What/Who etc is your favorite.........?

I dunno, I don't watch TV really. I did love watching The Vicar of Dibley and Father Ted though :wub: Are they sitcoms? :lol:

fav warm drink?
I like the erm, digging thingy :lol: In Dangerous. And the floor thingy in 2 Bad in Ghosts.

To be honest, I really love all of them. There's so many. My fav dance routines though are Dangerous, Smooth Criminal and 2 Bad.

Digging? I call it the golf bat move. :lol:

Yepp, Dangerous routine and Smooth Criminal are my favorites. Dance move, erm, I can't describe it. :mellow: I tried to once but nobody understood. ._.

What's your favorite candy/sweets?
Orbit Bubblemint :p

What is your favorite old school movie?

Who is your favorite celebrity horse (any horse from TV or a movie)
I love birds since they are today's version of the dinosaurs. But my favorite birds is any that had since gone extinct. Like the Dodo, The Elephant Bird, Archaeopteryx, and The Demon Duck of Doom. I think the extinct birds are so fascinating. Than the ones that are still alive today. Well all except for the Blue-Footed Boobie. I just love that bird.

I like Lotus', I think they look cool. =P

What's your favorite song off Invincible?
So many! Love Remember The Time though. =P

What's your favorite Janet song?
When I Think of You.

What is your favorite children's book?
Dark Choc

Who is your fave leading actress to play opposite Shahrukh Khan? :)