Vanity-Fair: MJ`s Family: Inside Their Desperate Attempt to Oust Estate Executors

^Honestly its time the Estate investigates them for theft. They have no rights or ownership over any of Michael's belongings from the Carolwood Drive house. Those belong to Michael's kids. They should look into the available legal options to recover the stolen items, just as they are doing with Tohme and Michael's art. There is enough evidence and statements from third party to do so.

Virre;3721278 said:
Yes she did. She sold gifts Michael had got from fans. One piece was some kind of snow globe and we tried hard to help the girl who gave it to him to get it back, but the auction house said that all she could do was to make a bid for it because Rebbie didn´t want to take it off the auction. In the end it was to expensive for the girl to get it back. :(

thats just vile. michael would be so upset over ppl treating gifts that he always treaured from his fans like that. typical actions of bitter maureen
I thought the same thing!

It's so cringe worthy to think people like Howard Mann, Brian Oxman, and Thome Thome are quoted as "inside sources" and all 3 are anti-Estate Executor's!



now THIS is hitting the bottom of the barrel when people start using sources like these people as "truth" about Michael Jackson. All 3 of them are low life despicable characters. I keep telling my self that someday ALL these people will have to answer to God for what it is they have done to MJ here on earth...I'm sure they wont like it.
Virre;3721278 said:
Yes she did. She sold gifts Michael had got from fans. One piece was some kind of snow globe and we tried hard to help the girl who gave it to him to get it back, but the auction house said that all she could do was to make a bid for it because Rebbie didn´t want to take it off the auction. In the end it was to expensive for the girl to get it back. :(
I heard this story too...I always thought Rebbie was different than the rest of them..but after Michael passed her true colors showed through just like the rest of the moochers...sad and a shame they that would do this kind of stuff to people that loved MJ the most...his fans.

elusive moonwalker;3721294 said:
thats just vile. michael would be so upset over ppl treating gifts that he always treaured from his fans like that. typical actions of bitter maureen
Rebbie obviously didn't give a shit where it came long as she could make a buck off of it she was happy...actions like this from that family speak louder than words.
The thought of these vultures going through MJ's stuff looking for money is sickening. Remember during the trial they showed messy pictures of MJ's bedroom with clothes all over the was probably them. The LAPD failed miserably.

LAPD had no reason to suspect murder that day with most of Michael's so called friends getting on TV claiming that he was a heavy drug abuser. There was in officer there at some point because one of the sisters gave him that so-called Tar Heroin (actually long forgotten rotten marijuana) that she found in a suitcase. The police didn't suspect anything until they realized the quack doctor was avoiding being interviewed by them, then they knew something was wrong. There was no protocol for LAPD to lock down access to the home. Unfortunately what the Jacksons did is common, when someone dies some family members swoop in and take what they want or feel entitled to instead of waiting for the will to be read.
LAPD had no reason to suspect murder that day with most of Michael's so called friends getting on TV claiming that he was a heavy drug abuser. There was in officer there at some point because one of the sisters gave him that so-called Tar Heroin (actually long forgotten rotten marijuana) that she found in a suitcase. The police didn't suspect anything until they realized the quack doctor was avoiding being interviewed by them, then they knew something was wrong. There was no protocol for LAPD to lock down access to the home. Unfortunately what the Jacksons did is common, when someone dies some family members swoop in and take what they want or feel entitled to instead of waiting for the will to be read.

After seeing all the actions of the family in the past 3 years, I don't think its too absurd to think that the family planted that rotten marijuana there. Because, if I remember the Murray trial correctly, one of the detectives said that the police searched the house and didn't find it, it was only on the other day when the family came to the house that the marijuana was found by Latoya.
Just to make it clear, that letter does not redeem Janet in my eyes. I still think she is every bit as selfish and stingy. I'm also happy, in a way, she's feeling some of the heat Michael felt most of his life. That does not mean I condone this book. No way, but starting with the whole grandma kidnapping saga, I'm glad that her act has been exposed. She brought it upon herself and serve her right.

She may have had nothing to do with the delay of her brother's burial, but I can see her trying to retrieve her cash from the Estate no sooner it was given. Yes, that's very like a person who contributed only 10 grand to her mother's upkeep and allowed her sibling who was going through the most horrendous period of his life to continue paying for the family.

Agree 100%! Janet has the right to protest this article if it is not true. BUT I don't feel sorry for her one bit. She's shown to be selfish, greedy and indifferent and disloyal to her brother. If I were her, I would have donated that $40,000. Seriously, she never contributed much at all to her mother, and let Michael take most of the burden knowing full well he was in a bad situation. And when his brother passed away she couldn't have shown some kindness and generosity toward his brother? She is worth millions, what is $40,000 for her. And even though she may not have delayed the funeral, like this poster mentioned, she certainly was the first in line to get the money back from the estate. I have no respect for her.
I refuse to spend a dime for this so called writter's story. I read through it while in line at the store. Roger F. is right, it is a bad cut and paste job put together from sources that have already been found as false. The story is designed to make Katherine look completely victimized by her children and the Estate. It appears to be a vehicle designed to tell her side of things.

