When was the first time you?

Probably when the net came out and people used to ask do you have an email address I would be eh? :unsure: LOL

When was the first time you took a day to yourself to go and do something that you liked doing?
age 5 0r 6 maybe 7 lol

when was the first time you done your own laundry and ironing>
when I was little, I was a latch key kid

when was the first time you felt completely exhausted
After giving birth :dropdead:

when was the first time you learnt to swim?
when I was little, I have a really cute dentist now if anyone needs a referral:lol:

when was the first time you looked at someone and wondered what they were thinking
Yes, actually, I could use a referral...but with my luck you live in NORTHERN california. *sigh*

Probably high school.

When was the first time you accidently locked yourself in somewhere and had to have someone come help?
I think it was Grease and my Grandma took us in San Diego

when was the first time you learned to ride a bicycle
I think when I was maybe 9 or 10

when was the first time you had a crush on someone
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Yes, they are my favorite, and my first time of having one was probably when I was three or four...chocolate cream most likely.

When was the first time you took a dog for a walk?
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when I was 11 I broke my nose

when the first time you had to get an ID with a picture on it?
My driver's license when I was 16. It was of the profile...things have changed.

When was the first time you visited a National Monument?
When I was about ten we drove up to Oregon from California and stayed in a cabin by the Rogue River.

When was the first time you visited Mexico?
When I was 11 or 12 with some fellow students and teachers. I love it.

First time you finished a rubix cube?
when I was a kid the bathroom door got stuck so I climbed
out the window :lol:


never tried it before :p

when was the first time you drank red wine? :cheers:
I didnt like wine til I was in my 20's so some time then :yes:

when was the first time you kept a secret you were told?
Probably a few times before this, but this one I remember clearly, when I was about thirteen, my brother wrote to me and told me he was coming home for a leave from the Army and for me to not tell anyone. So I didn't, and they were all so surprised and happy when he came, and no one could beleive I didn't speak a word of it. I can keep secrets, yep. :)

When was the first time read a secret message printed on a popsicle stick after you had finished eating it?
When I was really young, around the time Dangerous came out....

When was the first time you shaved?