*UPDATE* True Setlist of This Is It the Movie (*spoilers* plz avoid this thread as much as possible)

Re: *UPDATE* True Setlist of This Is It the Movie (performances mentioned)

I think some people are being a little rude implying that Mkgenie is lying. So many people have posted information before and have been jumped on and attacked to discover that in fact that the person was telling the truth.
Re: *UPDATE* True Setlist of This Is It the Movie (performances mentioned)

This is very interesting and not something I had thought of before.
Do they often do that? When they do, are the differences usually virtually unnoticeable (unless you already know they are there) so that the pirates don't notice them, or are whole scenes different/missing?
If they could do it so that the pirates didn't even notice them, they could trace copies back to specific cinemas, distributors, retailers, or countries. I heard of one method where they put a coded mark on the print (e.g. several dots in a single frame here and there) to trace pirate copies, but the professional pirates are quite good at finding those and removing the frames!
I doubt pirates would bother to get multiple copies of a film to spot very small differences in the edits, so it could be quite easy to trace a Telesync or Cam back to specific venues. I'm sure many of this type of copy originate from cinema staff. For example, one scene could be a few frames longer on copy A, but on Copy B a different scene is longer. Such differences would be difficult to spot, but I would expect that the classification boards would want to see each version as they note the Number of frames and calculate film length for each film they classify. Any differences need to be reclassified.

What you mention about the dots is true: to ensure that they can track where "cam" or "telesync" release originate each print has a special hidden combination placed in the film. Generally speaking movie audiences don't notice them. I do. And it bothers me. Especially when there's LOTS OF THEM.

That point aside, the idea of actually subtly recutting the film for distribution - to my knowledge has never happened. Certain markets may see edits (due to laws/censorship) but never for "pirate" purposes. Remember, filmmaking is an artform and artists wouldn't allow a studio to tamper with their art (at least they SHOULDN'T).

now for screenings? this is entirely possible. after all lots of companies put out fake mockups of things to throw people for a loop (apple comes to mind). I'm not saying this is is what sony is doing (nor am I saying that this guy is lying). That said, considering the alleged tight security surrounding THE SINGLE it doesn't seem hard to believe that same security would carry over to the film, and this would be one device I PERSONALLY would use to throw people off.

Also, just incase you think I'm nuts: the simpsons wrote several endings to who shot mr. burns, recorded them, and then anmiated two. that way none of the actors knew which version was the real deal, and even the animators weren't sure (and then the producers tried to leak the WRONG ending... but one one would bite haha)
Re: *UPDATE* True Setlist of This Is It the Movie (performances mentioned)

If he is lying he should be banned. Why does Mkgenie never mentioning Who is it??
Did he forget that the song was in the movie even if it was only playing in the background?
no Who is it at all

as far as I can remember
Re: *UPDATE* True Setlist of This Is It the Movie (performances mentioned)

SO did MJ never wore stage costums ? Only smooth criminal and Earth song ?

yes, only smooth criminal and Earth song
Re: *UPDATE* True Setlist of This Is It the Movie (performances mentioned)

by the way, you'd better not to leave your theater when the credit starts to roll

since there is a new song "This Is It", (we've already known)

AND after the credit

its a hidden scene: Michael rehearsed HUMAN NATURE (not the previously one we saw), and a short clip of Dome project of Heal the World.

The movie is dedicated to Prince, Paris and Blanket.

Just stay on your seats.
Sorry for so many questions mkgenie, I know you must be annoyed. Just wanted to know, is there any song that MJ performs all the way through?
here's a question... do u think fans are gonna be disappointed in any way/shape/form?

here's a question... do u think fans are gonna be disappointed in any way/shape/form?


Srry, I'm too tempted to answer this one..OFCOURSE there will be fans that are all of the above. Since when has there been anything relating to MJ in recent years where atleast some fans haven't been dissappointed. Whether its the lack of costumes or lack of full concert experience or whatever is, it's almost impossible to say that fans would be completely happy and satisfied with what's to come. And with that, I leave it to mkgenie to make the final call..lol :D
Re: *UPDATE* True Setlist of This Is It the Movie (performances mentioned)

...considering the alleged tight security surrounding THE SINGLE it doesn't seem hard to believe that same security would carry over to the film, and this would be one device I PERSONALLY would use to throw people off.

Yes, they are doing very well with the single. Only 4 days until it is supposed to be unveiled and so far no leak. for such a high profile song that is amazing IMO.
It will be difficult to protect the film to the same extent because they have to distribute the film to all the cinemas showing it, and although I'm sure they will do that as late as possible, there is still some chance that somebody (e.g. from the courier companies or cinema staff) will leak it. IF it happens, I hope it's only a day or two before release.
to be fair most leaks are done in house as a form of publicity, at least these days. Shotime leaks the first episode of most of their shows to build up interest over the summer. So if it hasn't leaked its likely because Sony doesn't want to.

that said, i am still surprised. then again, if there wasn't much work to be done on it then it probably didn't get passed around much.
From what I know (believe me its true, mod can ban me if its not), in the movie, the songs appeared in order like this:

1、Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (full performance)
2、Speechless (very very short, if it counts)
3、Jam (full performance)
4、They Don't Really Care About Us (almost full performance) / Drill (short) (green screen) / Bad (short) (green screen)
5、Human Nature (full performance)
6、Smooth Criminal (Dome Project / full performance)
7、The Way You Make Me Feel (Dome Project / full performance)
8、Jackson 5 Medley: I Want You Back, The Love You Save, I'll Be There (almost full performance)
9、Dance and Shout (Very short, mostly dancers danced, MJ joined in the last part)
10、I Just Can't Stop Loving You (full performance, the last part will blow you away)
11、Thriller (full performance/Dome Project) / Threatened (very short)
12、Beat It (full performance)
13、Black or White (full performance)
14、Earth Song (Dome Project / full performance)
15、Billie Jean (full performance)
16、Man in the Mirror (full performance)
17、This Is It (with the credit rolling, followed by Heal The World Dome project, very short clip)

By the way, the new Smooth Criminal video (Dome Project) include the clips from classic films noir below:

Dead Reckoning
In a Lonely Place
Angels With Dirty Faces
The Big Sleep

Michael was in these films' clips. Like Forrest Gump. very funny.

Mikey doing my favorite song written by him (Speechless) :love: :cry:

thank you for posting.
MKGenie - I've asked this before, but you never seem to wanna answer...

Is This Is It an actual performance or is it just the song playing over the credits? Please answer.
MKGenie - I've asked this before, but you never seem to wanna answer...

Is This Is It an actual performance or is it just the song playing over the credits? Please answer.

the song playing over the credits
Re: *UPDATE* True Setlist of This Is It the Movie (performances mentioned)

yes, only smooth criminal and Earth song

There is also the Green/gold Shiny Jacket that he wear which is also a stage Jacket made especially for This Is It :p
What part of Speechless does he sing? I know you said it's very short and acapella, so is it just the acapella beginning part or is it a part of the actual song?
no lean? so what replaces the lean ?

don't know but I'm sure(if its true and there is no lean)that they will edit it nicely coz theres a lot of work put into it and a lot of stuff to chose from
try to stay positive I'm sure this movie will turn out awesome :)
MJ would never do a live version of Smooth Criminal with the routine involved... No lean, can't say I'm surprised, it was dodgy at best on stage (lots of vids of it going wrong! :p) so no real point of doing it in rehearsals.

For the people here talking about the security not being as tight as the single; that makes sense. The single WILL lose its millions through the album if its leaked, the movie WON'T! Aside from the amount of prebooked screenings, movie piracy isn't even in the same realm as music "piracy"