When was the first time you?

Must have been for my Son when he was little

when was the first time you learnt to fly a kite by yourself?
When I was very little and cried my eyes out :rofl:

when was the first time you booked a vacation?
As a kid...my sister used to beat me up basically daily.

When was the first time you went on a vacation by yourself?
When I was little :cry:

when was the first time you took yourself off to somewhere quiet and just thought about things?
As a kid. I climbed all the way on the top board of the closet and sat there for a while.

When was the first time you went to the dentist?
A good while ago :lol:

when was the last time you had to take care of someone that got very drunk?
Sorry :blush:

When I was a baby I guess, even though I don't remember :lol:

when was the first time you won a prize? and what was it? ( Just an added nosey question there ) :lol:
At a Valentines disco in school :rofl:

When was the first time you took a dog for a walk?
Never ack! don't like the thought of them jumping around in my hands *shivers*

when was the first time you wrote to santa and he brang you everything on your list?
In school loved it :)

when was the first time you got your first wage packet?
Yes that's what I meant :)

Um :unsure: again most likely in school? everything is in school LOL!

when was the first time you went to a sporting event?
When I was 14 again with school :lol: to Italy to Ski

when was the first time you bought a piece of art work?
When I was about 11 -12

when was the first time you realised your sibblings were people you should love and not just fight with?
:eek: :lol:

I've done it a few time don't remember the first

when was the first time you bought something on Ebay?
I sold some tickets I got for the WMA's what year was it now? 2006? :unsure: on there for much more than I paid for them :eek: I got better ones so sold those :lol:

when was the first time you were home alone?
All the time when I was little, we were latchkey kids

When was the first time you bought your first car