Wembley DVD Critique /Quality and other prefered concerts over Wembley go here

Fans were informed that the quality of this DVD would not be HD and that it would be 4:3 . if you change it to 16:9 format like many have already done on youtube its looks distorted because it was not filmed in that format. So for best quality view it in 4:3 on your wide screens.

It's very important this June 18th concert was released for historical value regardless if the quality cant be brought up to todays standard. I for one enjoyed it and though Michael was awesome. I and many others didn't need bluray or HD to enjoy this DVD.

I'M glad the Estate decided to release it for us .. Its History and needs to be seen. It was not a failure by any means by the estate or fans. The majority of fans who have seen it so far LOVE it and Michael performance and then we have a handful who feel it isn't relevant enough to be released unless it can be releases HQ/HD - This DVD was nevers about HD quality it was about the historical value and Michael's performance. Some just didn't pay attention to that "fact" I guess... All in All the BAD25 release was Awesome and much more then we ever expected.

I dont mind discussing quality but to say the whole DVD is trash and should never be released shows some dont understand the historical value and are unable to appreciate Michael performances and having this Concert.
To my knowledge SONY put out NTSC worldwide im in the UK and my dvd is NTSC from a UK store they did the same with Vision

yeah I was wrong because I viewed the video in Vegas at PAL frame rate. I was concerned because the HIStory Vol. 2 DVD should be NTSC and they did a bad conversion to PAL.
You are on the money qbee. Historical significance. There will be other releases for HD content. If full concerts were really shot on 35mm, they will be found and released.
This is simple. Some of us are happy about it cause we got what we have been waiting for forever and Michael's performance is brilliant. Other people will be angry 'cause the quality isn't up to the standards.

Your decision to enjoy it or cry over it.
Another thing is that the sound isn't 100%. Not only is it not mixed properly in 5.1 Surround, but some parts are missing too. Although Billie Jean audio sounds nice, there's no background singers yelling "ap! ap! ap! ap!" and stuff while MJ walks back after his moonwalk. They're clearly there in amateur recordings of Bad Tour 88 concerts, and also the brief snippets of Billie Jean from another Wembley concert. Oh well, at least they included the "ho!, ho!, ho!," when MJ does that hopping move...

I think they edited MITM to make him sound like he's singing live, either that or a soundguy was watching and switched off his vocal channel when he did not have the mic near his mouth. After the spin he misses out the mic where he should be like "you ain't! you don't - you mind"! The "you don't" part is completely cut off. If you hear many BWT concerts it's still there; the only occasion where it's different is the Moonwalker video, where it sounds like the volume had problems. Obviously MJ sometimes has empty parts where he sings live et.

Reminded me a lot of Vitas and how he cuts the mic to prove he's singing live (as his live voice can be almost identical to his studio voice), but in MJ's case it was still playback. Also "and no message could have been any clearer" was a clear lipsync fail as the main vocal was "you know, you know, coulda been any clearer"

Also the angle filming the mirror was odd, well it is Man In The Mirror lol but when I saw it first I thought something was wrong with the camera until it zoomed out to show it was a mirror.
I love it the quality its ace, those complaining about the quality, well basically you are watching it on the wrong type of tv, its vhs to dvd so made for a standard 4:3 tv, which it looks brilliant on:D, you dont go and plug your ps3 blu ray etc into an old black and white portable 14 inch tv do you, cos thats the wrong tv for that format aswell...

This is the best release ever, amazing...amazing.. its just superb, over 20 years ive waited, and im not dissapointed, its ace:clap:

ps, i purposley made sure i never got rid of my old style tv, for things like this, cos basixcally hd tvs look absolutley terrible for normal footage......
When Michael's face is orange, or his Smooth Criminal jacket is yellow, or the background is blue or green, that isn't entirely because of VHS damage. The cameras capture the stage lights too. Stage lights change the color of things. One of the main problems with MANY amateur enhancements is that they go too far in color correction and end up removing stage effects and lighting.

Before Enhanced:

After Enhanced (Final DVD Quality):
Before Enhanced:

After Enhanced (Final DVD Quality):

They could have sharpened it a bit like it is there, but they definitely shouldn't have changed the contrast to make it look all greenish.

Greenish noise is normal for old VHS - the Yokohama VHS-rip and even the more recent HIStory Tour Concerts (except Munich which was mastered well, and some of the 1996 concerts) were notorious for it.

The color correction they used, if any, was inconsistent. Often MJ's face is yellowish and the darker parts of the video are rather green as I mentioned above, but on other parts,

Nothing to do with VHS, but I love that "burn-in" effect caused by filming this with cameras that had tubes. It adds the extra sparkle to his jacket and creates this ghosting effect with the lights which is actually pretty cool. Sure most of the concert camera angles are eh, but at MITM, the "CHANGE" part perfectly matches that angle as the lights streak in a bloom shape while the camera zooms in.


(note captured with PowerDVD picture is not deinterlaced properly but you can still see that lovely streaking effect)

Also anybody having problems importing the VOBs to Sony Vegas? The one with Bad and MITM seems to not like Vegas :S
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You are on the money qbee. Historical significance. There will be other releases for HD content. If full concerts were really shot on 35mm, they will be found and released.

