Wembley DVD Critique /Quality and other prefered concerts over Wembley go here

I don't know for 100%, but I mean, he randomly has the black microphone for that one song and that one song only.
You can suspend belief that for whatever reason, he was given that alternate mic after the outfit change, but I doubt it...
Maybe the performance or the video tape was messed up on that part.
Maybe the performance or the video tape was messed up on that part.

Hmmmmm, I didn't think of that. He had a black mic in Wembley July 15th obviously and then there randomly he has a black mic. They obviously edited the audio and the video (with the crowd shots) so maybe they edited that...Hmmmm.
Yeah, for whatever reason, they used Beat It from another show. The crowd shots may or may not have been from the 16th, but in any case, were definitely shot on film (as well as the dvd menu).


I don't know for 100%, but I mean, he randomly has the black microphone for that one song and that one song only.
You can suspend belief that for whatever reason, he was given that alternate mic after the outfit change, but I doubt it...
Maybe the performance or the video tape was messed up on that part.

no watch July 23 amateur. As crap quality as that is, if you look carefully he has a black mic for Beat It only like this concert. He has a silver mic for WDAN and Billie Jean as with this concert!

They only have HD sound sources (thanks to Go Flying) from July 15 and 16th.
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Yeah, for whatever reason, they used Beat It from another show. The crowd shots may or may not have been from the 16th, but in any case, were definitely shot on film (as well as the dvd menu).



Actually there has been discussion before that Michael used both mics in other concerts. Discussed here and in 2000 watts. So please dont jump to conslusions an make such blatant statments without knowing all the facts, We have had enough drama and conspiracy based on wrong assumptions. The Estate said it would show the concert in tact as was recorded on MJs VHS. They would have no reason to insert a performance from another date. they included bonus perfromances for that purpose.
So you're saying that the crowd shots at the beginning were from the VHS tape...


It's obvious they are from another source. The original source probably didn't have a lot of crowd shots to begin with, so it's totally cool that they got some other source to fill in spots between those first few songs, but yes. It's from another source.

And I said Beat It could could be from either/or. I didn't say I was the be all/end all discussion of it.
The Estate said it would show the concert in tact as was recorded on MJs VHS. They would have no reason to insert a performance from another date.
Although it's very unlikely, and I don't believe this, it could be MJ wanted Beat It from another concert. The tape isn't 100% complete of the full concert either. Billie Jean's intro is also cut short compared to the CD version which has a longer intro of flashing sounds and stuff.

Still, the fact that he changed mic for Beat It ONLY at the amateur-filmed "July 23" concert explains that he could have done the same here.

The crowd shot after WBSS was clearly outsourced, however. It is better quality than the concert footage. I think it's similar to the footage from Moonwalker and was just added there to give a presence of the audience as it was after the first song.
Considering the fact that this is from a VHS, there's always the possibility that the footage of Beat It was damaged beyond repair. Which would call for the use of an alternate night's performance. Understandable.
I have a 32 inch LCD TV and it played perfectly fine. I didn't mind the quality, at least there's a bad tour live for us to see!!

For me, it played at 4:3 which is the video playing in the middle and not taking the whole screen. I liked it like that because it wouldn't be stretched

At first, It disappointing finding out that the quality won't be enhanced [blu ray] but I forgot about it and shrugged it off.

The packaging came in a really pretty case thingy and I didn't expect for them to add in a booklet with the dates of his concerts.

I'm a teenager and without a job and it was the only thing out of BAD 25 that I could afford with my savings lol. Although I really wanted that jacket I'm grateful in having the opportunity in watching this. I was literally jumping and running around the house happy because I received my package haha
It's possible that Michael used a different mic for Beat It because this particular mic may have been better picking up the signal while he was on the crane than the regular mic (which probably had better sound). Just something to think about.
You're never going to get an HD copy of anything from a vhs tape, or any tape...
Im %100 sure these specific shots from the beginning of the DVD were not on the Jumbo Trons, ive never seen most of them. I wanna know where they got it from. Like now.


Another thing... about the surround sound mix. I haven't seen it yet, just going by members comments. Yes, we know they had the multi-tracks, but we don't know what the separation was like on the tracks. We don't know what instruments had their own track if any. We don't know if it was 4 track, 8 track, 24 track... nothing. The main question you need to ask yourself is... does it sound good?
Considering the fact that this is from a VHS, there's always the possibility that the footage of Beat It was damaged beyond repair. Which would call for the use of an alternate night's performance. Understandable.
Well, that makes sense but the Beat It performance is exactly the same quality as the rest of the VHS. It has to be from the same VHS. If it was from another performance it would already have to be in MJ's VHS in that way.