The story lies and says Katherine was only given $3,000.00 a month for an allowance. That the Executors are making 10's of millions off the Estate and not giving accurate accounting of the funds coming in and out. It claims that the Estate was obligated to sue AEG in conjunction with or on behalf of Katherine and the Children. It claims that she dropped her challange to the will because the Estate was going to let several siblings benefit from projects the Estate was putting together, like the Immortal Tour.

What I walked away with was the impression that Katherine wants her 40% of the Estate now and not distributed via an allowance. I believe the reason she wants a forensic accounting is because she wants to be able to show the courts what her 40% should be. I don't think it will work because it ruins the spirit of the Trust, which was to be for her care and comfort, not to divy up funds for the rest of the family.
shelly_webster;3719590 said:
I don't believe the delay of the burial has something to do with Janet, the autopsy was finished only at the end of August.

Janet was one of the first to put in a creditors claim for reimbursement of funds she put up after her brother’s death. To me it’s a clear example of her bitterness toward her brother and her utter greed and miserly, selfish personality. I hope she keeps getting exposed because her conduct toward Michael and his children has been contemptible.
I don't understand why Janet's atty send the letter to VF and not to the author of the book. I think she's itching because she's losing her battle against the estate and people are getting to know how she really is.

I believe this book, as many written about Michael, will tell the same lies about Michael but it will also say things about the Jacksons that they won't want the public to know.

Michael will always be remembered as the greatest artist that he was. His artistry will never be touched but his personal life will be always be tainted by those false accussations and by the lack of desire of the reporters who don't want to tell what really happened. They will always tell vicious lies because that means higher ratings & more money. Like Ivy said, sometimes it's important to read & listen to that garbage so we can call them out & let them know that even if Michael is not here his fans are still ready & willing to defend him with the true.
I don't understand why Janet's atty send the letter to VF and not to the author of the book. I think she's itching because she's losing her battle against the estate and people are getting to know how she really is.

I believe this book, as many written about Michael, will tell the same lies about Michael but it will also say things about the Jacksons that they won't want the public to know.

Michael will always be remembered as the greatest artist that he was. His artistry will never be touched but his personal life will be always be tainted by those false accussations and by the lack of desire of the reporters who don't want to tell what really happened. They will always tell vicious lies because that means higher ratings & more money. Like Ivy said, sometimes it's important to read & listen to that garbage so we can call them out & let them know that even if Michael is not here his fans are still ready & willing to defend him with the true.

I agree with your whole post...especially the bolded part...they DO NEED TO KNOW that we as Michael Jackson fans have ALWAYS AND FOREVER WILL DEFEND HIM against them no matter WHO wants to come out with the lies...we will ALWAYS meet them with the TRUTH...Michael deserved it while he was alive and he still deserves it!!!
Maybe it's just me but I don't know why Janet or any jackson should be reimbursed for anything. Michael was family and that was his funeral. That's what family do. If it was the other way around Michael would never asked to be paid back. I am not saying I think it's true that janet delayed the burial but I can believe she wanted her money back. She could have said no that's okay. After all the money and help Michael gave to his whole family they couldn't do that for him? It doesn't seem right to me.
Maybe it's just me but I don't know why Janet or any jackson should be reimbursed for anything. Michael was family and that was his funeral. That's what family do. If it was the other way around Michael would never asked to be paid back. I am not saying I think it's true that janet delayed the burial but I can believe she wanted her money back. She could have said no that's okay. After all the money and help Michael gave to his whole family they couldn't do that for him? It doesn't seem right to me.
Thank you for stating the truth so well.
Maybe it's just me but I don't know why Janet or any jackson should be reimbursed for anything. Michael was family and that was his funeral. That's what family do. If it was the other way around Michael would never asked to be paid back. I am not saying I think it's true that janet delayed the burial but I can believe she wanted her money back. She could have said no that's okay. After all the money and help Michael gave to his whole family they couldn't do that for him? It doesn't seem right to me.

Especially knowing that Michael was the one who worked the hardest when he was a child. Thanks to his hard work she didn't have to eat beans or potatoes most of the time. She should have never requested that money back. Giving that money would have been a nice way to say thank you for what you done.
Especially knowing that Michael was the one who worked the hardest when he was a child. Thanks to his hard work she didn't have to eat beans or potatoes most of the time. She should have never requested that money back. Giving that money would have been a nice way to say thank you for what you done.

