What does MJ mean to you (Oprah asks)

Yet, this may be a chance for us to discuss both cases. I don't know, I can only imagine the listeners calling in saying negative things even after the man's death. Besides, giving the various things she's mentioned, money fame etc...I don't think she's really interested in knowing how our 'hearts' feel. She doesn't take us MJ fans seriously, and I don't know if this show will change things.

The man is gone. What's the use of saying how we feel now; empty, distraught, in pain, anger....and that's only us fans. Can you imagine his family. *sighs*
There are some things in life that words cannot describe. Someone once said that the thing that comes closest to describing the indescribable is MUSIC. Michael's music has taught me so much about life - about the dance, the song, the happy and sad times, the importance of sharing and being honest with yourself... And that's why you couldn't love Michael's music only - he always sings from the heart, and you can always relate to him... (intentionally didn't put "sang",because he is still alive through his music)

He is the reason why I am a fan of music, why I play the guitar,write songs, speak English (and even study it) - all of this is a product of the inspiration Michael brought to me as early as the age of 4 - I am glad I got to love him then because with the innocence and purity of a child's heart and mind is how I kept the respect for Michael and didn't believe in any of the rumors... Because the greatest ones are always the most hated ones... And the most respected ones after death... I am glad that I respected him all my life. Thank you Michael for making my life more beautiful and staying with me... through your immortal music. I love you. Your biggest fan from Serbia, Milan Miric...

btw,i wrote this because i want the people to hear how much he IS loved... i don't give a shit about her.
I wrote this:

I really feel kind of doubtful about getting my feelings out here because of the fact that you did not respond to Michaels death and still are asking the the public what Michael Jackson means to us. I think it's inappropriate.

Only in respect of Michael will I share my thoughts about this. I think the media has taken things too far with all of the dirt digging before he was even buried. What I found interesting is that the media all of a sudden on his side while a few years ago they were crucifying him. It looks like there's nothing in between and that we just cannot try to understand Michael's point of view and leave him the way he is. They draw conclusions, speculate etc while actually they never met MJ in person. And the speculation is even based on so many lies. Why is there so many judgement about this man. He was just a kind, gentle and sweet soul wasn't that obvious? Why can't we just let that be. Of course he had a troubled life. It makes perfect sense to me that he's different. Are we stupid? What's wrong with people. It hurt to see all of this circus going around about a man who was so pure.

Michael touched the heart of so many people. All he wanted was to give, be loved and to be pure. It was really hard on him all the scandals and lies. It even made me think that the media has killed him. He inspired so many people, had so much influence, touched the hearts of millions and gave a lot to charity. Yes he's undoubtedly the King of Pop and he deserved this token of respect at the memorial and I hope that people start to realise what they did to this man.
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I wrote this:

I really feel kind of doubtful about getting my feelings out here because of the fact that you did not respond to Michaels death and still are asking the the public what Michael Jackson means to us. I think it's inappropriate.

Only in respect of Michael will I share my thoughts about this. I think the media has taken things too far with all of the dirt digging before he was even buried. What I found interesting is that the media all of a sudden on his side while a few years ago they were crucifying him. It looks like there's nothing in between and that we just cannot try to understand Michael's point of view and leave him the way he is. They draw conclusions, speculate etc while actually they never met MJ in person. And the speculation is even based on so many lies. Why is there so many judgement about this man. He was just a kind, gentle and sweet soul wasn't that obvious? Why can't we just let that be. Of course he had a troubled life. It makes perfect sense to me that he's different. Are we stupid? What's wrong with people. It hurt to see all of this circus going around about a man who was so pure.

Michael touched the heart of so many people. All he wanted was to give, be loved and to be pure. It was really hard on him all the scandals and lies. It even made me think that the media has killed him. He inspired so many people, had so much influence, touched the hearts of millions and gave a lot to charity. Yes he's doubtfully the King of Pop and he deserved this token of respect at the memorial and I hope that people start to realise what they did to this man.


