What does MJ mean to you (Oprah asks)

is everybody sound so jealousy :yes: ooh my god stop it :yes:

i'm fan of oprah :yes: and if you have problem with that you can talk to the otherside thank you very much :yes:
So what's the point ?
Why do we have to feed the ugly *** with our precious stories?
She is disgusting. you know?
She is the monster who kids must not to touch!!!! Repect?! Why do people have to respect a woman makes a life by using people?
because she donated a lot of money?
I mean where's the money from?

If someone has to be respected by the fact 'donation' thing, hey Michael had donated a lot of money too.

I'm so upset!!!!!! Since the day MJ died, I've been angry for all the backstabbers and hypocrites.
If she just shut ** and didn't make comments about him I would be fine.
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Oprah does seem to sail w/ whatever way the wind blows. Remember when it was revealed w/ James Frey that his "A Million Little Pieces" was made up, and she defended it on Larry King, saying the inspirational message of the book remained the same? Then her 'fans' barraged her website w/ angry emails/posts saying "how dare she support a liar" etc, so what did Big Powerful Oprah do -- stand by her opinion, right? Nope! She then invited Frey on her show for the chance to "explain himself," yet proceeded to deliver one of the most condescending 'interviews' I've watched. It was really embarrassing to see this grown man squirm and get talked to like he was eight. Don't get me wrong, lying is wrong and people had a right to be upset, but Oprah's opinion changed once the fans got mad. I think the user who said that she's waiting to see what the responses say to see what type of show she does is right.
^^ That is why I sent her the message I did.
I don't need my "story" used as a sound bite or a clip on you tube. I don't need my "story" to impress her or anyone else for that matter.
I'm not gonna cry my eyes out so she can pick Michael apart if that is the way she goes.
She can kiss my ass. My "story" is between me, Michael, and God.
you know you guys don't like it when people pick on MJ, maybe you should show Oprah the same respect huh? You guys are acting like she's a bad person or something, when she really couldn't be farther from it.

I kind of agree. I think Oprah is doing the show b/c of the worldly reaction to his death. People have reacted with realizing how badly Michael was treated when he was here, to people realizing how fucked up our culture is with celebrity. And everything in between.
First time I burst out laughing all day! lol! did you send that in?:clapping:

Well, as classy as *What Michael means to me is none of that b*tches business* sounds. No I sent her this:

What Michael Jackson means to me is to remain private. It is not something to be used for a sound bite or a clip on you tube. My emotions will not be used to garner more viewers. I do not need fifteen minutes of fame thank you. Why do my feelings count now? I have too much respect for Mr. Jackson, his children, his family and his fans, than to have my ego stroked.

Glad to see ya'll are laughin cause of me in this thread, cause I'ma bout to beat the hell outa someone in another.....:bugeyed
Can someone tell me about the Oprah/Michael thing. The only thing I remember Oprah doing on Michael was that interview that aird in the evening, it was in the 90's. Whats "take2" and "TMez"?
Can someone tell me about the Oprah/Michael thing. The only thing I remember Oprah doing on Michael was that interview that aird in the evening, it was in the 90's. Whats "take2" and "TMez"?
After 'Living With Michael Jackson', I'm sure you know of the documentary Michael's team did to combat it, 'Take Two'. Oprah devoted a show to talking about that and from what I can remember, she didn't try to really understand Michael at all.
"TMez" refers to the brilliant Thomas Mesereau who was Michael's lawyer for the 2005 trial.
After 'Living With Michael Jackson', I'm sure you know of the documentary Michael's team did to combat it, 'Take Two'. Oprah devoted a show to talking about that and from what I can remember, she didn't try to really understand Michael at all.
"TMez" refers to the brilliant Thomas Mesereau who was Michael's lawyer for the 2005 trial.

Thank ya
First time I burst out laughing all day! lol! did you send that in?:clapping:

Post of the week :clapping:

You're getting reputation for that!

:wild: Thank you guys.

I'm just trying to be honest. Why the hell is it her business? She just wants to hear some crazy nut job. I ain't gonna give her that. My memories are too precious to have blasted on the t.v. all day.
They are all I have left of Michael aside from his albums and DVDs.
I'm not gonna help her get her rocks off or her ratings up.
:wild: Thank you guys.

I'm just trying to be honest. Why the hell is it her business? She just wants to hear some crazy nut job. I ain't gonna give her that. My memories are too precious to have blasted on the t.v. all day.
They are all I have left of Michael aside from his albums and DVDs.
I'm not gonna help her get her rocks off or her ratings up.

Amen. I stopped caring about what Oprah had to say a long time ago. She's too preachy. I understand she has done good and I respect her for that. I also respect her achievements. But Oprah is self righteous and goes with whatever is relevant. Her show is no different than that of her off spring dr Phil.