Excatly family comes first not money
Victory22;3721499 said:
Janet was one of the first to put in a creditors claim for reimbursement of funds she put up after her brother’s death. To me it’s a clear example of her bitterness toward her brother and her utter greed and miserly, selfish personality. I hope she keeps getting exposed because her conduct toward Michael and his children has been contemptible.

I agree with you. Since Michael died, Janet has said and done alot of things that have caused me to lose respect for her. I have been especially disappointed in her more than anybody else in that family because she knows better then to get involved with public relations messes and the media's favorite hobby of attacking Michael. Back in the day, She seemed to have Michael's best interest at heart and she was always the first to express understanding and compassion for him when the media was giving him grief. But since 2009, she has changed, in my opinion. I'm sure she knew how the media does business after they trashed her about the Superbowl incident. So I'd think that she would have been alot more careful when she was talking about Michael in interviews after his death. I can't believe how different she is now.

tricia70;3721444 said:
Agree 100%! Janet has the right to protest this article if it is not true. BUT I don't feel sorry for her one bit. She's shown to be selfish, greedy and indifferent and disloyal to her brother. If I were her, I would have donated that $40,000. Seriously, she never contributed much at all to her mother, and let Michael take most of the burden knowing full well he was in a bad situation. And when his brother passed away she couldn't have shown some kindness and generosity toward his brother? She is worth millions, what is $40,000 for her. And even though she may not have delayed the funeral, like this poster mentioned, she certainly was the first in line to get the money back from the estate. I have no respect for her.

I agree. This is exactly what I think.
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Maybe it's just me but I don't know why Janet or any jackson should be reimbursed for anything. Michael was family and that was his funeral. That's what family do. If it was the other way around Michael would never asked to be paid back. I am not saying I think it's true that janet delayed the burial but I can believe she wanted her money back. She could have said no that's okay. After all the money and help Michael gave to his whole family they couldn't do that for him? It doesn't seem right to me.

spot on but this is the jacksons we are talking about not a normal family.
Agree 100%! Janet has the right to protest this article if it is not true. BUT I don't feel sorry for her one bit. She's shown to be selfish, greedy and indifferent and disloyal to her brother. If I were her, I would have donated that $40,000. Seriously, she never contributed much at all to her mother, and let Michael take most of the burden knowing full well he was in a bad situation. And when his brother passed away she couldn't have shown some kindness and generosity toward his brother? She is worth millions, what is $40,000 for her. And even though she may not have delayed the funeral, like this poster mentioned, she certainly was the first in line to get the money back from the estate. I have no respect for her.

Well said! I honestly know what hell was her talk that she supported her mother and in what way? On estates second accounting, first page it says that the mortgage and utilities on Havenhurst had been unpaid for several months. On page 8, it says "Michael Jackson provided the sole financial support to his minor children and was Mrs Jackson's primary source of support.

On Janet's previous statement
Janet has "provided financial support unconditionally to her mother before and after Michael's death and will continue to do so," her representative states.

Brown says that any implication that Jackson has demanded any payments from the estate, or needs payments from the estate, are "false and outrageous."

"She is a successful artist and very high net worth individual who has never had financial problems. She has no need for any such payments from the estate," Brown states.

If she has money as her pr person states, and if she provided financial support to Katherine, why didn't she pay any bills for Havenhurst? Also if she has that much money, 40 thousand shouldn't be such an issue for her so she really didn't need to put in creditors claim. The amount of money Katherine gets from the estate, Janet still gives money for Katherine?
That is the reason why I do think she is in financial troubles or she is as greedy as rest of them.Once there is talk about her wanting money, she made her pr person to issue a statement that she has no money troubles.
What I walked away with was the impression that Katherine wants her 40% of the Estate now and not distributed via an allowance. I believe the reason she wants a forensic accounting is because she wants to be able to show the courts what her 40% should be. I don't think it will work because it ruins the spirit of the Trust, which was to be for her care and comfort, not to divy up funds for the rest of the family.

It wouldn't surprise me if that is the case, but good luck with her claim.
She ain't going to get her 40% now or later, she will only get the allowance and thats it then.
Reminds me the time when MJ went on tour and he left 1 million to his accountant to give K when she was in need. She went to this accountant and asked him to give the whole million out at once:ermm:

I don't understand why Janet's atty send the letter to VF and not to the author of the book. I think she's itching because she's losing her battle against the estate and people are getting to know how she really is.
I was wondering the same thing, why the attack against VF? When the book is out, there is going to be the whole lots more articles about Janet. She should have issued statement or lawsuit against the source of the story. I cannot accuse VF no more than any other rag magazine. They all work for the same principal, get as juicy story as possible and put it out there.
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If she has money as her pr person states, and if she provided financial support to Katherine, why didn't she pay any bills for Havenhurst? Also if she has that much money, 40 thousand shouldn't be such an issue for her so she really didn't need to put in creditors claim. The amount of money Katherine gets from the estate, Janet still gives money for Katherine?
That is the reason why I do think she is in financial troubles or she is as greedy as rest of them.Once there is talk about her wanting money, she made her pr person to issue a statement that she has no money troubles.

