*UPDATE* True Setlist of This Is It the Movie (*spoilers* plz avoid this thread as much as possible)

I think in terms of an actual show (production, special effects etc) this show would have been head and shoulders above anything he's ever done.

I don't think his performance would have been as great as it was in other tours. In the 80s he was in his prime. He would have been 50 years old doing these shows, obviously his dancing and singing can't rival what he did when he was in his 20s but no doubt about it he would have put on an amazing performance.

agreed. but as you i'm just going to wait and see the film here in a couple more weeks. :)
This Is It would have been the biggest and best show anyone would have ever seen.

But only if the music was good-new fresh arrangements and great vocal performance.

If you talk about the best show-it will only become the best show with best vocal performance and best music(the special effects have nothing to do with it)
If for example the vocal performance isn´t the best ever it cannot become the best show ever.
Everything has to be top notch one weak element destroys everthing.
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First of all - are you ever going to stop going on and on about live singing? Other members have mentioned it too, it's all you ever talk about.

A show does not have to involve live singing to be a good show, infact (unless it's you) the vocal is right down on the list for most people. People going to see Cirque Du Soleil, Riverdance or Champions on Ice aren't looking for someone singing live, they're looking to be entertained. That's what we WANT when we go to see a show. Michael knew this, it's all about pleasing the crowd. Do you think if he just stood still in the middle of an empty stage and sang all his songs live people would want that? Of course not. We want to see Michael Jackson -the singer but most importantly for a concert- the dancer and the entertainer.
First of all - are you ever going to stop going on and on about live singing? Other members have mentioned it too, it's all you ever talk about.

A show does not have to involve live singing to be a good show, infact (unless it's you) the vocal is right down on the list for most people. People going to see Cirque Du Soleil, Riverdance or Champions on Ice aren't looking for someone singing live, they're looking to be entertained. That's what we WANT when we go to see a show. Michael knew this, it's all about pleasing the crowd. Do you think if he just stood still in the middle of an empty stage and sang all his songs live people would want that? Of course not. We want to see Michael Jackson -the singer but most importantly for a concert- the dancer and the entertainer.

Bullshit. THe voice is the most important thing! George Michael will have a new live DVD out before Christmas and people say it will be one of the best concert DVDs ever maybe the best because George Michael sounded so good live. He hadn´t any Special Effects, 100 Background Dancers etc etc. He was just singing like an angel.He sounded absolute amazing.
I went to montreux to see Prince he sounded freaking amazing live. The best concert I´ve ever seen
Real music not a stupid playback show. People are tired of Britney Like playback show-lot´s of effects zero music.
People WANT THE REAL DEAL NOWDAYS- we are all tired off the teeny playback stars like Britney Spears-we want real music again. People went to 21 Prince concerts at the O2 London because they want real music people are tired of the boyband crap!

I´m so glad that the Triumph Tour, Victory Tour, Bad Tour is just about Michaels singing and dancing and not about stupid Special Efects. Can´t wait to see Triumph on DVD.
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People went to 21 Prince concerts at the O2 London because they want real music.

Right..and why do you think Michael sold out 50 concerts at the 02? Selling tickets at a record breaking speed I might add.

You are utterly impossible to have a rational conversation with. You either don't read what people write or you're so absorbed in your own opinions you can't consider the fact you might be wrong about some things.

I'm not disagreeing that people like to see live singers. It would be great if Michael would've sung live, but it's not the be all and end all of everything. Maybe he didn't sing totally live to all of his song but no-one moves like Michael Jackson. No-one creates the same excitment. During the HIStory tour there were 2 thousands faints a night, that had nothing to do with his vocal talent, it was because he was such an incredible performer that passion would just burst out of him onstage so much so that girls in the audience would become so overwhelmed by just being in his presence they would collapse.

Not many performers have that effect on other people. Michael puts on incredible shows. End of story.
Right..and why do you think Michael sold out 50 concerts at the 02?

And?? You really think MJ sold 50 concerts because people paid for Special Effects??

I don´t think so.They paid to hear him sing live and dance!
And?? You really think MJ sold 50 concerts because people paid for Special Effects??

