US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

Re: US Presidential Election

yeah, that'd b a hoot :rolleyes: :giggle: :puke:
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Re: US Presidential Election


I think you can safely say that McCain won't be an improvement on the current situation. The only difference I can see between him and Bush, is that he is a little bit more interested in climate change ... wait let me go back and underline little....

All these promises of quitting the war etc are a bit thin, because the reality is, the US are in there now and they just can't pull out just because a new person is in charge. The effects could end up being like when you pull a plug out of a bath of water.... everything else comes rushing in.

I'm not supporting the war mind you, just pointing out that you just can't back up shop because someone else takes over.
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Re: US Presidential Election

Tonight should be very interesting for Clinton. Its do or die day. :D
If she dosent win and win BIG then Obama is sliding in to the nomination slot :wub:
Re: US Presidential Election

Well, I have read the old Election thread and it was pretty good. I was going to add my two cents but then the thread disappeared.

Well, I was for Obama until a few reasons: Oprah decided that she should be on his side and that just turned me off right there. I know some of you are like, "what... why?" But I cannot stand the woman. I also did not want to support Obama because he really was not helping me figure out what kind of change that he is hoping for and aiming for. I mean, like, "ok, dude, what change do you want?" Also, the things that his former pastor said regarding the victims of 9/11 really pissed me off. I could not believe that Obama would associate himself with that guy.

With Hillary, I was not really focusing on her because I just was not. However, I listened to what she was saying and I liked what she saying. Hillary is focusing on the middle class and that is a good thing.

Since I reside in PA, this is due or forget it for Hillary and I really hope that she wins this state. I was a bit bothered that all over Philly streets (the Center City section) a lot of people were for Obama. I just have this bad feeling about this guy. I do not believe that he is truly for America, I am a bit questionable about what is his actual religion, and his associations with questionable people is really getting to me. I really hope this guy is not the democratic nominee for President. He has zero to little experience and I really do not think he knows what he is doing. I think he is using his rock star like charisma and charm to get people to listen to what he is saying. He is a great speaker, but so is Hillary.

So, I voted for Hillary this morning and I am waiting for the results. Tonight is going to be a very interesting night for PA.

McCain is like Bush but smarter. I really do not want that war loving old geezer to be President. I am very shocked that a lot of these conservative big mouth talkers like Hannity the clown, Rush Limburg the drug chacker and Anne Culter the nutty loser were not McCain supporters. That really shocked me. They felt that he was not "conservative enough". Well, anyone that loves wars like McCain is def. conservative enough.
Re: US Presidential Election

I do not believe that he is truly for America, I am a bit questionable about what is his actual religion, and his associations with questionable people is really getting to me.
i'd say the media is getting to you..
Re: US Presidential Election

screw all of 'em /// let's elect Michael :chichi:
Re: US Presidential Election

screw all of 'em /// let's elect Michael :chichi:

Yeah boooy! You know if some crazy dictator started some sh*t, all Michael would have to do is sing "Heal The World" to em', and they'd fall down, crying like a baby, preaching world peace!

By the way, Hillary won, good for her.
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Re: US Presidential Election

i'd say the media is getting to you..

Concur. The stuff people care about so much is a damn circus. The things they've dug up to discredit Obama, sad that people actually fall for it and let it hinder the good feelings they had about him before.
Re: US Presidential Election

Well I never had good feelings about him, so I can't really say that the media's affected my mind, lol.
Re: US Presidential Election

Obama, Hilary, and Edwards were on the Colbert was like, his best show ever :lol:
Re: US Presidential Election

Hillarys win didnt make much of a difference at all. Shes gonna still have to win about every one of the last few states to beat Obama. Its never gonna happen. Obama and McCain will be the nominees. :wub: :)
I cant wait for those debates!
Re: US Presidential Election

i'd say the media is getting to you..

I was uneasy about him before they started digging up ish about him or the people around his camp.

