What does MJ mean to you (Oprah asks)

She's only inviting negativity. This insane woman is still jealous of Michael even in his passing on. She wants to be the most famous, the most loved. The outpouring of love for him has really inflamed her otherwise, why the negative topics? Now she's trying to get people to focus on the negativity again. She's really a sick woman. For those who don't know, after the airing of "Living with MJ" she made a point of inviting guests on her show who were haters to get them to malign Michael & she'd laugh heartily at their disrespect. She worked hard to incite hate toward Michael. She now sees it didn't work. Again she tries. But she should realize that if she couldn't impede the love when Michael was an earthly angel, she'll be less effective since he's a Heavenly angel.

Why does everyone hate Oprah? Did she say something about Michael???
I don't see why some of the posters here carry water for Oprah after all of the meanspirited things she's said about Michael. Baffling.
Right i cant start a thread for some reason but i am sitting here thinking why why why, why has mj gone when he had so much more to give why has mj gone we had he three kids to look after. I was listening to songs such as heaven can wait and I was watching the Bashir documentary and i couldn't help thinking he did not want to go yet he wanted to live forever it was simply not his time yet.

I just hope there is an afterlife and he has found peace at last

Such a tragedy,

R.I.P MJ Love ya always !!
Michael is still giving things to us. Believe.

Some people think that his interview with her means she likes him.
Hell no. She's too damn full of herself to like anyone else.
She likes him as much as a cat likes water. Not very damn much.

Well said.
I don't see why some of the posters here carry water for Oprah after all of the meanspirited things she's said about Michael. Baffling.

It's because they like both Michael and Oprah.

It's like a child seeing the parents argue but cannot choose one over the other. Whereas the inlaws have an easier choice.

When the husband slugs off the wife, the relatives of the wife will curse the man.

When the wife slugs off the husband, the relatives of the husband will curse the woman.

But the child is caught in between and cannot curse no one. (in most cases)
Michael is still giving things to us. Believe.

Well said.

I'll add this,

Think of Oprah like Bashir in the first scene of LWMJ smiling with Michael pretending to like him and have a good rapport, asking to be shown teh moonwalk.

Absolutely no difference.

Then watch the transition from smiling before Michael to saying meanspirited stuff.
It just gets me how you can meet this man, spend time with him, yet turn and talk sh*t.
He's polite almost to a fault. He'd let you walk all over him while he watches. There is nothing is man would not do, there are no lengths this man would not go to, to make someone happy.
I still don't get it even after your well written explanation rsw22. I would understand supporting an MJ hater if they were close family or even a close friend, but a total stranger like Oprah? I appreciate that Oprah, not unlike Michael, has given to charity on many occasions, but the vicious attacks she has leveled against Michael and many others makes her someone, in my mind at least, who is not worthy of much respect at all. Where is her inner beauty? Where is her critical thinking? If she thought deeply about Michael and tried to appreciate his point of view, she would have a more favorable opinion of the man but she isn't trying to be sensitive. She's an insensitive person who deserves little to no respect from Michael Jackson fans.
Oprah does not do charity. She does a press conference. She calls everyone together so they can see her good works.
Michael did all of his good works in the dark. It's not his fault the cameras followed him. He never wanted attention for the charity work he did.
Oprah craves it.