What/Who etc is your favorite.........?


Whats your fave way to calm down when you feel like you are going to explode? :blowup:
Be on my own... otherwise... someones gonna die. >_<

Your favorite music to relax to?
I have a lot of memories which I think about all the time. :wub:

Where is your favorite place to be alone?
it would have to be peter pan :wub:

Who apart of mike do u look up to the most?
^ :lol: How cool! :wild:

My kids my parents my sibblings and some friends :) I don't have a fave

What is your fave line from any song?
My favorite verse is:

Reaching out
To touch a stranger
Electric eyes are everywhere
See that girl
She knows I'm watching
She likes the way I stare

What is your favorite flavor ice cream?
Toffee. :wild: Or mint chocolate chip..... oh God, me want! :wild:

What's your favorite pose? ( :huh: )