Surely you meant undoubtedly though :p

Nothing good can come out of this show unless its a tribute to his talent or his persona. The reason why Oprah is even asking fans to come on her show is so she can critisize, judge and speculate for just one more time.. She will ask stuff she has already asked a million times earlier:

''Do you believe he was a child molestor now that he is dead''?
''Do you think his children will have a better childhood now''?
''Was he on drugs''?
''Was he an addict''?
''Did he kill himself because he drowned in dept''?
''Whats going to happen to Michael Jacksons money and estates''?
''Was he anorexic''?
''So you dont think he molested those children?''
''Do you believe the children of Michael are his real children, because they are white!''?
''Its sad.. Very sad.. Oh well, how many plastic surgeries did you think he had''?
''Was Michael bald''?
''Do you think he ever had sex with a woman besides Lisa Marie Presley''?

Enough said........................
^^That is why I told her this:

What Michael Jackson means to me is to remain private. It is not something to be used for a sound bite or a clip on you tube. My emotions will not be used to garner more viewers. I do not need fifteen minutes of fame thank you. Why do my feelings count now? I have too much respect for Mr. Jackson, his children, his family and his fans, than to have my ego stroked.

Nothing good can come out of this show unless its a tribute to his talent or his persona. The reason why Oprah is even asking fans to come on her show is so she can critisize, judge and speculate for just one more time.. She will ask stuff she has already asked a million times earlier:

''Do you believe he was a child molestor now that he is dead''?
''Do you think his children will have a better childhood now''?
''Was he on drugs''?
''Was he an addict''?
''Did he kill himself because he drowned in dept''?
''Whats going to happen to Michael Jacksons money and estates''?
''Was he anorexic''?
''So you dont think he molested those children?''
''Do you believe the children of Michael are his real children, because they are white!''?
''Its sad.. Very sad.. Oh well, how many plastic surgeries did you think he had''?
''Was Michael bald''?
''Do you think he ever had sex with a woman besides Lisa Marie Presley''?

Enough said........................[/quote]

OMG you nailed her to the T. that sounds just like that ugly pig lady from hell. But I loved the interview she did with Michael :wub:because all I was looking at was him:wub: the whole time.. but she irritated me I really don't like her.
I used to like Oprah but her attitude towards certain things etc has made me 'neutral' lol. She speaks from a judgmental loft, one that only God himself should speak from. She has disrespected Michael Jackson from the first moment she interviewed him. And I was sincerely hoping that she would go ahead and ignore him because I, for one, would be much better off not hearing that trash.

PS. And it isn't the MJ issue alone that makes me feel like that towards her. Fairweather describes her quite well. I can also think of 'fake' , 'pretender' etc.
Fans should write and tell Oprah to invite his family and friends to talk, rather than inviting opinions drenched in media misinformation.

Tell her she dwells on the tabloid negative, kids, costs, republican congressman,

Why not achievments, humanitarianism, inmfluence, contrinbution, Sheila Lee

Also ask her why TMez was invited by all other talkshow hosts and NEVER by Oprah.

Tell her if she wants to discuss the republican congressman's comments, she can have TMez any day on that show.


Why won't she have TMez on her show? Because he will put her straight with her prejudices the way he straightened Jay Leno.

But she is arrogant and so full of herself that she has the audacity to bypass Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, MJ friends, Congressman Lee and go for negative Republican congressman.

Oprah never cared about MJ?
She's seen how Paris has touched a note with the public, mothers and women all around the US and the world, how Mandela did not hold back, and she wants to tap into that by introducing negativity.

By the way, why does MJ need Oprah? Did the 1993 interview stop the ridicule? What did it help?

All i know is that it helped Oprah with worldwide exposure, but the media continued reporting lies about Michael.
So an Oprah show ain't gonna reduce or increase MJ album sales which are already selling as hotcakes.

