Update: Behind the Scenes on Jan 28th 8PM ET OWN Channel / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Will you watch the Oprah interview

  • Yes

    Votes: 87 70.7%
  • No I don't feel right about watching

    Votes: 36 29.3%

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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I'm gonna be crying while watching 2morrow's interview. Like I said before. I hope and pray it's OVERALL positive.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I can only speak about the Nielsen part. Unless you have a Nielsen box connected to your box, you do not contribute to ratings.

http://www.howstuffworks.com/question433.htm This link has more information.

That is my understanding as well, at least in the U.S., and I participated in a Nielsen ratings done by survey on paper, and it was very specific with alot of time involved.

It's jmo from experience, but I do think there may be a misunderstanding of just how "numbers" are obtained. It's more than just turning on your TV and watching the show when it is originally aired. Moreso, it's "hits", etc., collected from sites such as YouTube, etal.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

From an excerpt on Inside Edition:

Oprah: Had you ever spoken to him about his addiction?

Katherine: I spoke to him about them once. I was telling him I didn't want to hear one day he had overdosed because it would break my heart. It would kill me too. But he kept saying he wasn't on anything. He said, 'Mother you don't believe me! My own mother doesn't believe me!'

And sadly, it looks like Michael was right. Everyone (family included) has blindly cast him as a drug addict regardless of the facts and circumstances... Don't let his overall healthy physical condition and lack of any drugs other than sleep medicine get in the way of continuing to spread word that he was a junkie who died of an overdose :(
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Based on the excerpt above I've decided I'm not going to watch it. I've had it with the drug talk. They should be talking about his legacy and the good things that he did.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Based on the excerpt above I've decided I'm not going to watch it. I've had it with the drug talk. They should be talking about his legacy and the good things that he did.

The drug talk has become a huge part of his legacy at this point, unfortunately. I wonder why no one talked about this problem when he was alive.

Everyone will always be asked about the drugs now. I thought by this time people would only be craving more stories about him as a person, an artist, and a father.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

From an excerpt on Inside Edition:

And sadly, it looks like Michael was right. Everyone (family included) has blindly cast him as a drug addict regardless of the facts and circumstances... Don't let his overall healthy physical condition and lack of any drugs other than sleep medicine get in the way of continuing to spread word that he was a junkie who died of an overdose :(

His death is being framed differently from what the coroner announced. The coroner said homocide. At this point, the portrayal has become death as a result of drug addictions.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

This should be(I hope) a very good interview, I will be watching :)
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

From an excerpt on Inside Edition:

And sadly, it looks like Michael was right. Everyone (family included) has blindly cast him as a drug addict regardless of the facts and circumstances... Don't let his overall healthy physical condition and lack of any drugs other than sleep medicine get in the way of continuing to spread word that he was a junkie who died of an overdose :(

It's interesting that everyone blames Oprah for asking these questions but it wouldn't have come up is Oxman and Chopra hadn't been on every show imaginable after Michael's death saying he was a drug addict when we all know that Murray killed him. The family lined up next all in step with the addict talk. We can't blame Oprah for then asking the questions. Now with all the album talk it's interesting no one has mentioned Murrey in awhile.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Agrrr, what a difficult day. there's a song controversy, and after that we will have to deal with the Oprah interview. I hope we will still be sane by the end of this day.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

how many hours untill its on guys?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Agrrr, what a difficult day. there's a song controversy, and after that we will have to deal with the Oprah interview. I hope we will still be sane by the end of this day.

I know right, I pray things won't get worse..
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Hoping and praying none of the family put their put in it.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

sorry if this has already been asnwered but what time will this interview be airing in the UK?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Fed up of having to worry today already. Theres the song and now theres this, whether its guna turn out good for Michael or not, even with it having his own parent and his children in it.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I said a few days ago that this interview "might" backfire. And it's already starting with Mann trying to pull a fast one on the fans.

