Vanity-Fair: MJ`s Family: Inside Their Desperate Attempt to Oust Estate Executors

Why include this fake nose BS when it has nothing to do with the article's content?

^^Several things in there has nothing to do with the title of the article, or we can say the title of the article has nothing to do with several things in the writing. Further, don't forget he has to include all the typical trash that journalists like when talking/writing about Michael, e.g., surgeries which will always include the nose. When you hire surgeons to put on tv programs, show them photos of Michael, and have them go through his face pointing out what was changed, you have some serious obsession with that man. They even did this after he died and before the burial, so this Sullivan is typical.

Elusive you are spot on. We just learned the other day the connection between K attorneys, Mann, & Sullivan, but notice how they turn against each other when there is money to be made. The first one is Sullivan, soon we will see Mann begin to expose them and it will not be a happy sight. We know Katherine does not like people talking ill about her children (except about Michael). I am waiting to see what the siblings will do with this book. The thing is their partners in crime always turn on them and they do not learn. Even Jermaine's partner, Brown, has written some vile things about him. They never learn.
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^^Several things in there has nothing to do with the title of the article, or we can say the title of the article has nothing to do with several things in the writing. Further, don't forget he has to include all the typical trash that journalists like when talking/writing about Michael, e.g., surgeries which will always include the nose. When you hire surgeons to put on tv programs, show them photos of Michael, and have them go through his face pointing out what was changed, you have some serious obsession with that man. They even did this after he died and before the burial, so this Sullivan is typical.

Yeah I know. It was a rhetorical question. This book seems a collection of all tabloid stories through the years. Most of the things on this article I've heard before, so I can't understand why someone would waste money on a book with 700 pages of tabloid stories that can be found on the internet.
From Roger Friedman:

Review: New Michael Jackson Book Misses Great Stuff, Cobbles Together Old News

If Randall Sullivan’s 700 page book about Michael Jackson, called “Untouchable,” had footnotes on its pages it would look like a mathematics printout. So Sullivan instead simply wrote his book, then tacked on a couple hundred pages of ‘chapter notes’ and explanations for how he mixed together thousands of pieces of previously published pieces about Jackson to make them look original. And got most of it wrong.

As it is, this part of “Untouchable” is more interesting than the book. It’s where I found my own name cited at least 87 times in the book--and not always favorably. (He does say some nice things about me, for which I am certainly grateful.) I don’t know Randall Sullivan, I’ve never spoken to him or met him. He’s never tried to contact me. I’m sure I’m not the only person from whom he’s constructed his story. David Jones of the UK’s Daily Mail will find a lot of his work in there.

And 87 times isn’t enough. He’s made it seem like he reported a lot, but it’s just noted at the back, separately. Not credited to me: Michael Jackson’s prosecutors throwing a victory party before the verdict came in. Here’s the original story, which the Drudge Report picked up from me on June 11, 2005 as its top story with a flashing ambulance siren:,2933,159140,00.html

Indeed so much of “Untouchable” comes out of my old stories, reading the book was like re-encountering long lost friends. Sullivan is very odd about the 2005 molestation trial because he wasn’t there. And strangely, he does quote Fox News’s Wendy Murphy, who was a commentator but didn’t report on the trial. I was in Santa Maria, California for months but never met her. But Fox had Trace Gallagher and lots of good people on the ground whom I saw often.

Because he wasn’t at the trial, Sullivan’s missed two of the funniest moments. At one point Janet Arvizo, the crazy mother who accused Michael Jackson of molesting her son, told defense lawyer Tom Mesereau on the stand that she thought Michael was going to kidnap her kids and take them away “in a hot air balloon.” It was one of Mesereau’s more stunning moments. And it’s too bad Sullivan didn’t get it since he lavishes praise on Mesereau for speaking with him. Mesereau’s dazzling performance in that courtroom still has not been adequately portrayed.

This is from my trial notes, and the printed transcript:

Mesereau to Janet Arvizo: Now, you told the sheriffs at one point you thought your family might disappear in a hot air balloon from Neverland, correct?

Witness: I made them aware that they had a variety of ways of getting my children out and that was one of them.

Also, Sullivan, I guess, never actually saw the outtakes that Jackson’s own videographer had of the Martin Bashir interview. Michael, drunk on wine from a Coke can, tells Bashir he wanted to throw a celebrity going away party for Bubbles the Chimp. Lassie wouldn’t be able to attend, Michael said, because he was probably dead. The press saw that video four times in the courtroom, and we even threw our own “Celebrity Animal Party” one night. It was the high point of a long, pointless four months.