Oprah is like Barbara Walters, no difference period!!

She sees MJ is on top, a legend and topping the charts, with Paris connecting with the public and she wants to piggy ride, but instead with the negative.

I cannot see someone who likes Michael making such subjects the topic of a show.
Fans should write and tell Oprah to invite his family and friends to talk, rather than inviting opinions drenched in media misinformation.

Why won't she have TMez on her show? Because he will put her straight with her prejudices the way he straightened Jay Leno.

That will never happen. Because Oprah is a coward and too arrogant to own up to her mistakes, if the family ever came on the show, she KNOWS they would rip her apart. She is too far up her ass to humiliate herself on her own talkshow like that. I wish that would happen though....
This is Oprah in a nutshell...

''We will help you with your debts and make a deptdiet! Why is America spending so much money?''

''Here is a french croissant... Its only $50 piece but its soo delicious, everyone in the audience is getting a taste, you can order these delicious cookies at...''

''So you have anorexia nervosa.. But you cant see how skinny you are? Cant you see that you look like a skeleton? You look hideous.. I dont understand you, at ALL. I just dont understand this girl, I dont understand... Gayle.. Help me understand.. I dont understand this disease at all... I dont understand.. How can one weigh 60 pounds and still feel fat?''

''Here is Kirstey Alley, she has lost an amazing xxx pounds!!! We are revealing our ultimate diet secrets today, lose weight today!!!''

I remember how Take 2 silenced all of MJ's critics by dealing with every subject, only for Oprah to rehash "plastic surgery" and judgemental comments towards Michael, undoing the good work.

This is a woman who wanted to invite Bashir on her show, but never invited TMez because TMez would not have declined.

During the trial, she made various derisive comments towards Michael.
This is Oprah in a nutshell...

''So you have anorexia nervosa.. But you cant see how skinny you are? Cant you see that you look like a skeleton? You look hideous.. I dont understand you, at ALL. I just dont understand this girl, I dont understand... Gayle.. Help me understand.. I dont understand this disease at all... I dont understand.. How can one weigh 60 pounds and still feel fat?''


This reminded me of Bashir's stupid comments to Michael "help me understand"

Bashir, Barbara Walters, Oprah are made from the same thread. The thread of media self centred ego to advance career and treat their subjects like idiots.

When they are the idiots. Barbara Walters tried to enhance her career by speaking about an affair only to be criticized.
MJ? Is she talking about "Sir" Mick Jagger or Michael Jordan?
rsw22 I agree with every thing you said. I use to like Oprah but she's become so commercialized and like someone said thinks that she knows it all. And the question that she ask about Michael are very negative. Why even bring up that Pete King fool. She is being disrespectful, in my opinion, towards Michael's legacy. Can something ever be positive for a change when it comes to Michael?
This is Oprah in a nutshell...

''We will help you with your debts and make a deptdiet! Why is America spending so much money?''

''Here is a french croissant... Its only $50 piece but its soo delicious, everyone in the audience is getting a taste, you can order these delicious cookies at...''

''So you have anorexia nervosa.. But you cant see how skinny you are? Cant you see that you look like a skeleton? You look hideous.. I dont understand you, at ALL. I just dont understand this girl, I dont understand... Gayle.. Help me understand.. I dont understand this disease at all... I dont understand.. How can one weigh 60 pounds and still feel fat?''

''Here is Kirstey Alley, she has lost an amazing xxx pounds!!! We are revealing our ultimate diet secrets today, lose weight today!!!''


You captured her perfectly. She is one who wants everyone to have empathy for her flaws, struggles, and imperfections. Yet, she does not want to go there for others, unless they are within her "chosen" group.

