What does MJ mean to you (Oprah asks)

Michael Jackson didn't mean a thing to Oprah Winfrey except TV ratings. It was her interview with Michael that catipulted her into celebrity talk show host. He had also met with her and the cast of the Color Purple some years earlier. In my opinion, Oprah Winfrey never defended Michael Jackson nor did she have him or anyone from his camp to tell his side of the story after the chid molestation allegations and the trial. Nor did she have anyone present the real video of Martin Bashir's twisted interview with MJ. However, she did have his ex-wife who proceeded to say he used her, was manipulative and not very attentive. If you have ever read or seen interviews with people who have met or worked with MJ, you would know he was one of the sweetest, kind-hearted people anyone could meet. How she treated him, the media and the general public in the USA was a shame.
Personally, I just wish Oprah Winfrey would go away. She is a big phoney!
I don't really dislike or like Oprah, i'm pretty neutral when it comes to her. However I do respect all the success she's had and what she's done for others (I.e. Giving loads to charity, helping to build schools in African,etc.). She's not a bad person. I don't agree with her when it come to MJ though so I wont be writing anything on her site. She never really cared too much for him, why does she even care what he meant to people? It's not like she really cares. Nope, wont even waste my time writing about MJ on her site.
Nah, this is Oprah in a nutshell.


Dude... OMG :bugeyed LMAO lolz...
Al Sharpton:
"Way before Tiger Woods, way before Oprah Winfrey, way before Barack Obama, Michael did with music what they later did in sports and in politics and in television,"

enough said

We Love You Michael
There are few clips on oprah.com in case you're interested:

I didn't have chance to watch her shows regularly, but based on what I've just read here, I wish she showed both sides of the story.

We can't deny the fact that what she's doing is with purpose and good cause.
I love her shows. Mindful television instead of mindless.

She might have some mixed feelings, but she can't deny Michael's art, his genius, his unique charisma, his greatness, his enormous influence and all the good things he stood for.

It's up to you - if you want to say what Michael means to you can do so by sending her your thoughts, if not, then don't, it's simple.

Please keep an open mind and be respectful.
Perhaps it would be BEST if Oprah would do the WISE thing and SAY nothing at all about Micheal Jackson on her T.V. show, radio show or website. It is said that if you do not have anything nice to say, say nothing at all.

I mean truly America does NOT need her opinion about Michael Jackson to affirm their feelings (positive and/or negative) about him. She was professionally fortunate to interview him once, but I do not believe she was very objective or respectful to him.

I can tell you this, and there is no comparison between the two individuals because Michael Jackson is a WORLD WIDE SUPER STAR; the WORLD will not mourn for her {Oprah Winfrey} the way the WORLD is mourning for Micheal Jackson. In the overall scheme of things her impact is local to an American audience of a demographic of women. Micheal Jackson is a world wide phenom and the best thing Oprah could do is keep her opinions and analysis to herself.
I once had respect for that woman. I though that she would not be so prejudiced. I actually once send her the book Redemption. Did she read it, noooooooo. I was wrong and will not spend any more time on her. I have not watched her show for years now. I have head she will retire in 2011. But write to her if you fell like it.
Originally Posted by MichaelMySoul
This is Oprah in a nutshell...

''We will help you with your debts and make a deptdiet! Why is America spending so much money?''

''Here is a french croissant... Its only $50 piece but its soo delicious, everyone in the audience is getting a taste, you can order these delicious cookies at...''

''So you have anorexia nervosa.. But you cant see how skinny you are? Cant you see that you look like a skeleton? You look hideous.. I dont understand you, at ALL. I just dont understand this girl, I dont understand... Gayle.. Help me understand.. I dont understand this disease at all... I dont understand.. How can one weigh 60 pounds and still feel fat?''

''Here is Kirstey Alley, she has lost an amazing xxx pounds!!! We are revealing our ultimate diet secrets today, lose weight today!!!''


nah, this is oprah in a nutshell.


Well Oprah will be judged one day exactly the way she did that too others and that's enough to me.

Aside from that may that money led girl do her work on her own.
I'll for sure not give her content for any more shows.