More in Part 2, coming up…
Also, Sullivan, I guess, never actually saw the outtakes that Jackson’s own videographer had of the Martin Bashir interview. Michael, drunk on wine from a Coke can, tells Bashir he wanted to throw a celebrity going away party for Bubbles the Chimp. Lassie wouldn’t be able to attend, Michael said, because he was probably dead. The press saw that video four times in the courtroom, and we even threw our own “Celebrity Animal Party” one night. It was the high point of a long, pointless four months.

What video is this? I saw some outtakes from the Bashir interview, but never heard of this one.
U have to laugh when u read rogers rantings. hes such a bitter and jealous old.... talk about the rats fighting amongst themselves. parasites in black and white
Didnt david guest confirm the whole jermaine threatening to pull out unless he was paid more. not surprised the filth at the mail are promoting this they need a new tabloidarelli seeing as he wrote many trashy pieces for
them. i guesd they have to keep
the brainwashing of the masses

Rather strange senario considering sulivan is pally eith mann and saunders yet erites such a surprise he trashes mj but the family aswell. kinda says what saunders and mann really think doesnt it?

Yes, I believe in the DVD the Life of an Icon, someone says Jermaine was being a problem and Michael said if he's a problem, he doesn't have to be in the show. This is a much better way to handle it than cowering in a closet, crying b/c you are afraid to stand up to your parents and siblings. I really hope Michael was not intimidated by his father and family enough to do that. It's clear, however, that there was a kind of co-dependency there, where he had to walk a fine line between independence and a public show of togetherness, while at the same time really wanting their support and probably needing it emotionally, and also having to deal with all the money neediness/entitlement, not to mention the back-stabbing.

Sullivan is certainly milking the granny snatching to the max.
In the Life of an Icon Frank Cascio talks about how Michael was a no-show at the MSG performance and he had to go and get him and he found him drugged-up in the hotel, with Michael saying it was for his back pain, which Frank didn't believe. I read somewhere that Joe Jackson also did a press conference of some kind in NYC that day that upset Michael. Maybe if there is any truth to the Sullivan story about the demands for money from the family in order top appear at MSG, Michael was despondent about that before the show and just was fed up with the whole thing?? When he showed up with E. Taylor at the red carpet I remember his pants were unbuttoned lol.
U have to laugh when u read rogers rantings. hes such a bitter and jealous old.... talk about the rats fighting amongst themselves. parasites in black and white

It is like jackals fighting over the flesh of the dead. The translation of Roger's ranting is "I said this wrong thing first and you took it from my writings." OK Roger let me see you sue him for stealing parts of your publications and stop the ranting!!!!
More bs from Randall Sullivan:

Michael Jackson Fought Mark Wahlberg Over 9/11 Escape Jet

Whoever is more famous, gets the private jet ... so said Sony, when Michael Jackson and Mark Wahlberg came to verbal blows over who could use the record label's ride to escape the aftermath of 9/11 -- and MJ won.

According to a new book called "Untouchable" by Randall Sullivan ... Michael, his kids and several relatives hightailed it to White Plains, NY a few days after the Twin Towers were hit in order to catch a private plane back to L.A.

But according to Sullivan, when M.J. arrived he was confronted by Mark Wahlberg and HIS entourage ... who were also waiting to use Sony's sweet ride.

Sullivan says the duo exchanged verbal blows over who got the plane ... until Sony honchos sent word down that M.J. (as the bigger celeb) was the victor.

Sullivan says Jackson eventually changed his mind at the last minute and wanted to get to L.A. by bus ... so his entourage flew without him. The book claims Jackson then changed his mind again and sent his mother and some relatives on the bus -- and Sony was forced to send a second plane.

The moral of the story is to work for Sony ... they had TWO planes!!!
Oh dear ^^ and what is the point of this great story. So Michael wanted to use the plane and changed his mind, but sent his family ahead. Big Deal. Didn't some fans say that they rode a bus with Michael after 9/11 and he made them use the bus so they could go safely home? I am sure I read a story from a fan about this.
Not true, according to Mark Wahlberg's people.....

it's an amazing story -- Michael Jackson and Mark Wahlberg fighting over a private plane in the days after 9/11. The only problem ... IT'S JUST NOT TRUE ... this according to sources close to Wahlberg.