And this is the difference between her and Michael. Michael didn't just put his money out there; he put his heart out there. And Michael didn't stand in judgment of others. He simply offered help and empathy and understanding. To a person truly suffering, that is where the help truly begins. Not from preaching or superior attitudes. I could see going to Michael when in pain because I think that I would find a listener. I could not see doing the same with Oprah because there I think I would only find a judge.
I always feel uncomfortable when I see Janet interviewed by her...

I vaguely remember an interview around the Velvet Rope period when even though Janet blatantly said she didnt want to focus on Michael (after all it is *her* career, and *his* personal life) Oprah persued the discussion in an invasive and flippant way.
How did this hater get to be so famous? Oh that's right, Michael gave her that interview. Ingrate.
I feel that Michael is far too great a complex and special individual for many to understand, esp Oprah. She may mean well, yet if she truly wants to make Mike's spirit known to the world, she has to understand the human condition...understand from Michael's point of view. Inviting his family on would probably allow the public to embrace this idea, yet she can't be the one to say, "O.k, well then why did he do this....prove this to me....nad if he didn't know any better .." etc..I think we get where I'm coming form with this.

I'd want it to be from the heart, not just for ratings. I'm hoping that Oprah can take what our hearts pour out, and realize that he really is a human after all. There are reasons why he did what he did, but dwelling on his flaws isn't what we're about.

At the end of the day, it's how he made many of us get through it that counts.

I hope Trish and Ja see this post, their stories /experiences I feel would help make a statement from a human perspective.
I wrote her and I think we should all let her know how we feel about Michael! He deserves to have a show dedicated to him. She did one dedicated to Elvis with Lisa Marie and her mother. Michael helped put her where she is wrether she wants to pretend she does'nt know that or not.
Eh. I'm neutral on Oprah. Millions are influenced by her and many follow her recommendations. I'm not one for being lead around by the nose by anyone. Just like that asshat congress louse who opened his flea infested pie hole to disparage Michael Jackson, I really could care less what Oprah thought of MJ or whether she released a statement on his passing. She isn't obligated to do so and she is entitled to her opinions on whatever subject or person she decides to talk about.

The lady rubs me the wrong way for a variety of reasons--less of which includes her decision to follow the other media whores and dump on Michael--but the woman has also done a lot of good. Just like every one of us (and Michael), she makes mistakes. You ladies and gents must realize that her perception on how things are and how things ought to be is shaped by the world that she grew up in and the one in which she currently resides.

Think about the people who cannot comprehend your love for Michael Jackson, those who can't believe that the world grieves for such a "tragic" individual. Think about the different factions of fans who had disagreed in the past on one thing or another regarding Michael's actions. Same deal.

I say that if you wish, you ought to leave Oprah your sincere feelings about Michael Jackson. If she chooses to then use those comments to ridicule his fans, then she shall one day be rewarded for her unjust exploitation and betrayal of those who openly answered her question. There is, however, the possibility that she would present it as given. The choice is up to you to contribute or not. If you do, you run the risk of having it twisted. If you don't, there's the risk of her ending up with only opinions from people who really couldn't give two figs about MJ.

Think on it and make your decision. BUT be sure that the decision is yours and is not instead based heavily on how others feel about Oprah.
No, Oprah doesn't make mistakes. Britney Spears make mistakes, Elvis made mistakes, MJ made mistakes, that is NOT the category Oprah falls into.

As someone pointed out, she has made herself a judge and juror of many a persons. I cannot forget that show where it was just a free for all for people to disgrace MJ (tears come to my eyes thinking about it). it was simply one of the most cruel things for ANYBODY to do to ANYONE. That is NOT a mistake.

Sorry I am getting so heated about it.

Nor will I ever forget the way she totally invited that author on her show with the sole intention of disgracing him. But even he, she apologized to after many years ( i wonder why).

She constantly tries to raise herself to lofty and impeccable heights which is the height of arrogance.

I could go on and on... but these are not to be confused with mistakes nor should parallels be drawn to MJ. That is just so wrong. So wrong. This is a platform she willingly chooses to stand on.