In my opinion, the only reason Ms. Katherine is doing this interview is to promote her book. The same book that Howard Mann is attached to.

I don't see that many people being interested in this book after what Mann tried to pull over the weekend. Whatever good would have happened regarding the sales of the book, where dampened by Mann.

Ms. Katherine lost before she even started, because of her association with this SHADY CHARACTER, in my opinion.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

When will it come on YouTube?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I am so nervous and it not even about me . I want to watch with my eyes and ears covered peeking through my fingers. Good Luck
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

When does it airs? European time??
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I still can't believe his kids are going to be interview is it that serious to get ratings for a entertainer Oprah never care for it is what it is she makes so many excuses she knows she never care who MJ was now that he is gone everybody who bash him wants to speak out as for his Mother personally i feel she shouldn't have spoke out but she going to address the truth about her son they had a bond nobody will ever understand.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

This is a question I've long had r/t television show ratings.

I live in the U.S. To my knowledge, unless you are involved in a Nielson (sp) ratings survey, there is no accurate counting of viewers watching a television program. Because I turn my TV on and watch a show, who would know what I am watching?

Presumably it's possible to check/gauge the numbers by tracking the number of hits checking her show out on her site/program/designated channel online (ie CBS/NBC/ etc.).

OR by obseving the number of hits/responses/viewers to any You Tube or similar venue, but not by watching the actual show on my television.

I understand not wanting to give her the viewing ratings when the show is actually aired, but in reality, by watching it on You Tube, etc., wouldn't that be a more accurate indication of interest versus just turning the show on and watching it on your own tv when it is aired?

Someone clarifying this with some accurate and confirmed info on this, not just heresay/speculation/assumption, would be appreciated.

I teach an advertising class :) and according to our materials Nielson tracks rating either by paper based surveys or those tracking devices installed in some houses (those tracking devices only record actual live viewing and DVR / Tivo etc recordings that people later watch). Later these results are generalized for America - this is true for all surveys/ratings. every person involved knows that they are participating in the ratings determination.

They also manage Internet ratings (not for unofficially added videos on youtube but for the websites) but I don't think they add those numbers to the TV viewing (as our information didn't mention it) but I can't be sure.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I teach an advertising class :) and according to our materials Nielson tracks rating either by paper based surveys or those tracking devices installed in some houses (those tracking devices only record actual live viewing and DVR / Tivo etc recordings that people later watch). Later these results are generalized for America - this is true for all surveys/ratings. every person involved knows that they are participating in the ratings determination.

They also manage Internet ratings (not for unofficially added videos on youtube but for the websites) but I don't think they add those numbers to the TV viewing (as our information didn't mention it) but I can't be sure.

I hope everyone reads this. If you watch this interview on your tv, it will have NO effect on ratings unless you have a Nielson device on your tv (and you'd have had to sign an agreement about that) or fill out a paper survey.

Not sure about online ratings, but primary is the Nielson automatic tracking device and paper surveys.

In other words, watching or not watching has NO effect on ratings, unless you are officially "counted." Ratings should not be an impediment to watching. We will follow our consciences about that.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

In the first few years after Elvis died, all the media wanted to report about was the drugs. In time though, the frenzied speculation surrounding his death died down, some very good and truthful books about Elvis were released, and the focus is now back on the man and the music. The same thing will happen with Michael. In twenty years, I think the mainstream will have a lot better of idea of Michael as a person.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Katherine should be ashamed of herself..
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I wished I hadn't clicked on the link.

0_0 *tries to remain sane*...
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

His death is being framed differently from what the coroner announced. The coroner said homocide. At this point, the portrayal has become death as a result of drug addictions.
yeap and murrays laughing all the way to court and the jacksons get to make more $ as they give interviews after his aquital with their false tears. and mjs kids end up brainwashed. dont u love a happy ending

hopefully the fake song talk will detract from the car crash that is about to happen