When was the first time you?


when was the first time you told yourself, oh well life goes on.........
the first time i saw one i got to ride it too lol that was in a place called circus sarasani when i was little

when was the first time you went to the circus?
when I was a kid

when was the first time you realised what true love was all about?
I don't know, I think I'm still realizing it

when was the first time you forgave someone for hurting you
a few years ago....

When was the first time you fell in love?
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When I was 12 years was the first time I had ever fallen in love. Back in Spring of 92 and the great about that is I am still very much in love with him now. I probably love him more now than I did then. That amazing person's name is Michael Jackson and it was his In The Closet video that had cause me to fall madly in love with him.

When was the first time you saw a horror movie?
um probably when I was like a year old....I've always been allowed to watch scary movies:yes:

When was the first time you felt independent from your parents?
When I was 16

When was the first time you stood up for something you believed in?
When I was 15, I went to live with my Auntie in So. Cal. I thought I knew it all so my Mom let me discover on my own that I really didn't know everything after all :)

when was the first time you thought you knew it all
As a child

when was the first time you listened to a boring lecture/speech
oh lol! I guess at primary school when they talked about nonsence predijuiced religion!! crazy prejudiced ppl! THEY WANNET TO MAKE US DISLIKE OTHER RELIGIONS!

When was the first time u had a wet dream?
when I started my first job:yes:

when did you first get a cell phone?
many years ago

when was the first time you cooked a Holiday dinner by yourself
last night wth mommy

when's the first time you caught a lightening bug?
When I could start talking I suppose, we prayed at home and I was raised in private school and we went to church a couple times a week at the least :)

when was the first time things in life made sense to you
it still hasn't made sense to me yet:no:

When was the first time you fell in love with MJ?
I guess they still don't make much sense to me...:scratch: :lol:

When was the first time you travelled alone?
when I was 5 years old, my sister and I traveled alone to the midwest

when was the first time you tried a food you never thought you'd dare to try :mello:
Never, I'm not a violent person

when was the first time you laughed hysterically to where you cried