When was the first time you?

I don't remember but I swan across a lake (with my cousin in a boat beside me) when I was 9 I believe :) I was one determined little girl.

When was the first time you realized your parents aren't perfect?
I dont know if I ever thought they werent? But everyone has faults and we usually think our parents have a few when little? lol

When was the first time you ate something that was grown in your garden?
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All these superb swimmers in here!

Probably when I was about ten I partook from dat meager garden....planted by a couple of kids who didn't know what the heck they were doin'.

When was the first time you recited a prayer from church quietly to yourself?
3 I think? It would have been around there.

I am not a superb swimmer at all as far as technique, I just knew I was going to get to the other side.

When was the first time you pushed yourself to do something that you were quite terrified of doing and what was it?
when I was a kid, at my daddy who really didn't deserve it!

When was the first time you looked up to the sky and really appreciated how beautiful the blue and the white clouds are?
Why do you ALWAYS ask me this question!!!???? Trying to embarrass me infront of all are ya?

I'll put it this way, and I am relieved to say it...I was older than you! Ha! :p :lol: (not by much though *runs*)


um..when i was a baby? :p

when was the first time you swam in the ocean at night? :eek::D
I think I was still in primary school. Used to spend a lot more time at the beach back then...

When was the first time you realized you couldn't believe everything you read?
When I was about 19 or 20 and I was looking through a Star magazine (or it might have been National Enquirer) my mother had brought home from the grocery store and I thought..."This is the biggest bunch of *beep* I've ever seen. Why do people buy these? Talk about insulting one's intelligence." So that day I formed my opinion of Tabloids and it has never changed.

When was the first time you wished upon a star?
I do it all the time....

when was the first time you rode a bike
When I was a kid... 8 or 9 years old (I think).

When was the first time you marked your height on the wall?
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when I was little up until I finally reached 5'10"

when was the first time everyone and everything bothered you
Never have. Don't tempt me.

When was the first time you walked to school all by yourself?
when i was like 14 but i didnt walk i rode my bike 3 miles!!!!

when was the first time u lost someone u loved ????

When was the last time you went to the 10 items or less line at the grocery store?
Oh, too long ago! Good memories!

When was the first time you had Milk Duds in a theatre?
In my twenties when I had worked a Grad Nite at Disneyland all night long and drove home half asleep. I'm glad I didn't cause an accident. Phew.

When was the first time you straightened a paper clip to use it for something else?
Probably when I was hanging by my older brother when he was playing Beatle songs on the guitar in the sixties.

When was the first time you watched the Ed Sullivan show?
Probably watched the very first show...what year would that have been? I watched most of their shows.

When was the first time you watched TV in color?
when I was 8 and in DC visiting a relative bored to tears and said to myself, "I wish I could turn on the TV and see Michael Jackson" and turned it on and there he was :lol: funniest show too, but that's another thread LOL
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