MJ was ridiculed because of appearance. How shallow can one be? But what she shows is not appearance, it is her heart; the intent of her thoughts, that's what she shows; for years. And it is not pretty. And for all the good she has done, I commend her, but her heart betrays her true nature.

I said I was neutral and in order for me to remain neutral she should just stay away from mentioning his name.

I don't need her to acknowledge him at all. And I mean that without bitterness. I just want things to be genuine where MJ is concerned now. So all the gossip mongers, and 'famous' people can take a backseat if they never knew, or appreciated MJ.

No, Oprah doesn't make mistakes. Britney Spears make mistakes, Elvis made mistakes, MJ made mistakes, that is NOT the category Oprah falls into.

As someone pointed out, she has made herself a judge and juror of many a persons. I cannot forget that show where it was just a free for all for people to disgrace MJ (tears come to my eyes thinking about it). it was simply one of the most cruel things for ANYBODY to do to ANYONE. That is NOT a mistake.

Sorry I am getting so heated about it.

Nor will I ever forget the way she totally invited that author on her show with the sole intention of disgracing him. But even he, she apologized to after many years ( i wonder why).

She constantly tries to raise herself to lofty and impeccable heights which is the height of arrogance.
I feel you, Lise. I really do. I'm right there with you. This is the least of what riles me up about Oprah, so imagine what the most is.

I could go on and on... but these are not to be confused with mistakes nor should parallels be drawn to MJ. That is just so wrong. So wrong. This is a platform she willingly chooses to stand on.
The example you give is not what I would call a "mistake." I would consider it more of a consciously made egregious act. Some may call it making a "shrewd business decision", while others may consider it a rank exploitation and debasement of someone who has never done anything to you. Take your pick. It may be both.

MJ was ridiculed because of appearance. How shallow can one be? But what she shows is not appearance, it is her heart; the intent of her thoughts, that's what she shows; for years. And it is not pretty. And for all the good she has done, I commend her, but her heart betrays her true nature.

I said I was neutral and in order for me to remain neutral she should just stay away from mentioning his name.
Are you sure you're neutral? :lol: Girl, you are going off here. I'm scared for Oprah. :lol:

And yes, how shallow can one be when you ridicule anyone because of their appearance? I can understand you not caring for a particular feature or their way of dress or the style of their hair, but to go so far as to ridicule a person for their individual taste?

Well, now that Michael is gone, you would think that people would focus on what his memorial wanted us to focus on: his humanity. Instead, we have Larry King asking Dr. Klein about Michael's plastic surgery. We've got magazines and "news" shows giving us a chronological "map" of Michael's face over the years. I won't ever forget the morphing face they had some years back on NBC (?) and then someone aging a J5 era Michael to see how he would look "today." That was a bowl of jolly fun. And to think people's teeth don't rot from this mess.

I don't need her to acknowledge him at all. And I mean that without bitterness. I just want things to be genuine where MJ is concerned now. So all the gossip mongers, and 'famous' people can take a backseat if they never knew, or appreciated MJ.

:lol: :flowers:

It's okay, boo. All this chatter will fade and become nothing but a distant memory. His work will stand the test of time. No one can take his accomplishments away from him.
I wrote something just because I hope she'll do something positive if she thinks public opinion is positive.
It's not only what she says or refuses to say, it's the people and comments that she includes in her show.
I remember in that Take 2 episode, someone in the audience was trying to defend Michael. Oprah said she'd get back to her as we go to a commercial break. Fine.
But I don't remember getting back to that lady. If that lady in the audience ended up talking, from the version I saw, she wasn't included in the final edit.

It annoys me how her audience laughs at every comment she makes...and Oprah feeds off that, hence leading her to give them what she thinks they want to hear, trying to be "cool with the people". She seemed to want to maintain that distance, like 'What the?? I don't understand him either, people.'
If she did, she certainly didn't show it on her show.