Wembley DVD Critique /Quality and other prefered concerts over Wembley go here

Re: Wembley DVD content - Discuss Michael, his Wembley concert and performances Only

Ok thanks.
I would asume that sound on disc 3 and concert on dvd is the same?
Will probably take a week for the box to be delivered from amazon.co.uk....so I can check for myself)

Its been edited down I and I doubt I'm alone will be making a fan edit from the DVD audio
I have just watched once the DVD. Will watch it again tomorrow :

My main frustration is the camera angles : they totally suck ! They do not capture the magic.
They film MJ back, side view, diagonal view instead of front view. Loooooooooooong close shot on MJ face instead of his full body, his feet.
The result is you miss a lot of MJ dance moves ....
Yes the reason your see these angles and close ups like that is becuase this was what was being filmed and projected on the Jumbotrons on each side of the stage. The concert wasnt professinally recorded by cameras for a release. All they had was jumbotron footage. There is a post explaining how the camera people worked together during the show for what angles closuups. etc. would be projected on the Jumbotrons.

A Jumbotron is a large-screen television using technology developed by Sony, typically used in sports stadiums and concert venues to show close up shots of the event. Although JumboTron is a registered trademark owned by the Sony Corporation, the word jumbotron is often used by the public as a genericized trademark. Sony JumboTrons ceased being sold in 2001, when the company decided to exit the business
Yes the reason your see these angles and close ups like that is becuase this was what was being filmed and projected on the Jumbotrons on each side of the stage. The concert wasnt professinally recorded by cameras for a release. All they had was jumbotron footage. There is a post explaining how the camera people worked together during the show for what angles closuups. etc. would be projected on the Jumbotrons.
That may be true, but I doubt this is EXACTLY what the jumbotron showed. Some editing is always done between the jumbotron feed and a broadcast like HWT Copenhagen. I would think it's likely it was done for this VHS as well since Michael would want to view it well.

MJ's VHS was also a shortened edit. It's missing the zapping sounds in the beginning of Billie Jean and the break between the "make that change" and stage exit parts of MITM. It would be reasonable to think that the camera angles and audio have been edited a little bit BEFORE they were put onto the VHS.

but the toe stand on Billie Jean after the moonwalk... :(

Vocally I would think this is a great performance, in some ways better than others like RWY is a little stronger instead of falsetto-ish vocals at the end. Something like Billie Jean I would think the July 14 concert had some better vocals. I was surprised he didn't go "AAOW" after the moonwalk at the part where he does in most other Bad Tour 88 concerts.
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I have just watched once the DVD. Will watch it again tomorrow :

My main frustration is the camera angles : they totally suck ! They do not capture the magic.
They film MJ back, side view, diagonal view instead of front view. Loooooooooooong close shot on MJ face instead of his full body, his feet.
The result is you miss a lot of MJ dance moves ....

I don't like the side angles.....Certain angles that show his back and the crowd is fine. Too much of the front view is not good either.....and certain close up is fine. I like the view that looks kinda diagonal.

MJ does a lot of the shaking feet move, like in HH and in BAD, and those are like shot from the side angles. I wish they showed those fron the front view so we can actually tell what the illsuion looked like when he did the dance. I know what it looks like but it wouldve been better if they had that angle on the show.
Ok, maybe i should have waited for fans feedback before ordering the dvd.

The dvd is great! If you begin to nitpick, you could find fault with anything and everything. I could nitpick Bucharest to piece's but nah. The Wembley show feels intimate and it feels like your at the concert. If you have a positive outlook, you will really enjoy this show. It's a great performance.
His vocals were impressive I think. I really loved HN. The angles did suck a lot and most amateur and jumbo-tron footage is typically the same angles. The same crew films it, Nocturne. If you watch Tokyo or Rome 1988, You will realize the angles are the same or similar at most parts. Sometimes different, but of course it will be since it's a different concert, mixing the angles are different times and sometimes the guys are in other places. What killed me was that on July 15th and 16th there were extra film crews recording. So if they had that footage we would of had probably a mixed version with different angles! That would of been amazing! Plus if they had the 35mm film, they could of cut pieces and chosen their own angles. Ah, if only. :/
I can't remember exactly which angles disappointed me, but one I definitely remember was the very end of APOM and they were close up on his face! Killed me! They had way too many close up shots. Then again the close up shots were better quality than the farther shots...so it's a lose and win.
The camera angles are a lot better than the amateur concerts we've been watching for years. I'd never let other peoples opinions sway me about music or a DVD so everyone needs to watch it and make up their own opinions for themselves. I for one think thevdvd is amazing, Michael was on fire and the video captures the atmosphere and magic of the show perfectly.
Listen, ive watched the DVD and all i can say is if your a true MJ fan, you'll love the life out of this concert. I cant stress enough how much i have enjoyed watching it, this is what made MJ. The quality is great, i can barely tell it was a VHS and i dont know who could just sit there thinking about how it couldve looked on the umatic tapes instead of paying attention to the most epic show in the history of history
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Also guys remember the technology from back then was a heck alot different to the way it is now and thats why the footage still is a little different from the dvds we get today.
Ok, maybe i should have waited for fans feedback before ordering the dvd.

Maybe you should check out other threads as well. This is by far the most negative thread, because it deals with quality issues and nitpicking on technical details, instead of Michael's performance.
Maybe you should check out other threads as well. This is by far the most negative thread, because it deals with quality issues and nitpicking on technical details, instead of Michael's performance.

