Re: US Presidential Election
Big states are important though. She's shown she can carry the big states. But anyway, as has been said already, both Obama and Clinton are very similar in terms of policy. It comes down to preference, mostly. We aren't going to completely pull out of Iraq, that's not even a possibility I don't think. Eventually, but it will take a lot of time. Obama is as fake as Clinton, don't be fooled. They both say what they think the voters want to hear. I don't see either of them brining any kind of signifigant change to this country. Either being elected will be a step forward in how this country is percieved and how we percieve ourselves, but that is the only real change I see occuring from this. I don't see either candidate creating any kind of revoulution or shift as an individual. Clinton getting in and having the same two families for the last 26 years doesn't bother me, because as I said, I don't see any political candidate actually offering any sort of specific "change", that's such a vague term. Again, either being elected will symbolize a step forward in this country and help to start a shift in persepctive regarding equality, but in terms of what actions either candidate will take, I don't see any change happening, and as politics is so fickle a thing, whatever change that could be made will be temporary, not perminent, as leaders and laws change every few years. The only way to really change things is to change the way people see and think, and that takes more then fancy words and political/policy/legislation shifts, that takes a realization of something better then what we currently are. People don't like to admit that they're wrong, it takes someone who is able to show and make people aware of the truth of things, and politics has never done that.