When was the first time you?

Maybe within the last five years. Hmm.

When was the first time you saw a model of a human skeleton?
Probably way back in my twenties when I first wanted to isolate myself. Then it became a pattern.

When was the first time you put black olives on each one of your finger tips before eating them?
I dont like them :puke:

When was the first time someone tried to hurt your feelings?
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I remember in Kindergarten I wanted to swing by this one boy, but he told me when I ran up to the swing that he was saving it for his next door neighbor, so I let her have the swing....but I was sad. It hurt my feelings. Then the swing on the other side of him opened up and he shouted to me to hurry and get it. So he redeemed himself. *laughs*

When was the first time you dropped a fork in a restaurant?
A few weeks back...

when was the last time someone acted ungrateful for something you did for them?
Most likely for a spelling test...memorized the words for that week. Maybe first grade or second grade?

When was the first time you sent someone a letter?
when I was about 5 yo

when was the first time you told someone off
Several years ago when I didn't see my Grandfather before he passed. Other than that I don't regret too much.

when was the first time you swam in the ocean

when was the first time you completed something in one day and felt proud about it:D
I've received 5 promotions in my 12 years here

when was the first time you had a really good laugh
you're in troubbbblllllleeeee :lol:

when was the first time you went on a water slide
I haven't

when was the first time you were star struck
When I saw MJ in concert I guess :)

When was the first time you met someone and just clicked with them and got along like you had known eachother for a long time?
since i know how to work on this world, let everyone get along like we had known eachother for a long time, can't remember when the changes begin.....

When was the first time you know "heart-broken" isnot only a adj.
but a physical reaction?
Why do you ALWAYS ask me this question!!!???? Trying to embarrass me infront of all are ya?

I'll put it this way, and I am relieved to say it...I was older than you! Ha! :p :lol: (not by much though *runs*)


When was the first time you swam a full lap across the long way of a pool?
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