It is hard to evaluate MJ overall performance because of the camera angles. You miss dance moves.
The vocals are great.
I think that the dangerous tour and the history your were far more better than this show.
Re: Wembley DVD content - Discuss Michael, his Wembley concert and performances Only

I think that the dangerous tour and the history your were far more better than this show.

I would strongly disagree. Bad Tour was the best of his solo tours. Dangerous Tour was also brilliant, but not quite as good. History tour was nowhere near as good as the Bad and Dangerous tours.
To the people saying the quality isnt great, I thought the same but then I realised that the brightness on my TV was too high. When I put it darker the quality improved by like 200% to the point where some parts look almost dvd quality.

I didnt put it too dark, just standard. But I didnt realise I was on the highest brightness setting before it and it really messed up the quality. Check you are on a standard setting, it may help!
It is hard to evaluate MJ overall performance because of the camera angles. You miss dance moves.
The vocals are great.

Except there were as much dance moves in few songs such as Smooth Criminal. A lot of dance moves in HH and they caught that in all variety of angles.
Listen, ive watched the DVD and all i can say is if your a true MJ fan, you'll love the life out of this concert.

Hmmm, really?

Well, this here is the "Mockingbird club"!

If you don't feel you have to persuade yourself how "great" this dvd is and don't feel you have to say only positive things about the dvd, just because you waited 25 years, this thread is for you.
else don't post in here!

What you don't get dear fellow members, is if we don't express our criticism about the quality of this dvd, we won't get quality in the future.

I've saying over and over, you should extend your horizon. Michael should not be the center of you world. to see that such criticism forced companies to call-back, make exange programms, update and release new better remastered blu-rays.
Why, because fans made they voice be heard?

I KNOW, this can't obtaine that dvd. but future ones.
I'm sure the next backlash is going to be when they release his music videos in HD.
And this dvd could have been so much more better, despite his vhs source.

THEY MUST KNOW, here are not only fans, who eat everything they get. Here are not only "true Fans".

With every new release the talk about gaining new fans comes up. And you all love to blame the "lack" of promotion.
You don't gain new fans with LOW QUALITY stuff.

If you think that this quality is enough to gain new fans, then Youtube should do. no need for dvd's anymore.

And this dvd learned us one thing, becareful what you wish for.

the second thing is that the Estate should not listen to the fans "too much".
Watched it for the first time now!

Amazing Performance, Amazing Vocals, Amazing Audio Quality and an incredible Video Enhancement! :punk:

but what about this stupid camera angles??? :scratch:

I missed one wonderful spin, some feetskills, and "moonwalk on place" few times :/
you also get confused before "Beat it" starts!! if you dont know that michael suddenly appears on an completely different place you think its nothing special what happens in that moment!
They also filmed too often his upper body or just his feet and not the WHOLE DANCE MAGIC! :(

bit dissapointed about that but anyway one of best concerts i have ever seen of michael... would say top3! :)

all in all 4,5/5 stars
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All i can say is perfect quality if you watch it on a normal "old tv" like i have just done looks awesome.....

my verdict on the concert is brilliant brilliant brilliant..:)
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A couple of things to consider when you watch the DVD:

- The tape is really 24 or 25 years old. It's not going to look perfect and even if the VHS was a few days old it wouldn't look perfect. VHS is a flawed storage medium and it can't ever look "perfect."

- The enhancements were not made for people to pick apart and look at each frame. The enhancements were made to look good when you play them at full speed, 29.97 FPS on a television screen.

- When Michael's face is orange, or his Smooth Criminal jacket is yellow, or the background is blue or green, that isn't entirely because of VHS damage. The cameras capture the stage lights too. Stage lights change the color of things. One of the main problems with MANY amateur enhancements is that they go too far in color correction and end up removing stage effects and lighting.

- You can't judge the quality of the DVD off of the screenshots. Many screenshots posted here have been resized, resampled, compressed, deinterlaced, or any combination of the four things. The only way you can judge the quality of the DVD is by watching it the way it was meant to be watched: on a television screen with a DVD player.

You have to trust that they handled the footage and audio correctly.
I would strongly disagree. Bad Tour was the best of his solo tours. Dangerous Tour was also brilliant, but not quite as good. History tour was nowhere near as good as the Bad and Dangerous tours.

Maybe I would change my mind if the show was available in high definition. The picture quality didn't let me enjoy the show at all.
Re: Wembley DVD content - Discuss Michael, his Wembley concert and performances Only

Or at least standard definition.
Re: Wembley DVD content - Discuss Michael, his Wembley concert and performances Only

Bad Tour in decent quality > HIStory Tour in HD quality
And this dvd learned us one thing, becareful what you wish for.

the second thing is that the Estate should not listen to the fans "too much".

Well this had been "doomed if they do, doomed if they don't" from the start.

They needed to have the film to do a high quality release, they didn't have those. (I don't think umatics make much of a difference).

So they were left with

- not release anything and disappoint all the fans that had been waiting for years for this

- release Yokohoma (that they had in HQ) and anger fans with releasing something that has been widely available

- or release a not optimal product in regards to quality.

At least this choice accounts for the fans long term requests of Wembley DVD and therefore can reduce the nagativity - as we see the opinions are mostly positive. The other two would have been generated a lot more negative response IMO.

As for the listening to the fans that's a problematic issue as well. Honestly I would have preferred for example more recent mixing adding more instruments etc to the demos released but some fans would have screamed bloody murder if that happened. I guess only way it could happen is if the fans realize that they don't have all the necessary information to make a sound decision.