottom and could care less what a bunch of slaved media clowns say about him. If these "fans" hate the MJ of today, then they should go. The problem with these fans is that they expected MJ to do what they wanted him to do. When he did not fulfill their expectations, they turned on him. That is phony and disloyal to me. People should not be a fan of celebrities because of their personal lives. Fans have no real clue how these celebrities are in real life. All they know is the glamour, lies, PR stunts and fake images that the hired help of these celebrities put around them. They do not know the actual truth so how can they be fans of these celebrities "created" personal lives? I think that is the real issue here. Half of these so called "stars" have no real talent. What are they about really? Look at the popularity of these celebrities: are those fans really fans of the work, image, or personal lives? So, I am not disappointed about how his career turned out. His career is way better than any other "popular" artists today. MJ became a legend at 25 and did all he had to do before he was 30. So, his career turn out pretty good. He has nothing to prove in his new CD but to make it hot. As for his personal life: it could have been way better but he made choices in his life, like we all do, and sometimes, the choices can be the worst choices that he ever made. He would have been better off never getting married, never inviting strangers in his house and not giving a damn about some of these so called "friends".

why NOT be a Michael Jackson fan after all this time?? What kind of fair-weather fans do you think we are??

I think Cinnamon234 was just asking a general question and was curious about the answers. That is all. I doubt that she thinks that all of us are fair weathered fans.
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I think the question is wrong....why NOT be a Michael Jackson fan after all this time?? What kind of fair-weather fans do you think we are?? This is like a marriage - "For better, for worse"....I personally think that MJ has so much more to give to us pertaining to entertainment. I will ALWAYS be a fan!

I completely agree with this! There is NO reason not to be a Michael fan anymore- because he is absolutely amazing, and genius.
because he is the King of Music and 25-30 years later I see and hear so much of him on so much of what is making music today. from head to toe he is the Greatest and Most important Musical figure in my lifetime and He is the only reason why I love Music. He struck a chord with me a long time ago and for me he doesn't have anything else to ever Prove because he is a standard of what Greatness is suppose to be about.

believe it or not he is underrated if you ask me because some folks act like making a Off the wall and thriller alone are easy to do. I mean the better than average artist doesn't have One classic album let alone 2 and we ain't even talking about the jackson 5 catelog and showmanship to fall back on.

being fortunate to witness this man during his Prime and Peak are moments I shall never forget and I still believe that if he is motivated he could do it again,but if he ever does it again then I got storys to always reflect on. He is a standard and that alone deserves a lifetime of being down with In my book.
I wasn't trying to be sarcastic or caustic....I simply wanted to know why we SHOULDN'T still be fans....I will always be a fan. I think the man has gotten some unbelievably unfair treatment over the years...
Someone said this before......

I am a fan of the man first and foremost, so when it comes to the music, I'll still be there for the ride.

I'll ALWAYS love and be inspired by this man!
I see someone so talented, who attained so much....and evil people trying to take it all away from him...it appeals to my sense of justice....It bothers me about how badly he's been treated in the press...
I love him 4 life...I love his personality and his heart first before his amazing talent...so wheather he has new albums every 2 years or not I could care less...besides in the past 24 years I have not seen anyone affect me like he has...he is once in a lifetime...I think its great that we might get to experience another Michael Mania.... this is an exciting moment for him and for all of us...he is an amazing person! I just love him for ever.
One: The fact that's he's an extremely good and extremely rare kind of person who the world is never going to see the likes of again.

Two: He's the most talented person I've ever had the privledge of knowing of. It's either him or no one. Nobody compares.
Hmm... good question! I guess I'm living in the past!? ;) I'm used to it? Been a fan for too long (20 years) and too lazy to change now... or just loyal? I stood up for him for so many years and endured ridicule that I'm too stubborn to stop doing so now? I don't know!

Right after the trial ended and Michael was finally a free man again I thought for a moment that now would be a nice time to let it all go! To take a step back, to stop being a fan, to stop caring... it would have been a nice ending, I (along with millions of fans) saw him through the trial, supported him, both in spirit and person and he got aquitted... but somehow I didn't stop! I'm still here!

Well, I guess ultimatly deep down I hope there will be this grand comeback which proofs all the naysayers and doubters wrong and restablishes him as a relevant musician! And I wanna be there when it happens!
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Hmm... good question! I guess I'm living in the past!? ;) I'm used to it? Been a fan for too long (20 years) and too lazy to change now... or just loyal? I stood up for him for so many years and endured ridicule that I'm too stubborn to stop doing so now? I don't know!

