What does MJ mean to you (Oprah asks)

Too bad we couldn't include pictures. I've gotta whopper.
I'm just gonna add it now.:

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Too bad we couldn't include pictures. I've gotta whopper.
I'm just gonna add it now.:

lol never seen this pic it's cool. You should send it to Oprah lol

I remember her saying on her show and she spoke directly to Michael in the camera. She said: "Michael, even if you were my brother I would still say to you that it's not appropriate to have kids sleep in your bed."
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Oprah, Oprah, Oprah. You know, she's supposed to be friends with Nelson Mandela, Stevie Wonder, Tina Turner etc etc. These people love and respect Michael Jackson. If she was a true friend to them, she wouldn't go out and disrespect someone they loved and admired. I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate it if Stevie Wonder came out and called her beloved Gayle insane or a freak. If that happened, she would've cussed Stevie out like there was no tomorrow. And yet, she feels it's appropriate to attack one of Stevie's closest friends. Talk about disrespect.
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I don't see why some of the posters here carry water for Oprah after all of the meanspirited things she's said about Michael. Baffling.

Some people (like me) dont know about the mean spirited things she said about Michael, and only know of the 90 min interview that aird on primetime, in which Oprah WAS NOT mean to him.
^^ Instead she just asked if he's a virgin.....

Oh god, yes it was a rude question, but it wasnt mean spirited. You guys need to get a grip. Dont bother responding, Im done with this thread.

I was hoping someone could give me specifics but this thread is just interested in thrashing people that are being objective. I dont even like or watch Oprah....whatever..
Oh god, yes it was a rude question, but it wasnt mean spirited. You guys need to get a grip. Dont bother responding, Im done with this thread.

I was hoping someone could give me specifics but this thread is just interested in thrashing people that are being objective. I dont even like or watch Oprah....whatever..
She would get people on her show and ask them about Michael. Then they'd all sit there and laugh about him. She asked several people, when Michael was not even the topic of the show. Even recently, when that woman obsessed with plastic surgery was on the show, she told Oprah that she wanted Michael Jackson's nose, and Oprah had something to say about that. Oprah was all negative on Michael for years. After the Bashir interview aired, she had a show where the whole audience got to talk about Michael. After that she put on a whole slew of child molestation shows. It got really tiring for me as a regular Oprah watcher, to see show after show dedicated to child molestation both during and after Michael's trial. It was pretty clear where she stood.
What is so interesting is specific individuals in the media (i.e. Bashir, Diane Sawyer, and Oprah) they went to Michael and interview him. I wonder what would have happened to these individuals if Michael HAD not agreed to speak to them? I am sure that they would NOT be the perceived popular MEDIA representatives that they are.

Michael gave these people the "big get" and they disrespected him time and time again. I hope there is a special place in Dante's 7th level of HADEs for all of them! But I can tell you this, the world will NOT stop and pay homage to these individuals in the MEDIA when they transition from the physical plane of existence.
Two words to describe Oprah... Sell out

I remember sending her a HATE mail in 2004.
She will never mean anything to anyone the way MJ means to me.
stupid bitch(plus ugly and fat makes me wanna throw up)
She is a backstabbing, white wanna be, she is selfrighteous, a bigot, a racist, etc.

You hit the nail on the head and I could not have said it better myself.

Hey cut her some slack. I don't see where all the outrage against Oprah stemming from.

Anyone who bashes Michael Jackson on national television—or anywhere else for that matter—deserves little to no respect, especially from Michael's fans. Oprah is a duplicitous and mean person who will say good things about a person when she's in their presence and proceed to insult that same person to no end when they are not present. That's cowardice of the highest degree.
Oprah is currently on vacation for the summer. I'm sure when she comes back she will do a show dedicated to him.
erm whats wrong with oprah can sum1 please tell me lol, i love oprah i dont understand what this is all about??
I bet you if she does have a show dedicated to him (which she undoubtedly will, for ratings sake if nothing else), it'll be all flowery and whatnot. She is completely twofaced. I'm a regular viewer of her show, and I will openly admit that she is doublesided. I predict that she'll probably try to get Janet on there if not the entire family... she'll probably bring some viewer(s) on the stage who writes in about their love for Michael and arrange for them to meet the family perhaps... and of course Shaheen will be invited (because she loves her some talented kids), probably his whole band actually. Her show can be amazingly predictable sometimes. I was going to write in to her, but I'm not so sure. It said that our entries can be used on the radio and anywhere else, and I can just imagine my words being read on Gayle Judgemental King's show. :no:
Oprah is a waste of time and space.

she sure is, and it seems that that "space" is constantly increasing :p She's a fat bitch who has no respect for Michael, and wants to pull some of the attention to her own fat ass with this latest venture. as far as I can tell, don't give her fucking website another visit - instead, spend your time on websites devoted to the true God of Music, Michael Jackson. :D
Oprah is an opportunist. She looks for issues to exploit for her own purposes and she does it well. This is why she is who she is.
I'm EXTREMELY upset with Oprah. She should at the very least replay her interview with him. Ugh.

Oprah certainly seemed very humble when she did her interview with Michael, why does she have to come across as such a witch now. I dont understand some people. Michael was so worth her time when she wanted that interview. She is making it seem as he is not worth her to print a few words on his passing. Cold hearted chic I will tell ya
You know what? I don't care if she does a special on Michael. Let her. If this special or whatever she plans to do is going to be about what Michael did for the world then good on her for doing that, however, if this turns into a bashing fest then she would have to prepare herself for a hell of a lot of criticism. This is not just about Oprah, but Bill O'Reilly and every one else still attacking Michael Jackson. If they think it's appropriate to use Michael Jackson's death as another opportunity to bash him then they've got another thing coming. Their viewers are going to be offended and ditch their @ss'. I know a lot of people who are pissed off over what Bill O'Reilly said. He has lost viewers, and I'm glad. These people kicked the man when he was down. Now they're going to try and kick him when he's dead?! I'm sorry, but viewers aren't going to be too impressed. You don't attack a dead man. You just don't do it. If Oprah decides to go down this route, I would truly be disappointed in her. And hopefully, her viewers will see her true colours and stop watching her show. The same thing happened with O'Reilly.
This is Oprah in a nutshell...

''We will help you with your debts and make a deptdiet! Why is America spending so much money?''

''Here is a french croissant... Its only $50 piece but its soo delicious, everyone in the audience is getting a taste, you can order these delicious cookies at...''

''So you have anorexia nervosa.. But you cant see how skinny you are? Cant you see that you look like a skeleton? You look hideous.. I dont understand you, at ALL. I just dont understand this girl, I dont understand... Gayle.. Help me understand.. I dont understand this disease at all... I dont understand.. How can one weigh 60 pounds and still feel fat?''

''Here is Kirstey Alley, she has lost an amazing xxx pounds!!! We are revealing our ultimate diet secrets today, lose weight today!!!''


Nah, this is Oprah in a nutshell.

The only way to deal with the likes of her and the tabloids etc. is to not watch, and not buy. Giving in to curiosity gives them sales and viewing figures and most of the time gets us angry and upset. These people crave attention and sales, and even a negative response is ok by them so long as they get what they want.

Lets not give them our time or attention. That is what we should do to support Michael.
Oprah it's a waste of time because she could never, never really understands what Michael means to all of us.