'Change' 'Change' 'Change' what kind of 'Change' ?? Not all 'Change' is good. His agenda is unclear to me ... and makes me less than comfortable either securing his nomination or voting him into the presidency.

Niether one of them make me feel comfortable on thier own ... However, I cannot imagine them being any worse than the current president.
Re: US Presidential Election

[FONT=verdana,]The Fox News Channel is projecting that Hillary Clinton has defeated Senator Barrack Obama in tonight's Pennsylvania primary election. I guess Keystone state voters didn't smell what the Barrack is cooking.[/FONT]
Re: US Presidential Election

I think what's happening now is that ppl are getting tired of listening to Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama.

As all is said and done it seems for a while already and both campaign camps suffer a loss of ideas and creativity they are now only throwing dirt against the other one and that doesn't make any of them really look nice anymore. Well non of them had the character to resist obviously.

And that's indeed the biggest chance developing and growing for the other big party in the country.

I'm really wondering what will come out there... really... and I am kind of worried, can't deny it.
Re: US Presidential Election

I'm wondering how everyone else feels about this thought since I feel to be the only one that is thinking about it: If Clinton wins the white house, at least until 2012 - if not 2016, there will have only been TWO families in our highest office for over two decades.

Whether we are republican or democrat, we DO want change in the White House, right? I don't know if I can bring myself to vote for Clinton in a general under that circumstance. Especially since hearing Hillary's policy on Universal Healthcare, and then hearing her - similar to McCain's thoughts - on Iran, I can't imagine voting for Hillary come November. The fact that she's a Clinton and that I actually do want change in the White House only makes McCain more of what I guess I'm looking for.
Re: US Presidential Election

mmmm mcain is i white haired bush is that a change ??
Re: US Presidential Election

mmmm mcain is i white haired bush is that a change ??

It's funny how we've all forgotten the Republican primary and how Republicans HATED McCain for not being conservative enough. Are you calling him a "white haired Bush" solely on the fact that he's Republican? Do you really believe that Hillary, or Obama, is just going to magically get ALL of the troops out of Iraq? We haven't even left Japan, and WW2 was more than 60 years ago now, so let's not kid ourselves in thinking that if we elect any random dem in 2008, we'll be out of Iraq by 2012 - just ain't happening.

Speaking of war:
"Whatever stage of development they might be in their nuclear weapons programme in the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them. That's a terrible thing to say, but those people who run Iran need to understand that, because that perhaps will deter them from doing something that would be reckless, foolish and tragic."
No, that's not Bush, or even McCain....that is Hillary. That's your idea of change? At least McCain is honest on his path of war. lol
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Re: US Presidential Election

I would vote for Hilary in a HEART BEAT against mccain if it comes down to it. McCain is a BUSH CLONE.

I hope the media "distractions" (which is ON WATCH :lol: ) don't ruin it for the democratic party. It really has only been the media that has started this tit-for-tat stuff. Neither candidates have been malicious against the other , its just the media that keep bringing up tired ish like the angry black preacher and Hilary's trip to Bosnia...the DEBATE in Philly was testimony to that fact. So it's not really the candidates fault that the democratic party is becoming a sinking ship.
Re: US Presidential Election

Do you really believe that Hillary, or Obama, is just going to magically get ALL of the troops out of Iraq?
I don't believe I said anything close to that ??

McCain is an old, white, male politician. I would rather see a black man or a woman take office, over him.
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Re: US Presidential Election

I don't believe I said anything close to that ??
What are you saying then? I'd like to know how McCain is a white haired Bush.

BTW, race and gender should be should be about what these people are actually saying and doing rather than the "anybody but Bush/Republican" mentality. It didn't work in 2004, and it's not going to work here. At the rate the dems are going, McCain is going to tap dance his way into the white house come November.
Re: US Presidential Election

I think what's happening now is that ppl are getting tired of listening to Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama.