I also believe she has money issues, whether real or imagined. I look at how desperate she appears to be wifed up by Wissam. Why would you sun on a yacht dressed and covered head to toe in black? Look at their photos when they are overseas, she's drapped in black, head covered, and walking a pace behind him. Is she showing what a good Muslim wife she could be? I believe the only reason she was in a relationship with Jermaine Dupri was her desire to have him produce a hit album for her like he did for Mariah Carey and others (that was a fail).

I also believe she has unresolved anger with Michael. She resented that he would to try to shame her into losing weight and made fun of her weight issues. She said he apologized years ago but I'm not sure she really accepted his apology. After his death she said he would cut people out of his life if they strongly opposed him. Maybe she resented being cut off after supporting him through his first CM claim.

It could just be that she simply doesn't want to take care of her brothers and their broods. She knows that anything given to Mother is passed to the cubs.
She certainly has some issues with Michael. She doesn't want to talk about him in talk shows, only in her own terms or if she needs to get their intervention actions out in public:doh:
That is the Jackson's problem with their public reception. They want to give out only their own side, hosts are supposed to take everything they say as true and they are not allowed to ask follow up questions. If they want to be in public, they have to learn by the rules, it is give and take.
She obviously hates that all the talk show hosts want to talk about is Michael and she considered as just a sister of his, not Janet Jacksons the singer. She should understand and be thankful that because of her brother, she got there where she is. There is that cocky attitude in Janet that can be seen in especially clearly in Jermaine and Randy.

Graham Norton said that Janet was his worst interview:
How Janet Jackson became Norton’s worst sofa moment

A new series of The Graham Norton Show starts soon on BBC1 and what better way to launch it than a snazzy lunch with the Londoner. Norton was at Elena’s L’Etoile in Charlotte Street yesterday and was his usual candid self, sharing the details of what he regarded as his worst-ever interview in terms of the demands made by Hollywood’s elite.

“It has to be Janet Jackson,” he said. “At first her people said we could discuss everything, then eventually the demands came in, and they came in, and they came in, and it got worse and worse, until finally they said we couldn’t even discuss Michael Jackson, her brother. He had just died so what went out made me look like an insensitive thug, quite frankly, who couldn’t be bothered even to mention it. Who would do that? Who would have a conversation with someone and not mention it?”
Janet doesn't have money issue IMO.

But you need to understand the incentive for her. If you think the rest of the Jacksons are money oriented and expect to get money / control of Michael's estate when that fails they would be dependent / going after Janet's money. So "his money rather than my money" could be her motivation.

Also Janet seems to be a lot more close / loyal to Randy then she ever was to Michael.

Also I think everyone in the family (perhaps except Katherine) has a some sort of resentment towards Michael. I don't think many of them forgave Michael for leaving the group and focusing on his individual career and distancing himself from them in the later years.
Yeah i agree with everything u say there ivy.she knows if its not mjs money they will come sniffing round her. its self preservation by any means neccessary.her closeness to randy and the resentment. it all ties together
It certainly could be the reason Janet is in this mess that she doesn't want siblings to come after her money, but if it is true, it's just so lame of Janet that it is nearly impossible for me to believe it. Although, she doesn't give money for charity (other than family) so she could be that cheap:D

The latter part in totally believable that they have some sort of resentment towards Michael.
They just have to get over it, Michael was the only unique that came out of that family patch.
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It certainly could be the reason Janet is in this mess that she doesn't want siblings to come after her money, but if it is true, it's just so lame that it is nearly impossible for me to believe it. Although, she doesn't give money for charity (other than family) so she could be that cheap:D

The latter part in totally believable that they have some sort of resentment towards Michael.
They just have to get over it, Michael was the only unique that came out of that family patch.
Well they need to get over their resentment. I am sure Michael felt it or knew it too. Their resentment cost them time with Michael that they can never get back. If they didn't treat him like an ATM machine or commodity I think Michael would have stayed in touch more and not to other families. Janet is letting Randy drag her down to his level and he is dragging the whole family down. More than they already were.
I'm sure that resentment went both ways. As nice as Michael was, he probably didn't appreciate being taken advantage of by his entire family, especially with all of their ungreatful behavior.