I don´t think so.They paid to hear him sing live and dance!

Of course I'm not talking about special effects!! When we booked tickets we didn't even know if there would be special effects, we booked tickets because we wanted to see Michael Jackson - the PERFORMER. We know Michael, we have seen the Dangerous and HIStory tour, we knew he probably wasn't going to sing live the whole time, we booked to see him because he is an iconic ledgend. We knew he would put on an amazing show because he's an amazing dancer and entertainer.
Of course I'm not talking about special effects!! When we booked tickets we didn't even know if there would be special effects, we booked tickets because we wanted to see Michael Jackson - the PERFORMER. We know Michael, we have seen the Dangerous and HIStory tour, we knew he probably wasn't going to sing live the whole time, we booked to see him because he is an iconic ledgend. We knew he would put on an amazing show because he's an amazing dancer and entertainer.

Ok so you ´re with me. But you forgot one thing. Many MJ fans me included were hoping that the History Tour was a"one of a kind thing" and MJ will sing live again on the This is it concerts.
all i am going to say is : BRAVO to some of you guys - "I won't like this,there is no this song" and "this won't be a good Christmas present" and "Damn it,he didn't sing it live"...

I would be blessed to hear Michael just singing anything, dancing to anything or just see him smiling and talking with excitement that he always had.

Cause it is, cruel as it is, the last thing we will ever get from him, the last footage of him.

Again,congratulations, I am sure Michael is proud of you.
Ok so you ´re with me. But you forgot one thing. Many MJ fans me included were hoping that the History Tour was a"one of a kind thing" and MJ will sing live again on the This is it concerts.

See, I don't agree I think people knew he wouldn't. He hadn't sung live since the early 90s. Plus he aged 12 years or so since he last performed live.

ANYWAY enough of this stupid conversation. I totally agree with dangerous_88, this is the last new footage we are ever going to see of Michael Jackson, I have no idea why some of you are moaning. I'd be more than happy to see him just talk about the show he wanted to put on for 2 hours, but we're lucky enough to actually see footage of some of the amazing work he was creating for his fans. Shouldn't we all be happy with that?
I think anyone who does a lot of dancing would have a hard time singing the whole concert live. Some parts would be live, but during the strenous dance moves, I doubt it.

I love MJ whether or not he sang live. I like the dance moves too.
See, I don't agree I think people knew he wouldn't. He hadn't sung live since the early 90s. Plus he aged 12 years or so since he last performed live.

MJ fans believed in him that he still can do it. I don´t know one MJ fan who gave up hope.It was the media who didn´t believe he could make it again but the fans always believed in Mike!
MJ fans believed in him that he still can do it. I don´t know one MJ fan who gave up hope.It was the media who didn´t believe he could make it again but the fans always believed in Mike!

To be honest it doesn't seem you were believing in him at all. It seems to me that all you've been doing is critizing him for not singing live in every.single.thread. which really sucks because no-one worked harder than MJ on their craft.
A real performers like Mike, James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Prince they don´t need Special Effects-the music speak for itself-but nowdays the music and performance is so weak you need Special Effects to cover it up.
Like in Kung Fu movies. A real master like Bruce Lee didn´t need computer effects -
with effects even the Charlie Angels bimbos can become kung fu fighters it is so lame.


Please, take a fucking break. give yourself a day or two off. this is getting ridiculous. are you a fan of Michael Jackson or not? oh, and, please don't give me that tired old song and dance about being a fan of his MUSIC AND HIS VOICE. your constant comparisons of Mike with the others do not do you any favors. just let it go, please.

see, you are a fan, or you're not. period.

I don't think you are. you really are not. you're not a fan of Michael Jackson. so what the hell are you doing on this board?

oh, and, just in case you plan on keeping on lying to yourself. just read the bolded part above and you'll know the answer.

geez louise! good NIGHT!!
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To be honest it doesn't seem you were believing in him at all. It seems to me that all you've been doing is critizing him for not singing live in every.single.thread. which really sucks because no-one worked harder than MJ on their craft.

exactly,i dont even know why the mods allow his ass to post. i find him quite annoying and half the things that come out of that trap of his is negative and im sick of it.
Special Effects?? I ´m going for a concert to hear great music.I went to Stevie Wonder great-I saw Al Green on a festival great-I would ´ve loved to see Miles Davis live.
Special Effects is bullshit to me. Real great music does not need Special Effects.Leave the Special Effects to Hannah Montana...
I hate Special effects they destroy everything. Today hollywood movies are for the most part shit. Movies never had so less quality as nowdays because of the Special Effects. Where is the good writing and acting etc??