As all is said and done it seems for a while already and both campaign camps suffer a loss of ideas and creativity they are now only throwing dirt against the other one and that doesn't make any of them really look nice anymore. Well non of them had the character to resist obviously.
that's the problem with such people - they look at it so dramatically. this isn't a soap opera - it's not about being 'nice' or what 'feeling' you get about a person. the background, track records, policies and political views of each candidate has already been laid out and we should primarily judge by that. i think with Obama and Clinton in this day and age is quite a step forward - in America that is. certainly with Obama it goes further if he truly cares about eradicating such heavy lobbyist-influence and what not. of course they're not perfect or even ideal, but that's what filtered through from our current society.
Re: US Presidential Election

Barack Obama
Pledged: 1,487
Superdelegates: 232
Total: 1,719

Hillary Clinton
Pledged: 1,331
Superdelegates: 255
Total: 1,586

I have a feeling Obama's going to be just fine... Hilary seems to win only the larger states
and Pennsylvania was the only "big state" in the 9 remaining.
Re: US Presidential Election


It's funny how we've all forgotten the Republican primary and how Republicans HATED McCain for not being conservative enough. Are you calling him a "white haired Bush" solely on the fact that he's Republican? Do you really believe that Hillary, or Obama, is just going to magically get ALL of the troops out of Iraq? We haven't even left Japan, and WW2 was more than 60 years ago now, so let's not kid ourselves in thinking that if we elect any random dem in 2008, we'll be out of Iraq by 2012 - just ain't happening.

That's the nature of the US defence forces though. Once in a place always in a place. The US never fully leave a region, because it makes it too hard to get back in should they need to. This has been like that for many years. They are not at war with the Japanese, and their troops are not seeing action in Japan, they're just stationed there.

As for withdrawl from Iraq, I think it's fairly clear that it's going to be a long drawn out process.... they can promise whatever they like in regards to troop withdrawal, but at the end of the day they'll have to follow a path that doesn't result in their troops being put at risk, or the region falling into utter chaos. (They wouldn't want to be left responsible for that... that would be a big oops).

What are you saying then? I'd like to know how McCain is a white haired Bush.

Cause the only difference in policy between McCain and Bush is that McCain is a little more environmentally pro-active.
Re: US Presidential Election

Big states are important though. She's shown she can carry the big states. But anyway, as has been said already, both Obama and Clinton are very similar in terms of policy. It comes down to preference, mostly. We aren't going to completely pull out of Iraq, that's not even a possibility I don't think. Eventually, but it will take a lot of time. Obama is as fake as Clinton, don't be fooled. They both say what they think the voters want to hear. I don't see either of them brining any kind of signifigant change to this country. Either being elected will be a step forward in how this country is percieved and how we percieve ourselves, but that is the only real change I see occuring from this. I don't see either candidate creating any kind of revoulution or shift as an individual. Clinton getting in and having the same two families for the last 26 years doesn't bother me, because as I said, I don't see any political candidate actually offering any sort of specific "change", that's such a vague term. Again, either being elected will symbolize a step forward in this country and help to start a shift in persepctive regarding equality, but in terms of what actions either candidate will take, I don't see any change happening, and as politics is so fickle a thing, whatever change that could be made will be temporary, not perminent, as leaders and laws change every few years. The only way to really change things is to change the way people see and think, and that takes more then fancy words and political/policy/legislation shifts, that takes a realization of something better then what we currently are. People don't like to admit that they're wrong, it takes someone who is able to show and make people aware of the truth of things, and politics has never done that.
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Re: US Presidential Election

Im in Oz so can someone tell me when is the day we find who is the new President of USA?
Re: US Presidential Election

Ok this is just mine, a little Finnish girl's opinion who know nothing about politics
but IMO it would be nicer if Barack Obama become your new president :):D
Re: US Presidential Election

In the AOL News today: Hilary Clinton raised 10 million dollars in 24 hours...Wow!
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