When was the first time you?

first time I forgot to ask a question on a game thread? ...few months ago I think

first time you were completely confused about things that you thought you understood at one time.
pretty much all my life :lol:

first time you had a chocolate covered cherry?
oh get my mouth watering why dontcha.
I can't remember but I remember eating one of those Cherry Blossoms when I was probably 5 and loved it, still do.

First time you got caught talking to yourself?? :p
When I was little most likely...

When was the first time you thought someone really disliked you even though they said they did?
I don't know..I don't think I usually catch on to those things.

When is the first time you ate a food from another nationality that was so different from what you'd ever tried before and were pleasantly surprised?
Probably young twenties when I became more exploratory in that nature.

When was the first time you thought, "I'm not going to do what my mom suggests but something altogether different instead!"
Kindergarten. The doctor told me I couldn't go to a boy in my class's birthday party and it was the first birthday party I was ever invited to. When I said to the Dr. "but I really want to go" he said, "Tell them to save you some cake." I was only six but I knew somehow that was sarcasm.

When was the first time you sat through someone's graduation?
Still waitin..............................................................................................................................................................................................

When was the first time you ate one of those colorful, giant sized suckers?
I never have:D

when was the first time you swam in the ocean
I can't remember exactly...

Maybe 5? :unsure:

First time you heard a Michael song?
I was just little...I can't remember the first time.
edit:eek:h...championship? I won first place in a bike race when I was 9 does that count? I was the only girl and it was against guy from the ages of 9-11.

When was the first time you remember really getting hurt?
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Congratulations!! :D
You mean, physically?
I was very little, maybe around 3, and I stepped in a piece of broken glass. It was in the middle of the sand of a playground... :(

When was the first time you french kissed?
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When I was sixteen. *laughs* What a question...

When was the first time you dipped a french fry in catshup?
A few months back and................ :puke:

when was the first time you wrote a poem?
lol never..and i won't dare too, thats something i shouldn't even try to do :p

when was the first time you went on vacation?
When i was 8 or 9 years old i think...I was thinking "wooooo!!!junk food time!" lol

when was the first time you bought something on your own?
Age 12 it was the dangerous album on cd, never to forget
I came home and listen 3 times in a row, reading all the text along with it

when was your first kiss?
I was I think 11 or 12. Don't tell my kids that. It was much too young and I believe it was a dare.

When was your first boyfriend or girlfriend?
^^ Hey ape how you doing? :)

I was very young lol around 15 haha

When was the first time you went on a date and was it nice??
14 with my "boyfriend" and he took me to "The Burbs" and we held hands, and I couldn't concentrate on the movie because he was caressing my arm and I was not sure what to do. I was stuck in that spot. I loved how it felt, but was nervous.

When was the first time you stayed out all night not sleeping anywhere, just out?
Maybe high school?

When was the first time you took film in to be developed and they lost your prints? Grrr.