Update: Behind the Scenes on Jan 28th 8PM ET OWN Channel / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I'm 100% confident that MJ's kids would NOT be doing any interviews if Michael was still here.

Someone in that family needs to find a way to stand up to Joe and Katherine.

Probably not.. At least until they were older. They may not mind it though. This was something they were raised around, they like movies from what I read so MAYBE being in front of the camera is normal to them. Especially if Paris really wants to be a actress and Prince a behind the scenes guy.

From the pictures they seemed happy. Of course Oprah was Happy that's a pretty big deal to get a interview with Michael Jackson's children. I agree someone needs to stand up for Katherine!
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

geraldo had a tacky chat show in the early 90's were he attacked mj big time. he only started sucking upto mj during 03-05 to get that interview with him and then when the trial ended and there was no reward for supporting mj ie another interview he started attacking mj again and has to this day.

could you explain in more detail?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

what exactly Oprah did to micahel?
what she said about him?
and how that damaged michael?

I know nothing about this case, please someone tell me.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

what exactly Oprah did to micahel?
what she said about him?
and how that damaged michael?

I know nothing about this case, please someone tell me.

in a nutshell- she thinks he is a pedophile and a drug addict and has been broadcasting (literally) these opinons for about 15 years.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound


from your posts i guessed that she thought he was a pedo and so on,

but i have just found this comment on youtube:
"I dont forget and will never forget the pain Oprah did to him,
she? made Jackson cry during his trial for God sake this Creature was & is heartless"

and just want to know how exactly she treated him during the trial?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

could you explain in more detail?
not sure what else u want to know. he had a oprah style show in the 90s which was very tabloid attacked mj through out the 93 case.got the interview in 05 b4the trial supported him through that and then after th trial went back to his old ways and the lastthing he did was talk at that universtiy where it called mj a druggie and claimed to know things yet hadnt spoken to him since the interview in 05
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound


from your posts i guessed that she thought he was a pedo and so on,

but i have just found this comment on youtube:
"I dont forget and will never forget the pain Oprah did to him,
she? made Jackson cry during his trial for God sake this Creature was & is heartless"

and just want to know how exactly she treated him during the trial?

she made him cry?? are you sure about that?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

thanks elusive, just wanted to know what he jad said since 05.

I don't know if she made him cry but she was propely laying it on thick on 03-05, loads of shows on molestaion with all her insinuations, had these shows on around jury picking etc.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I don't know, that's why I asked about it.
somebody wrote it on youtube, I don't know if it's right or wrong.
I thought you knew.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Probably not.. At least until they were older. They may not mind it though. This was something they were raised around, they like movies from what I read so MAYBE being in front of the camera is normal to them. Especially if Paris really wants to be a actress and Prince a behind the scenes guy.

From the pictures they seemed happy. Of course Oprah was Happy that's a pretty big deal to get a interview with Michael Jackson's children. I agree someone needs to stand up for Katherine!

Michael barely let the public see his kids' faces. There's no way that he would let them do an interview. When they're adults, it's their choice. But, right now, they're just kids.

Do they have their own management and PR people to help them navigate through the entertainment world and look out for their best interests? I highly doubt it. Do they even understand how valuable their "first interview" is? They should be deciding who the interviewer is, what questions are allowed to be asked, and how much they are getting paid. Marc Schaffel, Katherine, or Joe shouldn't be making these decisions.

If any of these kids want to be in the entertainment business, they need to learn that they need to control their own image and career. Their family shouldn't be using them to score interviews for themselves.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Taj tweeted this an hour ago:

tajjackson3 Taj Jackson
Sorry guys that I haven't been on twitter recently, lot's of behind the scenes drama to straighten out.
1 hour ago

Taj Jackson
tajjackson3 Taj Jackson
Stay tuned guys.. getting to the bottom of a lot of things.
1 hour ago
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I think this interview will be great and am hoping Oprah will vocalize a sincere admission or apology to Katherine on how she turned on Michael and joined the Tabloid Junkie crowd and become a Diane Diamond or Maureen Orth or Lisa Bloom or Gloria Allred in disguise.