If Beat It was really edited in from another concert (AFTER the VHS was made, ie recently by Sony) it would look a little bit better like TWYMMF from July 15 does. (in terms of overall POTENTIAL for details) People also tell me that TWYMMF looks better on TV than the July 16 ones.

The simplest explanation is that MJ performed just Beat It with the black mic for July 16, as he did the same on the July 23rd concert. There was some discussion a while ago as to HOW MJ does the illusion for Workin' Day and Night, and because he has already disappeared from the stage but still sounds like he's singing in the Wembley concerts, someone was likely providing him with a microphone to yell at while he was changing for Beat It! It is possible this was a different mic - the black mic.

Also note the background DANCERS use mics for the first part of Beat It (although I'm not sure we actually hear them sing, just like WBSS), so probably one of them was using the silver mic. They put the mics back some time in the middle of the song before the fight scene. From the video, however, it seems they had a different kind of silver mic with a longer wire at the bottom. The quality is too blurry to be sure if anyone has the same silver mic MJ uses. The stage crew would also place a stand onto the center of the stage for Billie Jean more easily that way, instead of MJ having to give the mic to them to start Billie Jean. The quality of that amateur concert may be too blurry to see the mic colour but I definitely see a black mic in Beat It, and a silver mic for Billie Jean and Workin' Day and Night.

As for the emptied parts like Billie Jean intro, that's simply because they shortened the VHS already to save time, same with MITM. The only thing they added was the news report intro and the brief crowd shot after WBSS.
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I have never seen such a good improvement here on MJJC or on any other board!!! and I have seen nearly every enhancement of videos in our video section!!!!

if you think someone here could do a better job, then take for example any VHSsourced Performance and try to do it like the wembley enhancement!

They did an amazing job with the MAIN restoration! (colors, contrast, sharpness)
Maybe mjmax could have helped with other details but wouldnt be able to restore the main stuff like they DID!!!

this is what i think!!!

watch it on your laptop and you will enjoy the concert, its not made for 50meter displays ;D

I havent seen the video yet, but I kind of agree with this! !! :yes: or your iphone
I don't for one second believe they inserted the Beat It performance from another concert into the Wembley DVD. Now we know MJ has appeared with the Black Mic on beat it in other concerts. So here is the possible reason for the switch. There is an illusion between Working Day and Night and Beat it. MJ has to disapear get out of his white jumper suite and run to the crane in the dark while putting on his beat it Jacket and over coat. Then appear on the crane within a matter of seconds. I'm thinking he leaves the silver microphone behind while doing all that and the other black microphone is waiting on the crane for him. Because he cant do all that in the dark with the Mic in his hand. It's Possible he has dropped it trying to do that before so he made sure he had the other microphone waiting safely for him on the crane. The Beat It performance was the same quality as the rest of the DVD nothing to cause any suspicion. We have seen from other concerts MJ switched to black on beat it before.

I think the reason above is very plausible but the Estate tampering to insert another performance is not. They were upfront about this DVD from the very beginning and said it would be kept in tact as shown on the Jumbotrons. If you want to complain about the quality fine (It isn't the best) but lets not create more drama and conspiracy than necessary. We had enough of that to cause tears and blow our brains out as it is. Do we really want to go there again over something so trivial. I sure don't. :(

