When was the first time you?

Well, judging from pics....as a baby already...:lol:

When was the first time you went into an amusement park?
a long time ago

when was the first time you thought about getting married
when I was little by my parents

when was the first time you travelled alone?
I can't remember the first time but it's something that happens a lot when we see others less fortunate... so many times over the years but the first? I can't remember.

when was the first time you realised it's time to take care off yourself now and not mum and dad's job no more?
I've been supporting and taking care of myself since I was 16

When was the first time you kissed someone
In the school playground when I was about 7 :lol: first proper kiss Damien :wub: I was about 14 my first boyfirend... he was cute.

Edit: In senior school

when was the first time you swam alone with no help?
When I was much younger

when was the first time you learn how to ride a bike without training wheels
I'm not sure, I think about change all the time

when was the first time you drove a car
Edit: I'm too slow!! :lol:

When I was around 19....(This one was for the "different direction" thingy..)

The first time I drove a car was....Hmm...I think when I was like 21-22...I'm not really into cars and driving...:lol:

When was the first time you went to see the circus?
I guess I was around 4-5 years old...I can't remember...

When was the first time you bought something yourself for yourself and what was it? (I bought myself an inflatable plastic pink panther as a 6-7 year old...:lol: It was almost as tall as I was. :lol: And then shortly after, I was playing hospital with it and gave it a "shot" with a sharp pencil..so it got a hole on it and that was the end of that panther and I was sooooo sad. :lol: )
^:rofl: Poor panther :)

Hmm I really can't remember what I bought, but I believe it was a teddybear I called Brownie, when I was around 6 years old. :) It's still somewhere in my closet :)

When was the first time you fell in love?
Well you can't really call it "love"; but the first time I had a MAJOR crush on a guy was when I was 8-9 years old....on a guy in my class. It was the first day of school and he walked into the class room and as soon as I saw him I was like :wild: :wub: :stretcher :lol: He had almost black hair and he was really tanned so I first thought he's Asian or something...he was GORGEOUS (/well...he still is today..:wild: :lol:). So anyways, I had a HUGE crush on him for YEARS...throughout high school....I guess I still kind of do. :scratch: :lol: :lol: But he was never interested in me, so... :lol:

When was the first time you knew what you wanna be when you grow up?
when I was a kid for my mummy at school :D

when was the first time you were fully understood?
I don't remember... when I was a kid though

when was the first time you acted in a play?

When was the first time you learned to rollerskate
In nursery school

when was the first time you wrote your name all alone?
Many times.... first time? :unsure: probably some silly fight with a friend at school or something lol

when was the first time you took someone out for dinner with money you earned yourself?