What/Who etc is your favorite.........?

Heaaaathhhcliffffe! It's me! :lol:

Afghan Hounds! I want one someday.

What's your favorite breed of cat?
I love The Thing, it's an old movie but SO good. And it kinda mentally scarred me. :mellow:

You mean with Kurt Russell...that's a classic! The ending was almost unfair. And I will always remember that wolf running across the snow...yeah...that wolf. Muahahaha!

Bow Tie with chicken and spinach and alfredo sauce.

What is your favorite type of meat to eat?
Oh God queen g... the wolf in the cell thing when it morphs. :mellow: Will NEVER forget that! There's so many jumpy bits in it too. >_>

I just use any pen laying around.

What's your favorite hair color?
I don't take vacations anymore. Not if I have to stay in a hotel or a motel. I don't ever want to stay in one of them ever again. Not after hearing the horror stories about what people had found there. like people getting bitten by bedbugs and people staying in filthy rooms and finding stains on the bedspreads and sheets. No thank you I would rather sleep on the street or in the car than to sleep in a hotel or a motel room.

Sorry too late. Instead of naming them all I am just going to say is that most of my favorite Hollywood actors and actresses are all dead now. Which is why I prefer only Bollywood actors and actresses now. Actors like the one in my signature who I so very much love.

Bill Nighy he's awesome. Totally admire his work.

Erm, I love anywhere that's warm with nice scenery.

What's your favorite fruit?
What like a cover? I like Alter Bridges Blackbird CD and MJ's HIStory CD too.

What's your favorite musical?
I used to play Sheena Easton "Almost Over You" on the record player when I was younger and I thought I could sing like her :girl_karaoke: :lol:

Who is your favorite Saint?
My favorite is Saint Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Animals and the Environment, he was also a poet :) but when I was much younger for All Saints Day in school I did my book report on Saint Cecilia, Patron Saint of Musicians :)

What is your favorite memory from grade school?
Timbaland is a producer I think? If so, then him. >_>

What's your favorite feature to look at on other ppl?
Can't eat in the morning but sometimes it's sausage butties. :wild:

What's your favorite flavor of juice?