Will there be future HD releases though?
Yes, I believe so. As I've said, they'll be releasing MJ product for the next 100 years at the least. If Bad tour film reels are found, it's a no brainer. Same for any other concert film. If we get a collectors label like Elvis, who knows how many Bad tour (and other tours) shows they could give us.
I think this is very exceptable for a 25 yr old VHS restoration - Not perfect but they did quite well considering and its very enjoyable for MJ fans interested in being able to view for the first time This historical concert and MJs beautiful performnaces.

Could someone have done better, possiblly, but they didnt have that someone. There is always some who say they can improve and do better. That doent mean this is not well done considering what they had to work with. Do I wish we had better quality sure. but it's not gonna happen this time around. Im still VERY happy with my DVD :wub:

On Heartbreak Hotel 12:30 into the DVD it looks and sounds like the word THIS is missing because MJ clearly says THIS is heart break hotel in the video but the word THIS is missing from the audio :S
Its pointless talking with you about the quality.
no one expected up-today standarts.
no one expected or thinks should be HD quality or HQ.

Do you guys read and understand what we "complain" about?
turn off your negative radar and see what exactly we say they did wrong.

why do you note everytime is 24 year old VHS? we know that. we are long over it.
If you don't see and understand what exactly is wrong with that dvd, don't post.
If you don't care about the quality at all, don't post.
why do you post, if the only importand thing to you is you can see its Michael?

when the dvd was out, I wanted to ask members when commenting on quality, also to note what kind of tv they have.

But in the end doesn't matter. even on HD tvs this could have be very good for vhs.

this is not vhs rip. this is YT rip, filtered to death and burned on dvd.
What bothers me is that the estate paid money for something that members can do better. Again, from professional remastering better results can be expected.

I have never seen such a good improvement here on MJJC or on any other board!!! and I have seen nearly every enhancement of videos in our video section!!!!

if you think someone here could do a better job, then take for example any VHSsourced Performance and try to do it like the wembley enhancement!

They did an amazing job with the MAIN restoration! (colors, contrast, sharpness)
Maybe mjmax could have helped with other details but wouldnt be able to restore the main stuff like they DID!!!

this is what i think!!!

watch it on your laptop and you will enjoy the concert, its not made for 50meter displays ;D

They did an amazing job with the MAIN restoration! (colors, contrast, sharpness)

this is what i think!!!

watch it on your laptop and you will enjoy the concert, its not made for 50meter displays ;D

thats where they did wrong.
the only very good job they did is cleaning the picture from spikes, lines and all the distractions damaged old vhs have.

I'm not saying i can't enjoy it. i said after the second viewing it didn't matter. I saw it 4 times in full. I don't think is awuful. I watch single songs from that dvd on my pc monitor (23'') often.
this remastering looks like the remasterings members do. By proffecional remastering i expect constand quality, contrast and colors. And not on some sceenes to be good the next drops down.
Its pointless talking with you about the quality.

uhmm perhaps start to respect people and realize that they are entitled to post their opinions as well. I'm pretty sure many of the quality "experts" here aren't really experts either just enthusiastics writing their opinion. If you can express your opinion so can anyone.
What's is the point releasing this when it only looks fine on a small pc monitor?

And I must say that they didn't mix the 5.1 audio properly. God, can't they do anything right? You have six channels to send the instruments to and they mainly use two? What's the use of 5.1 surround then?

Poor mixing job and awful picture quality.
What's is the point releasing this when it only looks fine on a small pc monitor?

I can't help but wonder what type of TV you do have because it looks good on normal size TV's and I keep thinking perhaps you have an above average TV set.

From twitter (not mine) http://twitpic.com/avxyny

Note: I'll get the DVD today but I had watched the online videos on my 46 inch LCD TV, even that wasn't terrible as some of you make it sound like. and people had watched MITM on cinema screen at Spike Lee documentary, again it's watchable on big screens.
How it looks on my TV 46' :

Pictures take with an Iphone
I did not pause the video, MJ was in motion

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Quality looks fine on my 42'' LCD screen...Just suppose that BAD 25 was released but without this concert; how would you feel about it?? I mean it's a HELL of a SHOW....
And was anyone happy watching these bloody amateur versions of BAD Tour?? Not me
There's a large difference between amateur recordings and the concert.

Ok I was not going to bitch but... WTF 5.1 my ass PCM:2.0 is all I get on my Bose. I'm going to mess around with it some more but IDK. I would have been ok with the picture quality if the sound was what they advertised. The glare from the stage behind Mike is more than annoying. So far I'm pissed.
There's a large difference between amateur recordings and the concert.

But the quality was the same. UNWATCHABLE, thus not enjoyable at all.

It's almost a waste of money. CD1 is not even the original album that was released back in 1987.
But the quality was the same. UNWATCHABLE, thus not enjoyable at all.

It's almost a waste of money. CD1 is not even the original album that was released back in 1987.

if you are saying the amateur video recording has the same quality than the Wembley DVD ; you need to go ASAP to an Ophthalmologist.
But the quality was the same. UNWATCHABLE, thus not enjoyable at all.

It's almost a waste of money. CD1 is not even the original album that was released back in 1987.

Calm down dude! It was brilliant, and there were no parts of the concert I couldn't enjoy because I was struggling with the quality. It was a truly amazing spectacle, and if you'd bother to read the booklets in Bad 25, you'll notice they appreciate it isn't fantastic quality, but as least we get to watch it.