A new book, entitled "Untouchable," recounts the tale of MJ and MW both jockeying for a Sony private jet. Sony eventually let MJ have it, claims the book.

But sources close to Wahlberg tell TMZ the whole thing is a work of fiction. We're told Mark had no need for a plane from Sony to fly back to Los Angeles because he had his own.

We knew it was too good to be true.
This is getting sillier and sillier. There are people denying Sullivan's stories left and right, but unfortunately Sullivan might get what he wanted all along, his book will be most talked book after release:bugeyed

There are people buying his book because:
They want to believe what he writes is true, tabloid junkies.

They know what he writes is not true, and want to discredit his book.

This is another Ian Halperin in making, soon enough he'll be mentioned in tabloids as MJ biographer:no:

Where is LaToya and Janet? Weren't they suppose to sue him.
Oh dear ^^ and what is the point of this great story. So Michael wanted to use the plane and changed his mind, but sent his family ahead. Big Deal. Didn't some fans say that they rode a bus with Michael after 9/11 and he made them use the bus so they could go safely home? I am sure I read a story from a fan about this.

mj went and stayed with the cascios in new jersey i think frank said or mj stayed in a hotel around that area and he had a tour bus brought down that some fans who had no where to stay stayed on in the car park
That tmz story about wahlberg was just so quickly debunked. I just wonder if the website were tipped off to run it to make randall sullivan's book even more of a laughing stock.

Agree with elusive and petrarose re roger, the sight of some middle aged gutter reporter squabbling with another gutter reporter about who has ownership of some sensationalist tabloid tidbits, is truly pathetic. Do they ever stop and think about their lives and what they achieve? Meanwhile mj's legacy rolls on, making billions, acquiring new fans, getting his message out and just rising above these losers.
I agree about TMZ creating negtive stories and then the next day or same day come out with a rebuttle. I think it's all planned that way. I think Roger is making a fool of himself trying to do one better than Sullivan. He only makes him self look bad trying to compete with that freak over who originally wrote the trash. He also comes off as being jealous. Sullivans book is dangerous to Michael's legacy becuase even fans in here are questioning what is true or not. We cant trust any of it unless we have studied HIStory and or been around long enought to remember the background and sources. Even then we have to pick out the little pieces of truth that may be scattered around the pages. Its best to complelty debunk his whole damn book. IMO.
^ Yes, agree. It's a bit hypocritical to pick out the bits in the book that fit in with your own viewpoints. Everyone who speaks about mj seems to have an agenda, it's up to a writer to work out what that agenda is and take it into account. [ Except tmez of course, he's a little beacon of integrity amidst the dross that surrounded mj in later life.] MJ and fans deserve so much better than such a tired, poorly researched sensationallist book.
Agree. frankly i dont believe or care for anything in that the jacksons i dont need some wackjob to tell me what i have already seen over the last three years and beyond as to how they treated mj. i have no intrest hearing blantent b.s that he has come up with that can be debunked in seconds. i bet tabloidarellie never thought hed have such competition
I agree about TMZ creating negtive stories and then the next day or same day come out with a rebuttle. I think it's all planned that way. I think Roger is making a fool of himself trying to do one better than Sullivan. He only makes him self look bad trying to compete with that freak over who originally wrote the trash. He also comes off as being jealous. Sullivans book is dangerous to Michael's legacy becuase even fans in here are questioning what is true or not. We cant trust any of it unless we have studied HIStory and or been around long enought to remember the background and sources. Even then we have to pick out the little pieces of truth that may be scattered around the pages. Its best to complelty debunk his whole damn book. IMO.
Indeed and it's truly shockin! What are they lookin for? And for how long have they had these doubts, that makes them think a book like this of re-hash garbage will give them the answers? I don't see how MJ will be viewed in a positive light in the general public and in the future if we have to correct so many oh his own fans first? I swear every time it seems like people are understanding the real truth about MJ, something like this comes out and we are back to square one. I guess I was foolin myself! SMH
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Blue I agree with you. It does seem that every time something exciting is happening in the Michael community, somebody or group does something to put a wrinkle or to interject some negativity into the situation. We saw this when the Immortal tour came out, when the positive accounting came out, when the Bad campaign was about to start, and when the Bad campaign actually started.
I am sick of it too and fans should say that's enough. Michael's kids don't need to see or hear about this garbage either.Like I am going to believe a guy who just pulls random crap from the past and put in the book and tries to sell a story. Shame on him and the publishers.