Right after the trial ended and Michael was finally a free man again I thought for a moment that now would be a nice time to let it all go! To take a step back, to stop being a fan, to stop caring... it would have been a nice ending, I (along with millions of fans) saw him through the trial, supported him, both in spirit and person and he got aquitted... but somehow I didn't stop! I'm still here!

Well, I guess ultimatly deep down I hope there will be this grand comeback which proofs all the naysayers and doubters wrong and restablishes him as a relevant musician! And I wanna be there when it happens!

:clapping: I wouldn't have said it better myself. I have stood by him through so much, why should I stop now? Its not just about the music, its also because of the man that I'm a fan.
That is a great question. Thank you for starting this thread. It made me think

I've been a fan for at least 23 years now. As a teenager, i would get teased SO much for being a fan, but I would defend Michael with everything I had. I remember, I used to cry because of how much people made fun of him. I think when you go through that as a teenager, you just become loyal.

There is no denying his magic- he is uber talented, and when he releases something..music, a tour, - it is done with perfection. He works hard to make us happy. I appreciate that.

He is a strong man. As many people in this thread have said, despite all the criticism, he keeps going, and gives us new music. it makes me SO happy that he looks happy and well right now. Seeing him smile, and hearing him laugh, is really the best reward that a fan can get.

He's SO talented (em, did i say that already?) - music writing and production,singing, dance, entertainment, shows..

And what makes me sad is that so many years were taken away from him with charges and trials. Who knows how much more music he woudl have made if it weren't for those.

Despite all i've said above, i have to say - I would be really disappointed if Mike was done, and there wasn't an album on its way. I'm really looking forward to the new album, music that is gonna rock our world, and really reveal that there is only one true King of Pop. I want Michael to have that moment one more time, to be center stage, and enjoy it. I think he deserves that.

I dont' think Michael will ever stop making music. I'm hoping that like Frank Sinatra, and Sammy Davis Jr., that Mike has some classic 'oldie' type songs that will never go out of style, ever.
I want to grow old and dance to his music.

waiting in anticipation, and always a fan
Because there's nobody in the music business that could substitute MJ :p
I think this is a really good thought provoking thread. Thanks for starting it. It's odd you know, I've actually been a really full on MJ fan at probably the worst point of his career, I became a fan AFTER invincible was released, so I have seen no new videos, no new singles (worth mentioning), no new performances (worth mentioning) and no tours! So this is a question I actually ask myself alot as well. But I'm gonna be really honest right now, theres two reasons why I am a fan right now. 1) I believe Michael is the most talented, influential and fan worthy performer that has ever lived and 2) His life is so interesting! I can't think of any other celebrity that's life is that exposed in the media, I am literally addicted to keeping up to date with all the little things that are happening from day to day in Michaels life! It's like a 24 hour reality show, truman show or something! I swear the exposure of Michaels life is a phenomenon in human history...maybe I should write an essay someday or something lol?

But seriously...when it comes down to it, no one excites me more in terms of music and entertainment, hes a living genious and I can't wait to hear what his next cd sounds like, being a fan at the level we are here on the forums, sticking with him during the trial/lwmj etc really will give us a sense of victory and triumph when we all listen to his next album, it will make us feel so worthy and a real part of his legacy!
because if you were to judge his career by last 5 years and forget his career and presence in music in the last 30 years, there's gotta be something seriously wrong with you.
Why am i still a Michael fan in 2008?

Hmm well lets see...Ive been a Michael fan since i was first introduced to his music, back when i was only five years old. Fifteen years on and still nothing has come even close to the feeling i get when i listen to his music. I must have listened to 'Thriller' well over a thousand times and still NOTHING can beat it. Billie Jean, my favorite song of all time, still amazes me every time i hear it. As does almost every song of his i listen to. THAT is the reason why I'm still a Michael fan in 2008, and THAT is the reason he is STILL the King Of Pop!
You'l have probably see that I must be the most vocal in terms of critism of Michael's unfifilled promises like "See you all very soon" ect HOWEVER, make no mistake.. I love Michael Jackson to death, I am greatful for all the past years of entertainment that has shaped me so much as a person, and I'l never get tired of hearing HEARTBREAK HOTEL or IS IT SCARY ect.
I may be pissed with Mike for dragging us along lately but I will always be a fan even if he slapped me in the face and said: "I dont owe you anything"