*UPDATE* True Setlist of This Is It the Movie (*spoilers* plz avoid this thread as much as possible)

So that tracklist is confirmed? No Dirty Diana or Who is it though? :( aw damn...either way. If this is true, it'll take away all my doubts about that this movie was gonna show much performances at all. Cause if this is all true....we'll see a whole full length concert, of course...rehearsal-style but that's pretty good.
The missing lean doesn´t bother me but the thing that smooth criminal is only a playback performance.

Arty, i hate playback too.
But god! You are so annoying with this playback. Please stop talking about it in every thread, it's obvious that many people are annoyed.
You actually expected live Smooth Criminal? It's 2009, not 1988...
You never saw the Dangerous and HIStory tour?
From what I know (believe me its true, mod can ban me if its not), in the movie, the songs appeared in order like this:

1、Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (full performance)
2、Speechless (very very short, if it counts)
3、Jam (full performance)
4、They Don't Really Care About Us (almost full performance) / Drill (short) (green screen) / Bad (short) (green screen)
5、Human Nature (full performance)
6、Smooth Criminal (Dome Project / full performance)
7、The Way You Make Me Feel (Dome Project / full performance)
8、Jackson 5 Medley: I Want You Back, The Love You Save, I'll Be There (almost full performance)
9、Dance and Shout (Very short, mostly dancers danced, MJ joined in the last part)
10、I Just Can't Stop Loving You (full performance, the last part will blow you away)
11、Thriller (full performance/Dome Project) / Threatened (very short)
12、Beat It (full performance)
13、Black or White (full performance)
14、Earth Song (Dome Project / full performance)
15、Billie Jean (full performance)
16、Man in the Mirror (full performance)
17、This Is It (with the credit rolling, followed by Heal The World Dome project, very short clip)

By the way, the new Smooth Criminal video (Dome Project) include the clips from classic films noir below:

Dead Reckoning
In a Lonely Place
Angels With Dirty Faces
The Big Sleep

Michael was in these films' clips. Like Forrest Gump. very funny.

Thanks, I look forward to it!
I saw both concerts Dangerous on TV and History in person.

ANd both times Smooth Criminal was only a playback. So what do you mean?

I think MJJKINGFOREVER just wanted to say , that its almost impossible to sing songs from over 20 yrs ago live .. It will just dont sound that good .. Don't you think ..
But okay , now we know that you dont like playback :cheeky:
Sorry if this has been asked before. Does anyone during which song Michael will use the acrobat in that teardrop thing? Is it WBSS?
MKGenie- how many boxes of tissues would one need?
is it difficult to watch it without breaking down?
thanks for the info..
I feel as if this tour would have beaten the Bad Tour.
We will find out soon enough.

HOw can a 50 year old beat a man in his twentys?? Do you really think MJ with 50 can dance and singer better than a 20-30 year old young MJ??
I think in terms of an actual show (production, special effects etc) this show would have been head and shoulders above anything he's ever done.

I don't think his performance would have been as great as it was in other tours. In the 80s he was in his prime. He would have been 50 years old doing these shows, obviously his dancing and singing can't rival what he did when he was in his 20s but no doubt about it he would have put on an amazing performance.
Age is nothing but a number.
Come on this is Michael Jackson we are talking about.
I'll wait to see the film before commenting anymore about it but if his moves are as slick as they were in the 80s/90s I'll be extremely impressed. Age is just a number you're right but he's been through a lot since then with inguries and lung problems and what not. Mentally you're as young as you want to be but a 50 year old body can't do what a 20 year old body does.

He'll still be a million times better than any performer we'll ever see but just not 80s MJ.
Exactly. I mean I doubt we will see him slamming down on his knees during MITM and stuff like that, but he will still be as captivating as ever.
HOw can a 50 year old beat a man in his twentys?? Do you really think MJ with 50 can dance and singer better than a 20-30 year old young MJ??