The key bit of your paragraph is when you said 'specials effects is bullshit TO ME'. The majority of us love it.

You go to a Michael Jackson concert you hear great music, you see great dancing and with the exception of the HIStory tour you hear great singing.

The sepcial effects is just a massive bonus that would have added on to all that, and maybe made up for some things he may have been lacking due to age.

Michael Jackson wasnt just a singer, he was an all round entertainer. You get the whole package with Michael, not just singing and dancing.

Arty, are you saying you would rather just see him on a blank stage singing and dancing than have the massive bonus of cool 3D visuals and special effects to go with it?

Come on..............its a HUGE plus.
I am gonna go seriously off topic hear and i am sorry for doing it however i cant take it anymore! Also if i get in trouble for going off topic when ARTY can constantly slag michael off and still be hear then that will just sum it up for me!!

I am looking forward to seeing this film and love the fact that i can come in hear and share this with other fans hell i have no one to do it with at home, however i am starting to hate coming in the this is it threads because off the constent put downs by arty towards michael!!! If you wnna discuss how great prince, james brown or gorge michael are do it somewhere else! We want to talk about the genuis that is Michael and i am sick off having to listen to you compare Michel to other people! No one compares to Michael No one ever will compare to Michael end off! This footage we have is all we have left off this amazing show that would have made most off our lives so please stop with the bitterness towards the way Michael did things! If he wanted to have circus performers swinging above our heads then he can if he wanted to have zombies appear from no where then he should this was Michael Jacksons show he can do it how the hell he wants!!!

You seriously need to stop turning every positve thing about Michael into a negative if i wanna go somewhere to listen to negative crap about michael i can just step outside my front door!!!!!

rant over sorry people
^ I really understand you dear, this is the way I feel too!

After I saw the setlist I am sure this is gonna be the hardest thing I've ever done in my life... My heart will be broken into million of pieces and I will cry rivers! :(
Could you people stop with this playback thing? If you want to discuss it, open new thread. But don't wright about it in every single thread!

Ps: I don't like the playback and I think it's cool that we discuss it. I just don't like to read about it in every thread.

Oh - just another thing:

It seems that This Is It will be at least 50% live. That's fine with me.
Just look at the trailer: "We wanna take 'em places they've never been before, show 'em time they've never seen before..."

These few weeks will see the build up to the biggest new Michael-Mania event (and probably the last :() for the new generation fans and the older fans. I get that you love live music Arty and that's great, I agree it does improve a show without question, but please, if you want to keep talking about it, do that in general discussion, it's really unfair to dampen the excitement here in the This Is It section.
Would you rather see a concert with great special effects but weak music and weak vocal performance or would you like to see a real concert with a great vocal performance and a true artist who can play instruments like Prince but not one Special Effect??

I chose the second concert! And leave the first one to Hannah Montana fans...

But with Michael jackson its not or good singing or special effects. u have both with him.
Hmm! don't care What other person writes whenever they get a chance. I wish him/her all the best. I am going to see TII and I don't want any negative feelings or vibes around me. Hope this person is not in my cinema?
O/T hope this slagger of Michael can perform better than Michael.
You can only critize Michael when you become bigger than him and that is impossible.

Go Figure!!
But with Michael jackson its not or good singing or special effects. u have both with him.

Thats the whole point. I want both! You you say let me quote you " u have both with him"

I don´t have both with him when I watch the History Tour so I hope I´l have both with THis is it.
Thats the whole point. I want both! You you say let me quote you " u have both with him"

I don´t have both with him when I watch the History Tour so I hope I´l have both with THis is it.

Lets hope.
My memory seems to fail me... Could someone please remind me, what's this thread about? Lip-sync? James Brown? Arty?