What/Who etc is your favorite.........?

See what? :huh: :lol:

spring and Fall

what is your fave mood to be in?
I have no idea.

What is your favorite soap/body wash to use in the shower?
It's a tie between candy corn and those after-dinner mints (the ones that come in pastel colors). That stuff is like crack to me. Screw the dinner, pass the mints. I could eat those til my tongue nearly goes numb.

What's your favorite flavor chapstick/lip balm if you use any?
Screw the dinner, pass the mints...


I don't use them but I bet I would like cherry flavor.

What is your favorite suit of playing cards?
Cherry is m fave :)

Hearts :yes:

What is your fave topping for a baked potato?

Twenty-one (blackjack)

Edit: bacon bits and cheddar cheese. yum

What's your fave way to wear your hair? Up or down?
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It looks nicer down.. but it gets on my nerves fairly often so it gets put back a lot, Especially for work.

What is your fave place to eat out?
I enjoy Mongolian Barbecue a lot. You can put everything you want into your bowl and they cook it up for ya.

Who is your fave female comedian?
That's hard. I like Som'more but Monique is pretty wild. :lol:

What was your favorite subject in school?
^ I love that musical - I saw it in theatre when I was younger, I'd like to see it again!

Dinner... hmm... so hard to choose, I like so many dishes :lol: Maybe chinese, or a pasta dish.

What is your favourite Disneyworld/land ride? :wild:
None at the moment, going to start reading Wuthering Heights soon though. :)

What's your favorite MJ song of all time?
Will You Be There, Give In To Me, Stranger in Moscow... list can actually go on and on and on.

Your favorite non MJ song of all time?