What/Who etc is your favorite.........?

I don't have a least fave b/c I love them all b/c they're all always a work in progress

what is your fave outdoor temperature?
Something in the 80's, or 90's are ok if I'm by some water.

What is your favorite barbeque meal?
bbq chicken, baked beans, potatoe salad made just like I like it (not loaded down in onion and celery) collard greens made with smoked turkey

what's your favorite color lightbulb other than white?
Some of my favorite cartoons are:

Looney Tunes
Jackson 5 (I still have probably all of the episodes on blank tapes.)
Rainbow Brite
Sailor Moon
Strawberry Shortcake (The early 80s version only. Since that is the one I remember and love.)
and My Little Pony