She never came close to being as bad as any of them but she knew she had a powerful voice and kept her voice silent on the truth until it was too late. But now she is trying to make it up and Katherine is like her son and is a forgiving person just like him and we each need to reach out and let grudges go to Heal the World!


Well, you are keeping positive thoughts for that to happen, but I particularly, I believe this will not happen.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Is it true Prince,Paris and Katherine tell Oprah some of the songs on "Michael" are fakes?
Well Oprah must be happy that she has now included them in her quest to destroy Michael. I am so upset I am shaking!! Why doesn't somebody stand up for Michael??? Even in death it appears he will not get support from his family. Heartbreaking...
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Is it true Prince,Paris and Katherine tell Oprah some of the songs on "Michael" are fakes?
Well Oprah must be happy that she has now included them in her quest to destroy Michael. I am so upset I am shaking!! Why doesn't somebody stand up for Michael??? Even in death it appears he will not get support from his family. Heartbreaking...

just tabloid crap as per right now.

Can't know for certain until monday. But Jaafar seems to support the album so I don't think he would if Prince didnt
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

How did we get here? :(

How did we get into a reality where Marc Schaffel is allowed to pimp out Michael's children to make money for himself.

I just can't...

^^You are right; the bolded is exactly what they have done to Michael's kids, if the story from Gayle is true. This is serious, and I am waiting for Katherine to speak out and say it is not so. If she does not, then I will believe it. This is such a horrible thing to do that I think that any normal grandmother hearing that someone had suggested she did such a thing, would speak out. Also, Marc cannot pimp out the children if their guardian did not give the OK, so I cannot blame Marc!!!! I am really upset here, since yesterday, and the good news about the album did not eradicate this sadness.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I wouldn't believe the tabloid crap. Jackie on Twitter has said that MJ's new album is 'amazing' and Jaafar has the cover on his Twitter page.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I wouldn't believe the tabloid crap. Jackie on Twitter has said that MJ's new album is 'amazing' and Jaafar has the cover on his Twitter page.

That's what I'm holding on to as well.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I wouldn't believe the tabloid crap. Jackie on Twitter has said that MJ's new album is 'amazing' and Jaafar has the cover on his Twitter page.

Can you give me a link to Jackie's twitter please? Thanks.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Can you give me a link to Jackie's twitter please? Thanks.


Exact tweet:
JackieJackson5 Jackie Jackson
MJ's new album is INCREDIBLE! RT@bmcgrew:mad:JackieJackson5 just wondering if you've heard michaels new album yet? I CANNOT wait!!
4 Nov Favorite Retweet Reply

Taj also agreed that the album is "incredible".
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

tajjackson3 Taj Jackson

I don't c anybody else trying 2 keep the fans informed. It would b easy 2 walk away & focus just on career (cont) http://tl.gd/6rh9q4

7 hours ago
He said that a few hrs ago! Before he said that Katherine don't know about that remix song! Ouch... he seems mad that we keep asking him questions!? I just read someone accusing him of wanting to destroy the new MJ album...o_O okay? A bit much!

But, it is frustrating that the Jackson Family don't have someone that can just released a statement to clear everything up and taj feels like he is alone in this!?

Their names are all over the place with different stories! So they need to released something that's why we are bugging them! Especially, when the children are getting drag into the mess!

Jackie is the only one pretty clear about the album though! But, My guess is that some don't like that maybe some songs willl be mixed together to make it out to be a new song? Or they don't like that demos will be turned into news songs cause for then that ain't real? Cause Taj said "our" position on some songs haven't changed! So they cool with the real songs but, not the ones that have been made to look real!?

Oh whatever.....I'm wrecking my brain to much trying to figure this out! Pfff! lol SMH
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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

not sure how the jacksons can put a statement out as they all seem to have different opinions depending on what agenda they have. united is one thing they have never been
will you watch the Oprah interview?

Hi guys
Just wondering how many of us will watch the interview tommorrow.
Re: will you watch the Oprah interview?

I'm going to watch it because I'm interested in what Michael's family members have to say.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I will watch it online, but will not watch on TV. Not that I'd know what channel it was on if I wanted to!