I don't care what Oprah has to say about Michael or his fans. It's been two weeks and not a word from her. Had this been Brad Pitt or Madonna, this woman would have been all over it. Please, she can say whatever she wants about Michael and his fans. Frankly I don't care what any of them leaches have to say. All that matters are the Jacksons, Michaels children and the fans. All the others else are a bunch of money hungry phonies.
is everybody sound so jealousy :yes: ooh my god stop it :yes:

i'm fan of oprah :yes: and if you have problem with that you can talk to the otherside thank you very much :yes:

yes honey but she wasn't supportive of our Michael at all, so that's why we are angry... :(
After 'Living With Michael Jackson', I'm sure you know of the documentary Michael's team did to combat it, 'Take Two'. Oprah devoted a show to talking about that and from what I can remember, she didn't try to really understand Michael at all.
"TMez" refers to the brilliant Thomas Mesereau who was Michael's lawyer for the 2005 trial.

Anyone know where I can view this episode of Oprah, or what it was entitled so I can try and find it. Thanks
Oprah should write what Michael mean to her, with other words, she owe him everything for becoming who she is now.
^^ Here's what she should say:
*What Michael Jackson means to me: He helped to make me a household name. I am now the most famous wanna be white woman the world has ever known. I am a backstabbin' b*tch. Michael Jackson was too damn nice to me. He shoulda told my ass to sit down and shut the f*ck up during the interview. I asked too many personal questions that frankly weren't my business. However, I'm not sorry. I am nosy as hell. Just the way I was raised. Can't help it. Thank you*
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Take this time to speak on it. If you all anything about the trial, send it in to her. If you do not like the way she treated MJ, tell her in that. I going to take advantage of this and set the record straight. Do this for MJ, NOT HER.
Eh. I'm neutral on Oprah. Millions are influenced by her and many follow her recommendations. I'm not one for being lead around by the nose by anyone. Just like that asshat congress louse who opened his flea infested pie hole to disparage Michael Jackson, I really could care less what Oprah thought of MJ or whether she released a statement on his passing. She isn't obligated to do so and she is entitled to her opinions on whatever subject or person she decides to talk about.

The lady rubs me the wrong way for a variety of reasons--less of which includes her decision to follow the other media whores and dump on Michael--but the woman has also done a lot of good. Just like every one of us (and Michael), she makes mistakes. You ladies and gents must realize that her perception on how things are and how things ought to be is shaped by the world that she grew up in and the one in which she currently resides.

Think about the people who cannot comprehend your love for Michael Jackson, those who can't believe that the world grieves for such a "tragic" individual. Think about the different factions of fans who had disagreed in the past on one thing or another regarding Michael's actions. Same deal.

I say that if you wish, you ought to leave Oprah your sincere feelings about Michael Jackson. If she chooses to then use those comments to ridicule his fans, then she shall one day be rewarded for her unjust exploitation and betrayal of those who openly answered her question. There is, however, the possibility that she would present it as given. The choice is up to you to contribute or not. If you do, you run the risk of having it twisted. If you don't, there's the risk of her ending up with only opinions from people who really couldn't give two figs about MJ.

Think on it and make your decision. BUT be sure that the decision is yours and is not instead based heavily on how others feel about Oprah.
I agree. Again, do it for Michael, not her.
I can't believe she still has the GAUL to talk about Michael
and opportunistic b*tch that's what she is nothing more nothing less
I Wrote this

What Michael means to me?He's Everything to me, to his children, family and The world.. Who cares about the controversy? about the money spent in CA, about people saying Cruel things to Michael, Even After Death. Oprah, you've said things that were very shameful to us(fans) about Michael Jackson on your show. Thank you for not doing it after his death. I used to watch your show and used to like it, But not really anymore. Michael saw you as a friend, he said so. I don't know why. But to tell you the truth, He is The ONLY one that deserves this kind of Celebration of life. He Gave away Money with out a second thought and With out the World knowing unlike some rich people who want the world to know what they're doing, who they're giving money to and who they're helping. Michael wasn't like that. He was So much better than that. Everyone made fun of him when he was alive, even now some Ignorant people are saying hurtful things about him. What are they thinking? Yes, The media Had a debt to Pay to Michael after all that bashing and down talking they did in 2005, for his trial. I say, the media Coverage Wasn't ENOUGH! This Man Brought us Love, and togetherness and Peace. But what Does the world Give him, Torture. Who are we to do that? If it wasn't for Michael, There wouldn't be Tiger woods, There wouldn't be Oprah, There wouldn't be Obama. I am so Glad and happy that He's with God now. He's In a safe place. And his children, They dont have to worry about anything because their family, the Billions of family of Michael around the world will care for them and Protect them. What the world should focus on is Not what other people say he did, but What He gave us.
I wasn't gonna say any thing on here but I wanted the truth to be told. Its too late to say sorry or to feel bad about what people said about Michael now. But The truth has always been our salvation. That is what he means to us. Michael was the closest thing to a Perfect human being.
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It's NOT gonna be a TV special thing. ITS For HER Radio Show....


What does Michael Jackson mean to you?
Michael Jackson: controversy, kids, costs? We've heard the media, the Republican congressman, now it's your turn. What does Michael Jackson mean or not mean to you? Too much media coverage, too much money spent or just the best way to say good-bye to an icon! Let's hear from you. We may contact you for a future show on Oprah Radio.