HOW? With 20 years of better technology to accompany him on stage. This would have been the greatest musical extravaganza of all time, with all of the special effects and technology he had available to him.
HOw can a 50 year old beat a man in his twentys?? Do you really think MJ with 50 can dance and singer better than a 20-30 year old young MJ??

I THINK "THIS IS IT " WOULD BE MUCH BETTER THAN THE BAD TOUR !Its just , because mike has this laryngitis ..
I mean , had .. :
mkgenie, just want to thank you for sharing with us...I looked at the plots of the movie clips and I won't say much here about except Michael Jackson is a 'smooth criminal'...very excited to see how all of this plays out!!!!!!:timer:
HOW? With 20 years of better technology to accompany him on stage. This would have been the greatest musical extravaganza of all time, with all of the special effects and technology he had available to him.

Special Effects?? I ´m going for a concert to hear great music.I went to Stevie Wonder great-I saw Al Green on a festival great-I would ´ve loved to see Miles Davis live.
Special Effects is bullshit to me. Real great music does not need Special Effects.Leave the Special Effects to Hannah Montana...
I hate Special effects they destroy everything. Today hollywood movies are for the most part shit. Movies never had so less quality as nowdays because of the Special Effects. Where is the good writing and acting etc??
Special Effects?? I ´m going for a concert to hear great music.I went to Stevie Wonder great-I saw Al Green on a festival great-I would ´ve loved to see Miles Davis live.
Special Effects is bullshit to me. Real great music does not need Special Effects.Leave the Special Effects to Hannah Montana...
I hate Special effects they destroy everything. Today hollywood movies are for the most part shit. Movies never had so less quality as nowdays because of the Special Effects. Where is the good writing and acting etc??

Well you obviously don't appreciate Michael for what he really was - a peformer. He was always about putting on the best SHOW possible. This Is It was going to be visualy spectacular, no doubt about it.

You only seem to care about vocal performance so you really would be better off going to see a mens vocal choir or something. Some of us enjoy a truly amazing and exciting show, which is what Michael would have given us.
A real performers like Mike, James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Prince they don´t need Special Effects-the music speak for itself-but nowdays the music and performance is so weak you need Special Effects to cover it up.
Like in Kung Fu movies. A real master like Bruce Lee didn´t need computer effects -
with effects even the Charlie Angels bimbos can become kung fu fighters it is so lame.
Well you obviously don't appreciate Michael for what he really was - a peformer. He was always about putting on the best SHOW possible. This Is It was going to be visualy spectacular, no doubt about it.

You only seem to care about vocal performance so you really would be better off going to see a mens vocal choir or something. Some of us enjoy a truly amazing and exciting show, which is what Michael would have given us.

Would you rather see a concert with great special effects but weak music and weak vocal performance or would you like to see a real concert with a great vocal performance and a true artist who can play instruments like Prince but not one Special Effect??

I chose the second concert! And leave the first one to Hannah Montana fans...
I´m so glad Mike never had Special Effects in his shows.

Where are the Special Effects in the Bad Shows?? Only the magic trick-this is hardly a special effect.

Dangerous Tour- Again one Magic Trick and the Jam jump- again where are the special effects??

History Tour- ??? Where are the Special Effects??

MJ never had Special Effects unlike Madonna etc.
Michael was just moving with the times. He is not Miley Cyrus, he didn't just stand there while all the people working for her decided what the stage and lights and effects would look like. Michael decided what he wanted for his shows, he helped innovate some of the effects. He was an artist. He was using his creativity to create something incredible.

We're not in the 60s anymore, if you can create amazing special effects that take your breath away - why not? The music is just as incredible as it alwas has been and of course can speak for itself, but we've seen him perform these songs before, why not make it a bit different? We all know the music is amazing, why not make the show amazing too? Michael was always trying to out do himself and he did it once again. This Is It would have been the biggest and best show anyone would have ever seen.

I really don't understand you're problem.