When was the first time you?

centries ago helping my dad paint someones house

when was the first time you got the internet, ye olde dial up with the awful noise lol
^ :lol: omg dial up ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh LOL 2002 I think

when was the first time you met a friend online?

when was the first time you flew on a plane by yourself
when I went to the gas station yesterday and it said $4.25 per gallon...:unsure:wth

when was the first time you said to yourself life is really good
edit: I didn't curse because I'd have a bar of soap in my mouth:lol:

I loooooovvveee bowling. When I was younger:D

when was the first time you said today there will be no plans, lets play it by ear
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Disappointed is a better word for me. My father when I was a child but life goes on and we are cordial today so it's all good:)

when was the first time you did somethng you were proud of
I feel like that a lot... cant remember the first time :unsure:

when was the first time you had someone take good care of you when you were unhappy?
No comment... or when I was a kid but not saying what it was about... bah

when was the first time you tried a new hobby?
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When I first looked through a telescope :)

when was the first time you took a class of some sort?
Outside of regular school? Probably in my twenties.

When was the first time you heard someone play the piano?
When I was younger, My first was either Snow White or Pinocchio :)

When was the first tim eyou got yourself out of a bad situation?
Pffft not a question to ask a women :lol: When I was pregnant :p

When was the first time you got sent to the head master/Mistress office in school?

When was the first time you forgot your homework at home the day it was due?
High School I was kind of a loner, hung with the different kids not the popular ones:D

when was the first time you knew exactly what you wanted in life
When I was given money to go shop for some on my own at about 11 :eek:

When was the first time you loaned someone some money and they didnt give it back?