Also the few crowd shots are not interfering with the concert or MJ concert they promised would be intact from Michaels VHS. They were placed before the concert began to give the feeling and excitement of the crowd and gives more of a feeling of being there. and a few between performances. I believe the crowd shots may have been shot on a different camera than those filming for the jumbotron because MJ had a camera man specifically for that job of filming the audience reactions (Pecky). So that could be reason for a better quality. I have also noticed on other concert videos the crowd shots were in a higher quality. Now they could have been inserted originally on the VHS or edited into the DVD. Either way That doesn't mean they messed with the concert itself in any deceptive way as some are implying ... Just my humble rational opinion.
Watched it on my 50 inch HDTV and it looked bad and was distracting. Ya not a good idea I know but I have no other tv or main computer until after renovations to the house are done. Once it's done I'll rewatch it on my small tv I'm sure it looks alot better. I ordered the regular dvd but when we were at Costco today they had the 3 CD/DVD set for 30 bucks and my dad bought it for me just so he'd get me to shut up about cause that's all I've been talking bout all week. And my pepsi cans are comin this week thnx to my cousin in NY so I'm in full blow BAD 25 mode. I do have to say I enjoyed the intro with the news reports and crowd shots added a nice touch.Like I said to my mom I'm just thankful that we even have this to begin with.
Holy Jeebus, that is an improvement! I mean, I'd take it in any form after years of watching it on ghostly crowd captured images, but it looked amazing on my 1992 CRT tube.
Just a brief comment after browsing through some of the posts. HD-TV users: please do everyone (and yourself) a favour and watch a 4/3-aspect-ratio source in 4/3 on your screen. In the past I have heard people refer to the horizontally-stretched 4/3 image on their 16/9 screen as "widescreen" etc. Almost every dvd player and certainly every HD tv has a "video format" switch. So please, please, please: Watching this in "4/3" or "pillar box" or whatever its called on your tv is not an option but a must.
Also, turn off each and every video "enhancements" of your tv (automatic black/white level, dynamic contrast, edge enhancement, "movie plus" etc. pp). On my 40-inch Toshiba, the picture looks best with color setting "warm", lowered contrast (about 60 percent), increased brightness (also 60), and slightly boosted colours (55). And please do stay away from any "dynamic" or "standard" image presets. I do have the impression some of the people complaining on here don't really know how to adjust their tv properly ...
Not directed at anyone in particular, just a general remark I had to get off my chest :)
Got the 3cd+1dvd pack today =) As the video was from an old used vhs tape, I dont mind the quality..

The sound was awsome! Or, atleast the instruments.. His voice sounded unclear and low in many songs (not cause his voice was horse or tired, but sounded like they lowerd it on purpose..?) I used the 5.1 track most of the concert.. Have not tried too see it on the computer yet, but the Human nature clip that was shared a week ago or so, sounded much better than the dvd audio to me..

Any opinions on this?
I was just thinking of how Sony can also release a Dangerous 25 in 2016, and release another dangerous show along with it. Just wondering, what are the chances of even getting to see Bucharest in Blu ray ?
Just a brief comment after browsing through some of the posts. HD-TV users: please do everyone (and yourself) a favour and watch a 4/3-aspect-ratio source in 4/3 on your screen. In the past I have heard people refer to the horizontally-stretched 4/3 image on their 16/9 screen as "widescreen" etc. Almost every dvd player and certainly every HD tv has a "video format" switch. So please, please, please: Watching this in "4/3" or "pillar box" or whatever its called on your tv is not an option but a must.
Also, turn off each and every video "enhancements" of your tv (automatic black/white level, dynamic contrast, edge enhancement, "movie plus" etc. pp). On my 40-inch Toshiba, the picture looks best with color setting "warm", lowered contrast (about 60 percent), increased brightness (also 60), and slightly boosted colours (55). And please do stay away from any "dynamic" or "standard" image presets. I do have the impression some of the people complaining on here don't really know how to adjust their tv properly ...
Not directed at anyone in particular, just a general remark I had to get off my chest :)

this advice should be followed not only when you watch vhs or dvd's, but blu-rays also.
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The dvd is great! If you begin to nitpick, you could find fault with anything and everything. I could nitpick Bucharest to piece's but nah. The Wembley show feels intimate and it feels like your at the concert. If you have a positive outlook, you will really enjoy this show. It's a great performance.

The camera angles are a lot better than the amateur concerts we've been watching for years. I'd never let other peoples opinions sway me about music or a DVD so everyone needs to watch it and make up their own opinions for themselves. I for one think thevdvd is amazing, Michael was on fire and the video captures the atmosphere and magic of the show perfectly.

Listen, ive watched the DVD and all i can say is if your a true MJ fan, you'll love the life out of this concert. I cant stress enough how much i have enjoyed watching it, this is what made MJ. The quality is great, i can barely tell it was a VHS and i dont know who could just sit there thinking about how it couldve looked on the umatic tapes instead of paying attention to the most epic show in the history of history

Maybe you should check out other threads as well. This is by far the most negative thread, because it deals with quality issues and nitpicking on technical details, instead of Michael's performance.

Despite my big deception about the camera angles, if I had to purchase the DVD again, I would do it.
Be happy to receive it and watch it. It is a piece of history !

You guys were right !!!! I just got my dvd and am watching it now (he's singing Smooth Criminal now). It's dope !!!!!!!!!!! DOPE !!!!